Links From the Crypt!

Cryptkeeper Hitchcock

Hello, boils and ghouls! It’s time for another cut of scare-tastic links that have nothing to do with the picture at the top of this post! That’s how we roll at TarsTarkas.NET, so let’s get on with the show!

If you are like me, you got piles and piles of stone cold cash that you don’t know what to do with. Don’t spend that money paying your phone bill, instead donate it some friends in need!

**SA CineD buddy and sometimes TarsTarkas.NET contributor Donald Hallene III has an indiegogo up to fund his school project film Slumber City:

Slumber City is a film. A short film. A Student Film. It is the senior thesis project of Donald Hallene III (aka Me!) and will be the last big chance to show off my creativity and flair before I graduate from film school.

Slumber City follows Nathaniel McKay, a struggling writer who also struggles with bad dreams. As a child, he had terrible dreams, most featuring a dreaded figure he calls Mr. Night. As he grew older, he found ways to supress the dreams, but now they are fighting their way back, and his daughter Molly has started to have them as well.

While spending a weekend with Molly, the two of them are whisked away to a strange place called Slumber City, where all of Nathaniel’s repressed dreams live. Mr. Night has taken Molly, and Nathaniel has until sunrise to get her back. With help from a strange new friend, he must find the clues to free Molly.

Slumber City is a fun fantasy adventure set in a world of nightmares and monsters. The film will be shot in the Summer of 2013, with a public release currently scheduled for October 2013

**And fellow MOSS agent Carol at the Cultural Gutter is going on another round of funding with Gutter-a-go-go Raids Again!

The Cultural Gutter was created in the early years of the new millennium to fulfill a dream–provide quality, clear-eyed writing about disreputable art. Since 2004, we have written about videogames, comics, science fiction, fantasy, genre film, romance and television. And throughout that time, we have maintained a commitment to paying writers for their work.

In summer 2012, like many other arts organizations, we lost our Canada Arts Council operations grant. The legions of mazer tanks surrounded the vulnerable Cultural Gutter. But that fall, friends of the Cultural Gutter rallied to our Gutter-A-Go-Go campaign to help us keep our commitment to paying writers for their work. While we fell short of our goal, we raised enough money to make and send out all our contributor perks and keep The Gutter going until this June.

Now we hope to rise from the ashes as Gutter-A-Go-Go Raids Again!

**What horrors happen when someone edits in a bunch of softcore spots to a Santo film? FourDK takes the plunge with El Vampiro y El Sexo!

**3 Guys step on El Ultimo Elvis‘s blue suede shoes!

**Blueprint: Review deals with a Warrioress!

**Monster Island Resort Podcast #102: Horror, Sexuality, Body Fluids, and Rotting Flesh with Thanatomorphose director Éric Falardeau

**Cinematic Catharsis does battle with The Road Warrior

**Pre-Code wonders if The Constant Woman is really so constant!

**TrashFilmGuru beams into Trekkies!

**The Film Fiend goes for 12 Rounds 2 – Reloaded

**What do you do when you run out of names to call new beetle species? Grab names from the phone book!

**Check out some 3D Latte Art!

**American International Pictures will produce a whole bunch of remakes. This is like the third time they’ve tried something like this. Maybe they’ll actually have a good film this time. Maybe.

**Indian actress Jiah Khan committed suicide recently, her mother has since posted a letter by her that shows some of the abuses of the entertainment industry.

**Jim Patterson: Black Soviet Icon’s Lonely American Sojourn

**Why Do So Many Father-Daughter Movies = Feisty Kid + Bumbling Dad?

**Christina Ricci will play Lizzie Borden in a new Lifetime movie that seems tailor made to enforce the stereotype of what Lifetime movies are about.

**Movies on YouTube

**BBC is getting a Muppet game show!

**Far-Right Extremists Chased Through London by Women Dressed as Badgers

**Japanese science fiction of the 1930s.

**The Gee’s Bend series of dime novel occult detective stories

**“‘We Have Always Fought’: Challenging the ‘Women, Cattle and Slaves’ Narrative” by Kameron Hurley

**Find out about rare diseases meeting efforts to cure them with The Girl Who Turned to Bone

**Weird Wheels cards!!! And let’s not forget the Odd Rods!

**A cool article about Chinese military fantasy novels!

Link Duties Unit vs. Hitler


We’re back again with a bunch of links to stories that I didn’t have time to turn into their own posts and also links to cool reviews from around the web. So let’s get busy!

**The Muppets 2 will be released on March 21st 2014.

**Someone uploaded the complete 166 page screenplay for Django Unchained as a .pdf, if you are curious to see what didn’t make the final cut.

**50 Shades of Grey will be NC-17 according to the film’s writer, Kelly Marcel. This is probably news to everyone else involved with the film, who aren’t about to sink a ton of money into a project that will get an NC-17 rating and kill the box office returns. Or it’s just a publicity stunt. Either way, will not happen.

**Pang Ho-Cheung is following up his hit film Vulgeria by producing a sex comedy called SDU: Sex Duties Unit. He’s also slated to direct Women Who Know How to Flirt Are the Luckiest.
SDU Sex Duties Unit

**The Hebrew Hammer is getting a sequel! In The Hebrew Hammer vs. Hitler, Mordechai Jefferson Carver comes out of retirement and teams up with Jesus to go back in time to fight Hitler. Hell yeah!

**The nephew of George Soros (yes, that George Soros) is named Jeffrey Soros, who leads the board of directors for Los Angeles’s Museum of Contemporary Art and is making his first feature film, Basmati Blues. Basmati Blues will be shot entirely in India and stars Brie Larson (21 Jump Street.) They are currently looking for a male lead who is Indian (which is shocking and awesome at the same time!)

**Ninja Dixon observes Santo and the Vengeance of the Mummy!

**Pulp Curry talking about Night Moves!

**Cinematic Catharsis gets down with Funky Forest: The First Contact!

**Pre-Code takes the Cimarron challenge!

**HBO signs ten year deal with Universal, tells Netflix to shove it!

**Who wants an All Quiet on the Western Front remake/new adaptation starring Daniel Radcliffe? Because that’s what we’re getting.

**I hope you want another Ben-Hur, because that’s what we’re getting. Remember, the Heston version is also a remake/new adaptation.

**Fake but awesome “evidence” of Russian animal experimentation.

Until next time, remember to eat your ice cream!
Uranium Ice Cream

Cookie Monster and Grover riff on Hunger Games, Avengers, and Doctor Who

Grover Cookie Monster

If you haven’t seen this video made by Sesame Street for EW, you need to, as Cookie Monster and Grover riff on some recent blockbuster spectaculars and TV series. They take down Hunger Games, The Avengers, Newsroom, Doctor Who, it’s spectacular. The Muppets rule, Sesame Street rules, Cookie Monster rules, Grover rules, Super Grover rules, and this video rules. It’s an exclusive at EW so I can’t embed it, so click the link and watch!

Cookie Monster – Share It Maybe

Confession: I’ve never heard the original “Call Me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jepsen on the radio, but it’s played on the background on videos my wife watches, so I’m familiar enough with it when it went enormous I wasn’t completely lost. But ignoring all that, the Muppets are awesome, Sesame Street is awesome, Cookie Monster is awesome, and this video is awesome. So that’s a lot of awesome. Watch it, be awesome.

Muppets Hunger Games parody trailer

One more parody trailer to celebrate the DVD release! Finally, something about The Hunger Games that I’m actually interested in…besides popcorn at the movie theater! It will be so satisfying watching children kill each other for food while eating lots of food. Take that, soon to be dead kids in a post-apocalyptic dystopia!

Muppet Hunger Games image via redbubble – you can get it on a shirt!

Muppet Hunger Games

Muppets Sequel a go!

The Muppets will be getting a sequel! But probably without Jason Segel writing, as he has a billion other things at the moment on his plate. But he might be free to appear in the new film. Maybe they can dust off that Greatest Muppet Movie of All Time plot, because that premise is awesome.

To celebrate, check out this video of Scooter giving a TED conference talk. This is the second time this week there has been a movie-related TED video.

via FilmSchoolRejects