The Cat in the Hat in the Reboot

Time to hide behind the couch again, because The Cat in the Hat is returning to theaters, this time in CGI form! Yes, a reboot of a big bankable creation from Dr. Seuss was inevitable thanks to the fact the Lorax made a bunch of cash despite being a giant slap to the face of the message behind the Lorax. Luckily, The Cat in the Hat has far less lessons to ignore for a bland CGI flick, though there is the ever-present threat that Mike Meyers will return to voice the Cat. That’s assuming I don’t drown him in hairballs first and leave his corpse floating in the Baltic Sea. Uh…not that I would do that, nor set up an elaborate ruse involving a fake film production just to lure him out there.

Expect Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson to voice Thing 1 and Thing 2 in my imaginary awful version, where Thing 1 falls in love with a baby Little Cat Z.


Cat in the Hat