Wingnut Web – KKK Teabagging Edition

[adrotate banner=”1″]As we reported earlier, the RED ALERT health care protests that the teabaggers were at today was a hotbed of dumb. From racial slurs to morons protesting against people being healthy, it was bad for all. I am sure that killing the bill required yelling nasty stuff. Oh, wait, it didn’t, these people are frakking insane. A story about the racial slurs was publish, which soon became a FreeRepublic thread.

FreeRepublic is on the scene. Denying everything and claiming it was all plants.
Imagine this like 70 times and you have half of the thread. As for the rest…

“So what” and a call for a “cleansing”. Hmmm…

CNN could never be that clever

We’re gonna be shooting you libs, so ignore our racial quips!

It’s true! Why am I racist over the truth!

That’s not the word they were yelling, moron

zerosix needs some therapy

It’s my right to hang congressmen from my tree

Wah, wah, us whites are so oppressed

He IS a negro! What’s the problem again?

The true purpose was to spew hate without spewing racial slurs, just coded racial slurs…

Let me get you some diapers, nhwingnut

things that didn’t happen.txt

His two sons will be gay liberals.

It could be our own black teabaggers! Either Rick or that other one…

At this point, I’m burning crosses in the lawns of tan people.

Blacks being equal is socialism!!! Also Nazis were for equal rights for all races or something. Basically, Renegade is one of the top 10 dumbest Freepers.

Blacks just got to get used to me calling them dirty n-s!

Renegade’s war against helping people (the Jesus way!) continues

It’s Obama’s fault we’re racist! Wah!

mojitojoe with the DEAL WITH IT!

Remember how none of the Freepers would believe this because there was no video?
A video of one of the racial taunts has appeared online:

Come for the tea parties, stay for the N-word

[adrotate banner=”1″]At the current CODE RED ALERT OBAMACARE HOLOCAUST 2010 PATRIOT CRYBABY March happening now in DC, the teabaggers are staying classy by dropping the n-word at various black Congressmen, the f-word at Barney Frank, and spitting on at least one member of Congress. And that doesn’t count the morons carrying around signs with pictures of guns and threatening violent overthrow of the government. If I have time tonight, I will do a run down of the various crazy over-reactions on FR and Resistnet (which pushes back the fan-fiction, Census freakout, and FoxNation articles…sigh…so much crazy, so little time!)

And since when does John Amato speak internet slang?

Wingnut Web Fan Fiction – Traded to Canada for Gold Edition

[adrotate banner=”1″]Here is some fun conservative fan fiction where Obama is dictator of America. Of course, somehow Obama is responsible for the privatization of the Armed Forces (I think someone else got that ball rolling big time…) and the selling off of various states. Oh, and all farm animals are killed, the government controls everyone by cell phones, and the evil that is solar power grows across the land. And you can’t pray, because that would totally happen as well. This was written by a woman, so it is one of the few conservative fan fiction examples that doesn’t end in violent bloodshed and “real Americans” killing 50 million liberals. But we got examples of that coming up soon if you like the killing and the death and the armchair revolutionaries. But for now, enjoy!


Wingnut Web – Homeland Rebellion: Praise the Lord Edition

[adrotate banner=”1″]NEWSFLASH! is still filled with crazy people! I know, this is shocking news. Well, pick up your jaw from the floor and get to reading the latest Wingnut Web! I barely even looked around and was inundated with conspiracy crap, even crazier conspiracy crap, and completely crazy conspiracy crap. Bonus war against the federal government goodness and even some keen fan fiction that will get its own update later. But until then, let’s bring on the conspiracy crazy train! Toot toot! supports America’s Law Enforcement Officers, but only if they’re gunning down government troops

Tea vs. Coffee. Whoever wins, we lose!

Resistnet is praising Jesus and passing the ammunition…like Jesus did!

We must support the government’s attack on the government!

USA142day barfs out some conspiracy crap here

Then USA142day tops himself and proves Resistnet is just filled to the rim with crazy

No serial numbers? Nice of Mel Frost to support terrorists getting their hands on untraceable guns just so he can live out his Civil War II fantasy (which they will lose again)

Hey, what about the free market? Now you have the government mandating jobs creation…

Ha ha ha!

Oh, wait, people on Resistnet are treating this seriously!

More like, what’s wrong with you, David Mumme?

Excuse me, but I gotta go dump more poison fluoride into drinking water as part of my secret government conspiracy to give everyone Alzheimer’s. Until next time…

Wingnut Web – update!

[adrotate banner=”1″] never fails to disgust. It is their special skill. The echo chamber grows louder and louder, the voices more shrill, and the sane are purged. Only the craziest of the crazy survive. It’s rapid evolution to create the most insane conservatives known to man, whose sheer ignorance will create a singularity and engulf the planet. Welcome to the ride to hell! Let’s check out what has been up to recently!

The first few posts are talking about when Lt. Gov Andre Bauer said “My grandmother was not a highly educated woman, but she told me as a small child to quit feeding stray animals. You know why? Because they breed. You’re facilitating the problem if you give an animal or a person ample food supply. They will reproduce, especially ones that don’t think too much further than that.”

Freepers are unsurprisingly happy

WAIT! I’m poor and on government assistance, but I’M DIFFERENT!!

Tell us how you really feel

How dare you not insult my wife! PC Thug!

More on our friend sergeantdave

sergeantdave ready to lynch everyone who is left than him, which would be 99.44% of the country…

privatedave needs to take his meds

Racist picture captions? In MY

And now a short play: Yehuda freaks out. A play in two acts.

Act I:

Act II:

InspectorSmith is a guy who lied about going to Kenya and produced a fake Obama Birth Certificate that he put on eBay and has been denounced by many other Birthers. Now he is back with more “evidence” (aka trolling for more donations because rent is due)

My lies are so confusing you need spreadsheets…

Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Birthers

two witnesses is the key!

crazy racist mojitojoe is a Birther???

Obama is an American pretending to be a foreigner to con the world! Forget 11 dimensional chess, this is 111 dimensional chess!

The senate hacked my hard drives!

SatinDoll is still convinced of things that don’t exist beings scrubbed from the internet. Nothing can be scrubbed from the internet

The FBI doesn’t investigate because you are frakking crazy

InspectorSmith acts rational and calm, enforcing his argument with a well-reasoned response and with evidence.

An “ethical hacker”. Right….

ALERT! ALERT! Bell Curve thread!


You are a slave to your genes.

Haitians – not human.

Just what is this guy saying…

I am sad that I am racist

I can’t call blacks stupid because of liberals, who are the real racists because they won’t let me be racist!

Wait, am I going to have to defend a Gun Avatar guy?

Dumb, racist, and whatever you do, don’t tell him Egyptians invented beer and Egyptians are black!
f35.jpg….don’t ever change!

Wingnut News Droppings

[adrotate banner=”1″]Plenty of crazy crap has happened since last time I did a roundup, and as reality keeps getting in the way of me writing articles, a summary article will have to do. In fact, SOOOO much Wingnut stuff has gone on there is probably major stuff missing, but we’ll worry about that when the complaint letters come rollingin.

A Louisiana sheriff has gone all loco and formed his own army!

Sheriff Larry Deen of Bossier Parish selected 200 men to form Operation Exodus, his own personal mini-army in case Louisiana is ever conquered by terrorists or something. I guess Wolverines was taken. I’m sure the almost all white Operation Exodus won’t shoot unarmed black people looking for food after another hurricane. Oh, and he says it isn’t a militia. And this isn’t a website, it’s an entertainment magazine.
Watch the old white army train here:

From the state of Indiana we have a bunch of morons trying to secede from the US and declare their own house a sovereign nation and that they are ambassadors and don’t have to pay taxes. This is a great way to get a bunch of fines and jail time! So I support wingnuts doing this, because then they won’t be able to vote!
They are the dudes who are all about the tenth amendment to the point where they don’t bother to read the rest of the Constitution, or even the tenth amendment (which says nothing about going off and forming your own nation, btw)

Tennessee brings us another example of racist emails, with Walt Baker, CEO of the Tennessee Hospitality Association, sending an email to friends and the president of the Nashville Convention and Visitors Bureau, and several journalists. An email with a picture of a chimp and of Michelle Obama comparing how they look with the title “I don’t care who you are, … this is funny.”

Other Tenn emails…
In October, a state trooper sent a “white pride” e-mail to nearly 800 state employees.

Several months before, an aide in the state Senate sent out an e-mail depicting Obama as two cartoonish white eyes peering from a black background.

This happened:

Politico got not terrible for once and posted some leaked RNC fundraiser slides that showed how the Republicans were prepping to use fear to raise money money money. Complete with Joker Obama pictures, Nancy Pelosi as Cruella DeVille, and Harry Reid as Scooby-Doo.

I’m opening my wallet for the RNC right now!