Sable Yu IS Snowblade

Snowblade has begun production. You might be surprised to learn this is a Hong Kong film, not a Japanese remake of Lady Snowblood. It totally doesn’t have anything to do with Lady Snowblood, it’s completely different. We promise!

Snowblade is a chick who just has to kill seven enemies before the full moon. Why? Who knows. Something to do with selling her soul and avenging her parent’s murder. You know, the usual stuff. So she has a sword and will be kicking butt. This will be Bey Logan’s directorial debut, and the fourth film from his B&E Productions company (Beach Spike, Little Gobie, and The Blood Bond are the other three). And don’t worry, it will be in English, to make it easier to distribute overseas! Snowblade is played by Sable Yu, with Sabrina Davi, Lawrence Chou, and Calvin Logan also having roles. Rain Li will do the choreography.

Snowblade Poster

The blood-to-soul exchange rate is pretty terrible right now in this economy...


A rare photo of Snowblade wearing clothes

We got a bunch of photos of Sable Yu ganked from her AliveNotDead pages:

Tee-Hee, I have misplaced my clothes!

Okay, seriously guys, where's my clothes?

For the pivotal kicking your own head scene in Snowblade

Sable Yu

Well, now we know what Snowblade does when it isn't snowing...