Asylum’s Asian Schoolgirls gets a poster!

Asian Schoolgirls Asylum

We mentioned it when casting first popped up, but Asian School Girls is now far enough along Asylum is releasing media for it. Thus this huge poster! Maybe Asylum will get around to releasing a trailer, what with this coming out in less than two weeks. But who wants to have hype so their film does better, right?

Asian high schoolers Hannah (Sam Aotaki), Vivian (Minnie Scarlet), and May (Catherine Hyein Kim) are kidnapped by a sex slavery ring, but the girls eventually turn the tables on their kidnappers and get revenge. Minnie Scarlet put up some behind the scenes pictures at the not safe for work (NSFW) RebelMayhem –

But beyond that, there isn’t much info out there still! Crazy. Asian School Girls drops April 15th!

Minnie Scarlet not safe for work social media:
Twitter (NSFW) –
Tumblr (NSFW) –
RebelMayhem (NSFW) –

Sam Aotaki social media:

Catherine Hyein Kim social media:

via Asylum

Sharknado will be the latest RiffTrax Live!

Sharknado RiffTrax Live

In case you missed the special announcement today, the latest RiffTrax Life event will be Thursday July 10th, 2014 and feature the magical shark weather movie Sharknado! One of the better (but not the best) SyFy flicks from last year, Sharknado took social media by storm even if it took a few tries to get good ratings. Now you can watch Sharknado on the silver screen with color commentary from the RiffTrax guys, Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy, and Bill Corbett. July will be just in time for Sharknado 2 to be airing on SyFy, so it’s an amazing cross-promotion celebration. So buy your tickets now and crap!

But where is my Ghost Shark RiffTrax????

More info on

The super special announcement video:

Get grabbed by Bermuda Tentacles on SyFy!

Bermuda Tentacles SyFy Asylum

Holy guacamole, SyFy Saturday Creature Features are returning! You might have noticed how we haven’t mentioned a SyFy Original Movie premiere at all in 2014, and that’s not because we’ve just been too darn lazy to write about them. It’s because there hasn’t been any! Until now! April 12th will be the first of the year, with Bermuda Tentacles! Asylum are the people to thank for this masterpiece, starring Linda Hamilton.

When Air Force One goes down over the Bermuda Triangle, the Navy sends its best rescue team. But in saving the President, the team awakens a monster which threatens America’s entire Eastern Seaboard and, ultimately, the world.

A nice return to the monster mayhem. The only image so far of the monster make it look like Doctor Octopus’ tentacles have come alive! I’ll also make the required “Why isn’t this tentacle monster near Japan?” joke that everyone is thinking. Now you have to come up with an all-new joke, buddy! Never fear, Jamie Kennedy will be in the film as well. I’m not sure if he’s the monster or the president or a tentacle, but Kennedy is a master of disguise and will probably play all three roles.

Hopefully this will lead to more SyFy Original Movies airing, or else I’ll be stuck writing about Lifetime Channel (which isn’t that bad…) The ratings for original movies last year were not spectacular (though you could argue moving them to Thursdays also didn’t help!), even Sharknado didn’t get killer ratings until the second of third time it aired, despite huge social media awareness. The solution is to be a Nielsen family and get the ratings for SyFy. Or, find someone who is a Nielsen family, and then eat them to become them, and then watch Bermuda Tentacles. It’s really the same thing, because us average Joes don’t count.

via SyFy

Interview with Ben Demaree, director of Apocalypse Pompeii

TarsTarkas.NET has an interview with Ben Demaree, director of the upcoming Apocalypse Pompeii and crew member on dozens of cult films such as Bigfoot, Jersey Shore Shark Attack, Sharktopus, Dire Wolf, Camel Spiders, Wolf Man vs Piranha Man: Howl of the Piranha, and The People I’ve Slept With.

The plot of Apocalypse Pompeii:

When a former Special Ops commando visits Pompeii on a family vacation, Mt. Vesuvius erupts with massive force, trapping his wife and daughter. While his family fights to survive the deadly onslaught of heat and lava, he enlists his former teammates in a daring operation beneath the ruins of Pompeii.

The DVD includes a gag reel, behind the scenes ‘making of’ featurette, 3 deleted scenes and an audio commentary track recorded with Ben Demaree, Jhey Castles, and Editor Ana Florit.

And now the interview with Ben Demaree:

Q: You’ve had an amazing career working on a lot of output from Asylum, Fred Olen Ray, Jim Wynorski, and other classic sources of B movie entertainment. What tricks have you learned to up the game for the next generation of genre movies?
Ben: I don’t know about ‘tricks’ per se, but I’ve certainly learned a lot about all aspects of movie making from working with everyone you’ve mentioned above, things that apply to all levels of the business.

I’d say that just because a film is low budget doesn’t mean it has to look low budget. The technology that’s available today makes it easier than ever to create dynamic camera moves with complicated actor blocking. And the low light capabilities of today’s cameras have really improved to the point where you can shoot in places and conditions that you couldn’t in the past. So it opens up new opportunities with regards to locations and style. That’s the technical side.

On the artistic side of the craft, I personally also continue to study new and classic movies, as well as classical art, in an effort to expand and enrich my knowledgebase.

The ‘trick’, if you will, is staying open to change, and investing in continued learning.

Q: Landmarks in Pompeii aren’t exactly well known in the US, what challenges were there destroying massive amounts of property while still making it look like important historic buildings are being wiped out?

Ben: It’s a little tricky as people generally seem to think of Pompeii as being just a bunch of stone walls next to a volcano, but it’s much, much more than that. It has buildings, cobblestone roads with pillars everywhere, beautiful (and a bit naughty) fresco’s on the walls, dark places, like the “Garden of the Fugitives”, which has plaster casts of victims as they perished during the pyroclastic flow, and so much more. During filming I had a great production designer, Kess Bonnet, and she would include these details as much as possible. The pillars, the plaster casts of victims, everything she could, to make it more real and identifiable.

Q: Why do you think so many disasters in movies are solved by throwing a nuke
into the middle of the event?

Ben: I’m going to be bold here and say ‘lack of creativity in the writing’. It’s easier to just put in the script “They use a nuke” rather than do the research and come up with some real science alternatives.

Q: Judging from the trailer to Paul W.S. Anderson’s Pompeii, yours should easily be the better film. Do you or Asylum consider the original films the mockbusters are named after, or do you try to be as separate as possible?

Ben: Thank you for the compliment! I think there’s room for both of us in the current market and I truly wish them the best of luck with audiences.

With Apocalypse Pompeii I was hired, and was working for quite some time on it, before I even heard there was another Pompeii film coming out. Being curious I did read the plot description to the other Pompeii movie, but when I saw that their film is set in 79AD when Pompeii was originally destroyed, I knew that our films had nothing to do with one other. The catalyst that is the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius which causes chaos and destruction is really all they have in common, our films are worlds apart. Apocalypse Pompeii is set in modern day and has Adrian Paul playing ex-military man Jeff Pierce, trying to get into Pompeii to rescue his family who is trapped there, played by Jhey Castles and Georgina Beedle. John Rhys-Davies is an old war buddy and does what he can to help Adrian save his family. It really is its own film, and I think it turned out to be quite entertaining.

Q: One of the criticisms of the original Sharknado was that it took too long for the Sharknado to actually show up. For the sequel, will it be nonstop Sharknado action or more buildup to the event?

Ben: This sequel is 10 times crazier than the original and has a ton of ‘Sharknado destroying New York’ type action. It’s basically 90 minutes of run for your life as they battle shark insanity.

Q: Sharknado scored big on internet chatter, but the initial ratings weren’t spectacular (though it did much better on reairings.) SyFy has since reduced the amount of original films it airs (2014 won’t see a new SyFy film until at least April, forcing recent Asylum films like Apocalypse Pompeii to just release through DVD and VOD), do you think the market may be saturated for event films?

Ben: The industry is going through an overall adjustment right now with vod and online viewing, with people’s habits for watching television and movies changing. I’ve seen the difference in my own habits as I will binge watch tv shows online on websites like Hulu, and many of my friends do the same thing. So I think the desire to watch event films is there, I just feel that how and where people watch those films is changing.

Q: What are your five essential films (of any type)?

Ben: Seven Samurai, The Birds, Brazil, Some Like It Hot, and Murder by Death.

Q: If you had unlimited funds and unlimited access to resources, what would be your dream project?
Ben: Hhmmm, tough choice. There are a number of book adaptations I’m iterested in, but a ‘dream project’ – it’d either be filming one of the scripts I’ve written or, now that Disney owns Star Wars, making one of their sure to be upcoming expanded universe films.

Q: Anything else you would like to add?
Ben: Just that I feel very lucky and thankful right now with the opportunity that Apocalypse Pompeii has presented me. It’s allowed me to travel to several countries, direct a fun and dynamic action film, and connect with fans of the genre in new ways. I’m glad to be able to share the film with people and hope they enjoy it. It comes out Feb 18th on DVD, Blu-Ray, iTunes (just announced), and OnDemand. Give it a look. 🙂

We want to thank Ben Demaree for taking the time to respond to our questions. When he’s not shooting films, Ben Demareee can be found on Facebook and Twitter.

Apocalyse Pompeii

Ben Demaree on Location in Pompeii with cast: Jhey Castles, Dylan Vox, and Crew: Luke Rocheleau, Alex Hutchinson

Apocalypse Pompeii – Asylum decides to destroy Pompeii their way!

One of the biggest destruction porn spectacles of 2014 will be Pompeii. And while Pompeii looks like boring garbage, disaster movies play well on the DTV market. Enter Asylum, and their mockbusters Apocalypse Pompeii!

Apocalypse Pompeii (aka Obsidian) might be one of those interesting Asylum films that’s better than the film it is biting off. But the truth won’t be known until next month, as the DVD/BluRay drops February 18th.

The plot:

When a former Special Ops commando visits Pompeii, his wife and daughter are trapped as Mt. Vesuvius erupts with massive force. While his family fights to survive the deadly onslaught of heat and lava, he enlists his former teammates in a daring operation beneath the ruins of the city of Pompeii.

Special forces team vs. Volcano! Adrian Paul stars along with John Rhys-Davies. It’s directed by Ben Demaree, who has done camera/director of photography work on a ton of genre films (Jersey Shore Shark Attack, Bigfoot, something called Wolf Man vs Piranha Man: Howl of the Piranha that I never knew existed and now need to track down), this is his first full length directorial job.

But if you like seeing stuff get blowed up, people get lavaed, and special forces people running around while shouting “Move move move!”, then Apocalypse Pompeii should fill your needs nicely!

Asylum link

Apocalypse Pompeii

Airplane vs Volcano brings the battle we've all been waiting for!

Airplane vs Volcano

Just when you thought disaster movies couldn’t be wacky enough, now they’ve gone to fight mode! Airplane vs. Volcano is not a weird double feature of unrelated films, but instead the new Asylum films where a plane is trapped by a bunch of volcanoes. Because that happens. Don’t laugh, or you will be the one trapped on a plane surrounded by volcanoes!

At least they aren’t surrounded by Sharknadoes!

When a commercial airliner is trapped within a ring of erupting volcanoes, the passengers and crew must find a way to survive – without landing.

Never fear, Dean Cain himself is there to save the day! Also Robin Givens, who is the fiercest volcano battler the world has ever seen! No trailer I could find as of yet, but there is still time!

James and Jon Kondelik wrote and direct. This is their first co-directing film, but both have been involved in numerous Asylum productions from editing to writing to casting.

Airplane vs. Volcano hits DVD/VOD May 27, 2014, and might even see a limited theatrical run on March 28!

Maybe next time Airplane will fight Mecha-Volcano!

Asylum link