Ultimate Dog Tease YouTube video becoming a movie

Just when you thought only Sneezing Panda and that annoying bastard Fred would be the only YouTube videos turned into film, Paramount has decided to say “We gotta get on that gravy train!” and has greenlit a film about the video Ultimate Dog Tease. Kids love movies where people are jerks to dogs! Writing will be Alec Berg and David Mandel, who worked on Eurotrip and Seinfeld. The big warning is this will be done by the same division of Paramount that made The Devil Inside, Insurge. Hopefully Ultimate Dog Tease The Movie has an actual ending that doesn’t require going to a website like The Devil Inside. The YouTube video was made by Andrew Grantham (from footage sent to him), and has 93 million views, but will totally have 93 million and 6 views after the massive TarsTarkas.NET readership gets through with it!

Ultimate Dog Tease

via Variety

Ultimate Dog Tease