Crazy Racist Wingnut Republican Tea Party Power Hour – Part III

Or something. I have lost count. It seems those darn teabaggers and Republicans are always causing trouble. This is some recent events that keep happening when I am trying to work or find high resolution pictures of bees so I can photoshop them so they are eating ice cream:

1 – Confederate History Month x2 – Both Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell and Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour have declared Treason In Defense Of Slavery History Months. I mean, Confederate History Month. So all those Patriotic Americans are flocking to support this celebration of treason. I am sure this is doing wonders for the Republicans trying to look not-racist. And neither governor bothered to mention slavery at all, which is odd, since it was the whole point of the war. The backpedaling then began…

To me it’s a sort of feeling that it’s just a nit. That it is not significant. It’s trying to make a big deal out of something that doesn’t matter for diddly.

Let’s celebrate Sherman’s March by reenacting it each year! You see, our cultural heritage is important and your feelings don’t matter for diddly….

2- Report about tea party shows that many of them seem to think that blacks and latinos are lazy. And the richer you are, the more you think blacks and latinos are lazy!

Approximately 45% of Whites either strongly or somewhat approve of the movement. Of those, only 35% believe Blacks to be hardworking, only 45 % believe Blacks are intelligent, and only 41% think that Blacks are trustworthy. Perceptions of Latinos aren’t much different. While 54% of White Tea Party supporters believe Latinos to be hardworking, only 44% think them intelligent, and even fewer, 42% of Tea Party supporters believe Latinos to be trustworthy. When it comes to gays and lesbians, White Tea Party supporters also hold negative attitudes. Only 36% think gay and lesbian couples should be allowed to adopt children, and just 17% are in favor of same-sex marriage.

For some happy news, the Tea Party is rating less popular than the IRS! (pdf link) – Suck it, teabaggers!

3- New York Teabagger backed Governor candidate Carl Paladino sent racist emails for months before someone bothered to alert anyone. Meaning all his teabagger buddies were perfectly fine with the constant stream of racist crap. And the bestiality! But it is all the Democrats’ fault!
Overview of the email forwards at WNYmedia, with more here and here

Don’t the the Teabaggers tell you that Carl Paladino (who has also fathered a child out of wedlock) isn’t a tea party endorsed candidate, as he was speaking at their rallies as little as April 8th and getting good press on FR!

Wah! Those nasty Dems made me send the Horse Porn!

4- Speaking of racist teabaggers, controversial tweets on the Twitter page of the local Springboro Tea Party have “triggered cancellations by several local and statewide candidates and elected officials”

This tweet:

Sent by a guy with a half-Latino son! The guy is Sonny Thomas, and his ex says: “Basically, it’s like he’s saying he hates his son,” said the mother of Thomas’ son, Alana Turner. Sonny Thomas is a classy guy who just got visitation rights back for said son after losing them for domestic violence shenanigans. Sonny Thomas is also blaming his racism on the Bee Gees! Yes, seriously! –

“As I am a lifetime music lover of all genres, I always have some sort of song that can fit almost any occasion or situation. Coincidently the song “Spicks and Specks” by the Bee Gees had been on my player. I made the reference to the song not stopping to think of the era that it was produced and taken out of context could be offensive to some people.“

Notice the pattern of blame here? It is never their own fault. Party of personal responsibility my butt!

5- Ohio teabaggers have been given their marching orders – don’t be racist! Also, don’t be drunk and don’t throw money at sick people.

6- Oklahoma lawmakers want to set up a Teabagger Militia! I am sure that won’t result in another federal building in Oklahoma with a big smoking hole in it.

7- Victoria Jackson is still crazy

8- In non-racism but just stupid news, the OnlineTaxRevolt is sending out emails begging for money so they can pay to get their April 15th march on TV.

Oh, and remember, all these many, many, many, many incidents are just a few bad apples!

Wingnut Web – Poopie Butt Gavel Banger Edition

Well, despite Resistnet’s best efforts of not moderating their site until TarsTarkas.NET posts offensive material (and then hurriedly deleting it), is still filled with hateful and ignorant comments. Gee, who’d a thunk it? Us, of course! That’s why we’re back with a whole new batch of Resistnet craziness! is the gift that keeps on giving, and unlike the Jelly of the Month Club, I don’t have to buy a bunch of rolls to enjoy it. Resistnet just joined a whole Federation of teabaggers who have teamed up to whine even louder in response to media reports of their racism and spitting at Congresspeople. I guess that makes more sense then actually policing your own members so none of them yell racial slurs or spit at people. Let’s help Resistnet show what they are all about, with their own people spreading the word. The word is Poopie Butt Gavel Banger, by the way.

I think it would take less time to point out the words that aren’t spelled wrong in this post:

Poopie Butt Gavel Banger – the movie!

I support every teabagger arresting every other teabagger like this woman proposes

Those crafty ILLEGALS!!! ::shakes fist:: Now let’s have racist story time!

Calling Obama Buckwheat and Obongo – Accepted Resistnet Posting Policy!

Uh, those aren’t the Marxists who are scamming you! ::Dick Armey sits on a pile of money, RAVEN blames ACORN::

The serious answer is your computer is infected because of all the horse fisting porn you download, and as the only other sites you visit are conservative sites that’s why the warning keeps popping up. The non-serious answer is “Yes, yes we are infecting your computer. Fear us. Fear out INTERNET POWER!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!”

Let’s blame the government for the mine accident and not the owner and his appalling safety violations record, especially since the owner spends all his time donating to conservative causes so safety regulations get even more relaxed!


Act I: Bitter Old Guy is fired for calling his coworker Daniel Wu “Chinky McGook Chink”

Act II: Bitter Old Guy polishes his guns

Act III: Bitter Old Guy falls and breaks his hip while playing militia in the woods and dies of exposure as the county can’t afford a rescue mission due to budget cuts after the latest referendum failed

I’ll just spread this 20% Flat Tax increase rumor I just made up to scare people to vote my way!

And now, this post ticks me off, because you know Maxstake was one of those god damn morons who when Rumsfeld said “You go to war with the army you have” and Cheney and Co. were sending our boys over to die without proper body armor was saying “Hell Yeah! Screw you, Libs! Kill them Muzzies!! Support our President of GET OUT!!!”

james reynolds is the one man who can stop the International Jewish Banker Conspiracy! And LOL at the pharmaceutical conspiracy at the end!

George Soro’s what?

Larry Holland violently rejects acting like a civilized person.

Well, then I am sure you would support military spending cuts, right?

Everyone, welcome icetrout, Resistnet’s newest vocal racist!

Don’t worry, james reynolds, the government you hate so much and want to destroy will be there for you with unemployment, food stamps, rent subsidies, health care reform, and job search assistance. Don’t forget to thank your local Liberal!

Update: Resistnet is still a Birther’s paradise! Let’s celebrate by mocking this post by Paul Blart, Mall Cop

They called you a cook? Does Hell’s Kitchen host Gordon Ramsay know about this?

All this proof – that we don’t have at all and just make up and repeat over and over again – should prove something!

These are responses to a non-Birther member of Resistnet who was mysteriously deleted.

Not a Birther? Then you are a welfare cheat!

It is scary reading these posts with sanity in them! Resistnet Mods, stop hanging out on TarsTarkas.NET and delete the sane posts before our heads explode and our diapers fill!

icetrout is back to yell at disabled woman for not shooting hundreds of innocent Muslims in cold blood.

They’re gonna shoot those guys! We won’t, because we are keyboard warriors. Also, no one there will, either.

LOL, I cut off the heads of Muslims! Which somehow makes us better than Muslims. Uh….

More chatter, more icetrout charm!

ALERT! ALERT! They’re onto us! Pat Chadwell was so concerned about TarsTarkas.NET Blog that he posted this on like five Ning sites.

Liberals put Obama in office because they know he will fail because he is black and that is the plan. Thus, liberals are the real racists.

Gee, Pat, this statements seems awfully racist as well, and just how is it out of context?

Be proud of your racism, soldiers!

My New Black Friend!

This guy seems to have the right attitude, too bad he’s on Resistnet.

Poor people are ROBBING YOU!

Browsing The Drudge Report last night I came across a shocking headline (Drudge’s specialty): “ROB THY NEIGHBOR: HALF OF HOUSEHOLDS PAY NO FED INCOME TAX…”

Shocking! You mean to tell me Mr. Drudge that the 50% of the country that isn’t Black or Hispanic is supporting the other half of the country by paying the entire nations taxes? That’s like, a lot of people and a lot of money. Right? Damn freeloaders.

The link from Drudge led me to this article on Yahoo, an article which details a study by the Tax Policy Center (a joint venture between the Brookings Institute and the Urban Institute) which came to the conclusion:

About 47 percent will pay no federal income taxes at all for 2009. Either their incomes were too low, or they qualified for enough credits, deductions and exemptions to eliminate their liability.

Tax breaks in action! For a family of four with two children under 17 and two parents collectively making $50,000 a year, these families can expect to pay little to no money in federal income tax due to tax breaks, tax credits, and other deductions they will qualify for, being all in the low income tax brackets and such. The Tax Policy Center is a trusty and more or less non-partisan institute and from their findings you can draw one of two conclusions: either this study is demonstrating that government tax relief and tax breaks are working in the favor of those low income individuals they were designed to support or you see that 50% number and you think to yourself “those selfish thieving lazy good-for-nothings are taking all my tax money! Unfair!”

Readers of The Drudge Report were no doubt feeling the latter impression from the study. With our Communist in Chief in the White House it’s no surprise that half of the country is getting welfare rich off the backs of us hard-working tax-paying CEOs and Board of Directors directors! This information, along with what Chuck Norris and Jon Voight have told me, will only further justify me not paying my income taxes this year. Take THAT you shotgun-welding IRS agents!

Like most right-wing hate and anger though, you really need to look at this story and wonder if it’s at all justified, if this SHOCKING headline is anything new or if this result is the product of some other force beyond the Obama administration.

In short, it should come as no surprise that 50% of the country not only qualify as “low-income”, and therefore can receive these tax credits, but also that this large portion of the country doesn’t make enough money to even make a meaningful contribution to the tax system. Even more shocking than 50% of the country reaching a zero-sum with their tax payments is that a RIDICULOUSLY small percentage of the United States holds the vast majority of the wealth in this country, and they’re making more money than ever before!

According to Berkley professor Emmanuel Saez, the top 1% of wealth earners in the United States took home 49.7% of the total income out there in 2007:

“The top 1 percent incomes captured half of the overall economic growth over the period 1993-2007,” Saes writes.

Economic inequality is nothing new in the United States of America, but you’ve gotta wonder here who is robbing whom in this situation? Is Drudge’s headline right in blaming the bottom 50% of Americans, who qualify for federal tax breaks and credits, and accusing them of “robbing” the wealthy earners in society, or is it the top 1% of wealth earners in the United States who are brining home 50% of the total wages out there and are robbing the other 99% of us in this country?

Did you see that? Any argument for a Flat Tax just flew right out the window. Sorry Groover Norquist.

The military's very bad week – Collateral Murder and

Several stories have broken in the past week or two that have painted some bad light on the military. Yes, I said painted bad light, just ignore that the phrase makes no sense and go with it. The three major stories are General McChrystal admitting most of the people shot up at Iraqi checkpoints were unarmed, NATO admitting two US special forces soldiers covered up a civilian murders in Afghanistan, and WikiLeaks releasing video of a 2007 incident in Iraq where a photojournalist was killed by the US military and the incident was covered up.

Now, here at TarsTarkas.NET, we support the troops. We support them by not wanting to send them off to die in pointless wars so some schmuck can play dress-up in a pilot suit with a big codpiece. We support them by wanting to send them into battle properly equipped and not “with the army you have.” We support them by wanting an exit strategy not developed by morons. We support them by not wanting a bunch of accountless mercenaries running around who shoot up civilians and cause problems for our forces. We support them by wanting to give them raises. We support them by wanting their rotations in and out of war zones to be done in a responsible manor. We support them by not wanting funding for head trauma cut. We support them by not using them as props to hide behind while launching bombs about who is the real patriots (the same real patriots who are currently waiting for someone to start Revolutionary War II: Through the Portal of Time.)

So these stories are the results of irresponsible morons being in charge of the military industrial complex for decades who have to answer to no one. Arrogancy and entitlement at their finest, with no consequences for anyone except a few low-level fall guys.

Gen. McChrystal: We’ve Shot ‘An Amazing Number Of People’ Who Were Not Threats

In a stark assessment of shootings of locals by US troops at checkpoints in Afghanistan, Gen. Stanley McChrystal said in little-noticed comments last month that during his time as commander there, “We’ve shot an amazing number of people and killed a number and, to my knowledge, none has proven to have been a real threat to the force.”

The comments came during a virtual town hall with troops in Afghanistan after one asked McChrystal to comment on the “escalation of force” problem. The general responded that, in the nine months he had been in charge, none of the cases in which “we have engaged in an escalation of force incident and hurt someone has it turned out that the vehicle had a suicide bomb or weapons in it.”

In many cases, he added, families were in the vehicles that were fired on.

So a large number of innocent civilians are being fired on by US troops. This can’t possibly have any bad consequences for the troops over there now and future relations with Iraqi people over the next fifty years, so let’s move on to the next incident…

US special forces ‘tried to cover-up’ botched Khataba raid in Afghanistan

US special forces soldiers dug bullets out of their victims’ bodies in the bloody aftermath of a botched night raid, then washed the wounds with alcohol before lying to their superiors about what happened, Afghan investigators have told The Times.

Two pregnant women, a teenage girl, a police officer and his brother were shot on February 12 when US and Afghan special forces stormed their home in Khataba village, outside Gardez in eastern Afghanistan.

NATO military officials had suggested that the women were actually stabbed to death — or had died by some other means — hours before the raid, an explanation that implied that family members or others at the home might have killed them.

This will undoubtedly win the hearts and minds of the Afghans as their current thug in chief threatens to join the Taliban.

A video of the July 12, 2007 killing of Reuters photographer Namir Noor-Eldeen, 22, and driver Saeed Chmagh, 40, was released by WikiLeaks on a site called Collateral Murder. Reuters has been trying to get a copy of this video for years.

An original report on the incident

The original reports tried to cover it all up:

The American military said in a statement late Thursday that 11 people had been killed: nine insurgents and two civilians. According to the statement, American troops were conducting a raid when they were hit by small-arms fire and rocket-propelled grenades. The American troops called in reinforcements and attack helicopters. In the ensuing fight, the statement said, the two Reuters employees and nine insurgents were killed.

“There is no question that coalition forces were clearly engaged in combat operations against a hostile force,” said Lt. Col. Scott Bleichwehl, a spokesman for the multinational forces in Baghdad.

More here

a review session after Lt. Col. Ralph Kauzlarich, commander of the Army’s 2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment and his soldiers returned to base, which “concluded that everyone had acted appropriately.” (Kauzlarich was also involved in the Army’s Pat Tillman cover-up, and later told ESPN that the reluctance of Tillman’s parents to accept the military’s story that he was killed by enemy action, rather than friendly fire, was the unfortunate result of their lack of Christian faith.)

That Kauzlarich is some piece of work…

You can go to the Collateral Murder site and see the video for yourself. I am not embedding it in case you are the one guy who browses here at work and automatically clicks on all YouTube videos before reading what they are about. You know, a guy who is begging to get fired.

The videos are pretty damning that they shot at unarmed civilians.

Now, this is where Wingnut Web comes in! You see, the WikiLeaks story hit! And they reacted pretty darn horribly. As usual!


It is the kids’ fault for being Iraqis in Iraq!

All terrorists walk in groups. If you ever walk in a group, it is the same thing as flying a plane into a building and you deserve to die. Keep this in mind for the next teabagger gathering!

They purposely got their kids shot up in a planned response to an attack happening minutes ago by a guy who just happened to be driving by. Any other reason for what is in the tape is purely propaganda. I have my fingers in my ears LALALALALALALALALA!!!!

I see nothing wrong with this murder, please help me own some dudes on this economic blog!

We got a guy calling journalists terrorists, and a guy who thinks all the US people in the video were undercover terrorists. I see.

He deserved it, because I didn’t like him!

Good kills. What did you reply? I can’t read it because of all this ejaculate on my monitor after watching this hajis get wasted!

It was a good shot! If you are not masturbating furiously to this footage and the thoughts of all Arabs dying you are a traitor to America! (we give props to the lone Freeper who isn’t crazy, probably banned now)

Check out this dumb fuck

NO MERCY! Especially in my MYSTERY VAN! How about a Scooby Snack! It’s Jihad-licious!

That’s great, except these were journalists and civilians.

That camera was totally an rpg! Ung ung ung ung SPLOOOGE!!!
b13.jpg in a single post.

Now that your faith in your fellow man is at its lowest, remember….these guys want to vote their leaders into power next election! Are you going to let those guys win?

Guardians of the Free Republics threaten all governors

Even the half-man, half-machine governors like mine. Who are the Guardians of the Free Republics? Just another bunch of crazy mo-fos who think the US government made deals with Satan and so they formed a committee to become the new government. Is it just that easy (I am sure Susan Herbert thinks so…)

So here is an article detailing the FBI is now investigating these guys:
As of Wednesday, more than 30 governors had received letters saying if they don’t leave office within three days they will be removed, according to an internal intelligence note by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. The note was obtained by The Associated Press.

The FBI expects all 50 governors will eventually receive such letters.

Governors whose offices reported getting the letters included Jennifer Granholm of Michigan, Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, Chet Culver of Iowa, Dave Heineman of Nebraska, Jim Gibbons of Nevada, Brad Henry of Oklahoma, Mike Rounds of South Dakota, Bob McDonnell of Virginia, and Gary Herbert of Utah, where officials stepped up security in response to the letter.

So just who the frak are the Guardians of the Free Republics? Are they like the Guardians of the Galaxy? And if so, do they have a blue guy like the Guardians of the Galaxy do?

Let’s go to the official site of the Guardians of the Free Republics and do some investigative journalism.

Private web site under non-corporate venue.
This seal conveys immunity from public scrutiny, discretion, regulation or trespass.
Trespassers beware.
Co-claimant fee applies to impairment

Uh… Accept!

Okay, we’re in! I hacked that Gibson like a 1337 pro!

On their official site, they have the Restore America Plan! It contains such gems as:

-Terminate illicit corporations posing as legitimate governments, in particular the territorial jurisdiction United States Federal Corporation (corp. ref. 28 U.S.C. 3002) posing as the de jure United States of America.
I’m not sure that’s how that works…

-End the foreclosure nightmare (for borrowing against one’s own credit).
I guess even defense for the free market ends when you can’t pay your housing payments!

-End the perversion of marriage into a commercial system of state-issued privileges through the so-called “marriage license” whereby incorporated “courts” presume the “right” to trespass on families and kidnap children.
Someone got their children taken away from them!

-Reabsorb all de facto actors into lawful de jure capacity
What about reality TV show “actors”?

-Quietly mirror the strategies of 1933 thereby using their (our) institutions, military and public officials to undo eighty years of subterfuge without provoking alarm, controversy or armed conflict.
Oh, let’s do all this in secret, guys! Don’t tell no one!

-Forgive all corporate actors who repent for their State-sponsored crimes against mankind. Remove the recidivists from office.
If you beg on the altar before the Guardians of the Free Republics, you may find mercy. Or get thrown into the Sarlacc!

-Do all of the above, and more, peacefully, discreetly, quietly and honorably, behind the scenes, without public proclamations or provocative actions against a general public that is mostly unaware of the hijacking of their free de jure American republics, and their hapless media.
Seriously, don’t talk about Fight Club!

Why are they doing this? Let’s look at their Rational

For those who are concerned about opening the door to satanic forces, permit me to reassure you. The Guardian Elders deliberated with great sobriety the wisdom of sitting on our hands while the march to World War III continues. We asked ourselves if we could continue, in good conscience, to do nothing while so many of our friends and colleagues are suffering hardship. We asked ourselves if we are enjoined by the Book of Revelation from acting on behalf of freedom and mankind. After much prayer and soul-searching, we concluded unanimously that the need for action was self-evident. We are called to action.

Guardian Elders? World War III? Is this someone’s bad fan-fiction?

We debated how best to accomplish our goals. Could we reasonably expect to restore Biblical law to a devoutly secular population that cherishes television, promiscuity, physical debasement and electronic devices with religious fervor, and that suffers the warped belief that advertisements for personal hygiene products and Viagra in our homes does not debase our children?
If children learn about tampons, the devil wins!!

Could we convey consciousness regarding matters of Law to a society that breaths “Cops” and “Law & Order” and worships the bar associations “legal” system franchise where once the law of the Land reigned supreme?
Hey, you better not mess with Detectives Stabler and Benson!

Eventually we concluded that “agreeing with thine enemy” was the ONLY prayerful way to bring the Lord to the people. The Restore America Plan capitalizes on THEIR belief system as a vehicle for relieving corporate tyranny. In due time, the higher goal of salvaging the souls of mankind can be addressed.
In due time=when we get around to it, we’ll save mankind, but first we’re going to conquer the country and ban tampon commercials!!

We decided that restoring, in principle, the Constitutional institutions through December 19, 1860 was the approach MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED (and that’s the bottom line, failure being unacceptable).
HAHAHAHA! They want to restore Slavery!

Rather, we follow a simple formula:


exactly the same formula used by the original declaration of 1776. That’s what we mean by “understanding who we are.”
Guess who’s back? Back again? Shady’s back. Tell a friend!

Replace corporate government and restore the American republic
… by March 31?

Oops! I guess you’re a bit late there, buddy.

If you are tired of being subjected to a corporation posing as a legitimate government that would arrest you for refusing to pray to corporate courts or give up your land or pay taxes to the Rothschilds or exhibit a state-issued confession of subject-class citizenship, then we invite you to take a moment to read the one page
Rothschilds? I knew we’d hit conspiracy paydirt!

After a year of face-to-face negotiations with high-ranking members of the armed forces of the united States of America, the leaders of the freedom movement have joined together to bring you a four step comprehensive remedy—the Restore America Plan—whereby the military has agreed to follow the orders of the legitimate de jure government upon proper restoration and execution.
Really??? You REALLY met with the military, and they agreed to stop everything and follow YOU? Who is your drug dealer?

The four step Restore America Plan was proposed by high-ranking members of the military who are tired of taking orders from a corporate CEO, and who recognize the People as the last chance to avoid a third world war.
No, wait, now the military met them and proposed to them the new rules!

But have you ever wondered how the bankers were able to replace de jure government around the world in 1933 without a hint of protest?
What religion are these “bankers”?

The Restore America Plan is a war college restoration strategy for regaining control quietly, efficiently and quickly without provoking controversy, ridicule, violence or civil war. In fact, the need for expediency eliminates any thought of making public proclamations. Restoration will occur behind the scenes in a manner designed to get results, not glory. We will NOT utter public statements which make us feel good but provoke ridicule and conflict. We will NOT attempt to re-educate an unconscious population that was raised on corporate slavery.
Being quiet did nothing, so now you got attention! Here comes the ridicule and conflict!

As you will see by the Warrants and Orders, the De jure Grand Juries will work behind the scenes, methodically dismantling the satanic institutions and rituals of 1933 and 1865.
So winning the Civil War and ending slavery=Satanic Pact. Helping poor people with public aid programs=Satanic Pact. Claiming to want to end slavery by restoring actual slavery with an 1860 Constitution=Mission from God. Got it!

To preserve spiritual purity, the Restore America Plan features forgiveness. At its core, it is peaceful and non-violent. Having so ensured our dominion over all the earth, actors who repent their crimes against mankind will be forgiven. With forgiveness as our hallmark, we do not waive our legitimate and necessary right as lawful authority to arrest, try and sentence those incorrigibles who use de facto power to impair de jure authority, or otherwise attempt to hijack the lawful de jure office. And we will use the very public institutions that once prosecuted us to execute those orders as needed.
Kneel before Zod!


The Declaration is a mere one page, and has been written to stand alone among history’s milestones. It is followed by Warrants and Orders of the De jure Grand Juries, each meticulously planned to solve your problems and issues (travel, diplomatic status, foreclosure, taxes, unlawful prosecutions) through cooperation rather than resistance. We are mindful that initiating a financial crisis, violence, or banker’s retaliation could be fatal to the cause. So every step has been debated and crafted with outcome in mind.
I didn’t know you could order all the governors and the military by writing on your blog. Hey, Arnold, buy me some McDonald’s Ice Coffee!


4. Subscribe two original copies of the covenant of office document with your signature and seal (red right thumb print).

5. Affix your signature to five (5) separate signature pages in blue ink only. The authors functioning as Guardian Elders will be compiling these pages into four original documents (and one backup), and certifying the signatures with our own.
Remember– only red ink for thumbs, and blue ink for names…because…1860 Constitution!

Well, I guess we’re boned. These guys did have a meeting, so that means we have to do what they say. Unless we have our own meeting!