Mafia Wars – the Facebook game you blocked with Farmville – will now be a movie

Block it now, mother frakker!! This movie will be awesome if trailers for it play constantly during the middle of the Social Network movie until you block the application. Luckily, the few Facebook games I play are probably too obscure to be turned into films. All that is known so far is the logline: “crime thriller based on the popular video game” and Ted Field and Radar Pictures are developing the project. What, was Uwe Boll busy?
Street Wars South 2

This has nothing to do with anything

Facebook the Movie has a cast

As most of the past week’s stories are bookmarked on a laptop that can’t access the internet for a few days, you will get new news before I go back and report on older news that no one cares about anymore because it is a new day and we are all about the now here in American 21st century culture. Set your Facebook statuses to “Buying a ticket!” because the Facebook movie reported a long time ago has now hit the casting phase!
Variety sez:

Jesse Eisenberg will play Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg; Justin Timberlake will play Sean Parker, the Napster co-founder who became Facebook’s founding president; and Andrew Garfield will play Eduardo Saverin, the Facebook co-founder who fell out with Zuckerberg over money.

Justin Timpberlake is Johnny Facebook, the one cop who can stop the serial killer Jimmy MySpace, but the chief just took him off the case…