The Jig is Up – Obama to turn the US over to the UN, says some British guy

And as we all know, British guys are smart, what with their accent and all. This particular British guy even has a title, which impresses moronic wingnuts despite the fact titles are completely stupid and anti-American. But since he’s bashing Obama, they treat him like he’s Ann Coulter kissing Michele Malkin. Lord Christopher Monckton was a science adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, which can’t possibly mean he is biased against progressive policies. In addition to having a weird name, “Lord” Monckton said that a climate change treaty being signed in December will destroy America and make us part of the One World Government. Because of limiting CO2 emissions. Or maybe because this dude is on the payroll of some industry PR firms and he’s drumming up crazy conspiracy resistance to help his bosses not have to spend a small amount of money renovating their plants. No, it must be Obama’s secret USA destroying conspiracy! So America is doomed. Get some popcorn and enjoy our death. Some British guy said so.