Lady Gaga?? – I am shocked to find stunt casting happening in Machete Kills!

What in the name of Lindsay Lohan is going on? Robert Rodriguez’s Machete Kills is racking up a large number of stunt cast members! The latest announcement is Lady Gaga as La Chameleon, which is Spanish for The Chameleon. Yep, 6 years of Spanish totally paid off! Maybe she works for President Charlie Sheen, or Amber Heard, or Sofía Vergara, or Mel Gibson, or Vanessa Hudgens? All legitimately cast in a non-stunt manner!

Lady Gaga Machete Kills

Life of Pi trailer

The trailer for Ang Lee’s Life of Pi has hit the web. And it looks cool. I read this book years ago, and enjoyed it mostly (though I hated the ending)

Yann Martel’s book is about Pi Patel, the son of a zookeeper whose family is moving to Canada from India. The ship they’re on goes down, and Pi is soon adrift on a lifeboat with a zebra, a hyena, and orangutan, and a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. Then things get weird…

It looks like they’re keeping a lot of the fantastical elements, which is good, because otherwise the film would get really boring. Life of Pi features Suraj Sharma as Pi, Irrfan Khan as older Pi, and Tobey Maguire as Yann Martel. If this does well, there will be 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751 sequels.

Image by Tomer Hanuka.

Life of Pi

8 Years of TarsTarkas.NET

Break out the cake, because TarsTarkas.NET is 8 years old! And we actually got a cake this year:


8 Oreos for 8 years!

Yes, that’s right, we know how to party on TarsTarkas.NET! This cake tasted exceptionally awesome because I’m getting over a cold and my taste buds were returning. Nature may try to stop TarsTarkas.NET, but it cannot be stopped. Nature will just have to get out of the way!

Mr. Bean hits Indonesia for Mr. Bean Kesurupan Depe!

Shockingly enough, this looks like it is either true, or producer KK Dheeraj has been pulling off one of the most elaborate hoaxes ever since March. I first saw the poster pop up on Twitch with their obvious confusion as to what is going on. But Mr Bean Kesurupan Depe (Mr Bean Possessed by Depe) appears to be real. Rowan Atkinson plays a pocong (those ghosts that wear sheets), while Depe (the nickname for actress Dewi Perssik) will be a catwoman-type character. Though Mr. Bean is in the title and the poster shows the Mr. Bean teddy bear, there is no way of knowing if this is an official Mr. Bean film (though I doubt it) or if Atkinson is just playing a Mr. Bean type character who also happens to be a ghost. has been reporting on this since at least March, and has a very tiny photo of the two in costume (both dressed as pocongs) Depe also took tot he streets dressed as Catwoman on a motorcycle with a fake Mr. Bean pocong being dragged behind her. Yes, this actually happened somewhere.

Very little else about this film is available at this time. But we’ll keep you posted, because this is awesome.
Mr Bean Kesurupan Depe
Mr Bean Kesurupan Depe
Depe Catwoman
Mr Bean Kesurupan Depe

UPDATE: This turns out might not be Rowan Atkinson after all! Twitch user soimah has linked to posts on this Indonesian forum showing a picture of a guy dressed up as Mr. Bean that is decidedly NOT Rowan Atkinson. The posts on the forum have a weak argument back and forth as to if it is a hoax, though the general consensus seems to think it is. This means that KK Dheeraj managed to get actual hoax press articles published over months to build up interest in this film. It’s also bad for me, because I now have to apologize. I’m sorry I got anyone’s hopes up that this was real. Maybe there is a miracle and it is, but it’s probably not. It will still be crazy insane, though!

Fake Rowan Atkinson Indonesia


John Carter of $200 Million Lost

Whoops! Guess you should have advertised the film, Disney! Or at least kept it as John Carter OF MARS, dammit! Now we have a shameful $200 million lost and a big probability that there will be no sequel. Which is a shame, because John Carter (of Mars, dammit!) didn’t suck. It wasn’t perfect, but it wasn’t trainwreck bad. Don’t take my word for it, take my word for it!

Disney said “John Carter” has brought in about $184 million in ticket sales worldwide so far. But ticket sales are split roughly in half with theater owners. The movie’s production budget is estimated to be about $250 million with about $100 million more spent on marketing.

The only way to make the money back is to make a sequel and spend $400 million to make it! It’s just crazy enough to work…


John Carter of Mars

We lost $200 million, but Transformers 3 made over a $ Billion??? That's it, we're invading Earth!

Costinha e o King Mong

Costinha e o King Mong is a 1977 Brazilian comedy film that features a gigantic ape running around Rio de Janeiro. The film stars Brazilian comedian Costinha
Costinha made his screen debut in the 1940s, and starred in a whole stack of comedies. By the 1960s he was also on television. He headlined several films that were pop culture parodies, making him sort of a minor Dolphy. His later comedy films were more of the adult comedy nature, featuring lots of naked chicks. That makes Costinha e o King Mong different, because it is relatively family friendly.

King Mong is a sequel to Costinha’s prior 1976 film, Costinha o Rei da Selva (Costinha, King of the Jungle), where he plays a Tarzan-ish character who is captured by leopard men that demand he marry their queen or be sacrificed to King Mong. I think we all know how that turns out, and suddenly King Mong is running around Rio de Janeiro and even climbs the Christ the Redeemer statue. I am unaware of any current way to see Costinha e o King Mong.

Costinha films that sound interesting not featuring naked women (as far as I know):
007 1/2 no Carnaval (007 1/2 at Carnaval) – 1966. Directed and written by Victor Lima, also starring Larry Carr, Costinha, Annik Malvil, Marivalda, and Rossana Ghessa.
Costinha o Rei da Selva (Costinha, King of the Jungle) – 1976. Directed by Alcino Diniz, written by Alcino Diniz and Roberto Silveira, and also starring Júlio César and Betty Saady
Costinha e o King Mong (Costinha and King Mong) – 1977.
O Homem de Seis Milhões de Cruzeiros Contra as Panteras (The Six Million Dollar Man cruises against Panthers) – 1978. Directed and written by Luiz Antônio Piá, also starring Nidia de Paula, Adele Fátima, Sandra Castro, Carvalhinho, and Floro Rodrigues

He also appeared on the Planeta dos Homens (Planet of the Humans) tv series, which was a Planet of the Apes-based sketch comedy show. More info here.

Costinha e o King Mong
Costinha e o King Mong
007 1/2 no Carnaval
O Homem de Seis Milhões de Cruzeiros Contra as Panteras
Costinha o Rei da Selva
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