Wingnut Web – TeamSarah Edition is a Ning-based site filled with starry-eyed Sarah Palin supporters who are convinced she will be the next president. They are also filled with crazies. After an expose in HuffingtonPost about how the site was filled with racist posts (such as ones using the term “Chimp out”) TeamSarah responded by getting into a fight with an internet comedy forum. This culminated when the site founder released a ~25 minute tirade against the forum where he screamed and ranted and blamed George Soros. (the actual recording was 2 hours, but the last 90 minutes were dead silence.) Since then, their site has begun to wither away like Sarah Palin’s popularity once she opened her mouth.

I am sure these are real patriots who will support the American president no matter who he or she is..

Tom takes a break from MySpace to let us in on the LBJ/Commie/Barack conspiracy

An official once defended porn as free speech? He must use it all the time

TeamSarah tries their hand at rapping

Henry’s Mom shows some bravery

Why are these blacks who are not true blacks so obsessed with race?

totally not a racist whitehousehold is still attending college but is also retiring in ten years according to this rant that is 100% accurate

Dan knows a thing or two about parenting

Yes, the people leaving your site in droves are just spreading the word on other sites!

Don’t judge Bristol, but judge that octuplet mom!

Clifton B lives in an alternate reality

How DARE Barack Obama tell the companies getting billions of dollars from us they can’t spend all those billions on executive bonues!

Haha, Chimposter, totally not racist!

That’s enough for now, but there will be more next time. Because there is always more.