Zone Fighter 19 命令『Kスイ星で地球をこわせ』

Zone Fighter Episode 19 – Meirei “K Suisei-de Chikyuu-wo Kowase”

Zone Fighter Episode 19 – Meirei “K Suisei-de Chikyuu-wo Kowase”

aka 命令『Kスイ星で地球をこわせ』 aka Order: Crush the Earth With Comet K! aka Order: “Destroy the Earth with Comet K”
Zone Fighter 19 命令『Kスイ星で地球をこわせ』
Written by Yuji Amamiya
Directed by Ishiro Honda

March of Godzilla 2014

Zone Fighter – an eye-popping good time!

People and webcrawler bots, we have a situation! Zone Fighter is not the mild-mannered defender of Earth we were led to believe. He is in fact a stone cold butcher murderer who surgically severs opponents body parts and then uses their corpse for his own devious means. I know it may come to a shock, that Zone Fighter, who kills almost every opponent he faces, is some sort of monster, but unfortunately the facts bear that conclusion out. Zone Fighter slices and dices poor Gundarguirus, then tosses his dismembered torso at an approaching comet. This unfortunate corpse desecration is a war crime, and Zone Fighter needs to be dragged in front of an international tribunal immediately for his crimes.

As in last time, this is an episode directed by the master Ishiro Honda, but this episode actually feels like an Ishiro Honda episode and not just kiddy fluff. But there is some goofy stuff still, and then things go insane for that violent stuff I mentioned. Basically, Ishiro Honda helped direct Zone into a period of murderous destruction. So, yay? I guess.

Zone Fighter 19 命令『Kスイ星で地球をこわせ』

Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar!

Make sure to drop on by the Zone Fighter Splash Page if you need a refresher of who is who.

When last we left Zone Fighter, he was losing a fight to the very lame Gundarguirus. Zone Fighter is out of energy and collapses like a scrub. Gundarguirus then wanders off instead of killing him, perhaps obeying orders from the Red Garoga, perhaps just being a moron. Who knows? What is important is Gundarguirus did not kill Zone Fighter when he had the chance.

Zone Fighter 19 命令『Kスイ星で地球をこわせ』

Ring toss games are always rigged. You got to play the game where you race horses by squirting water into clown mouths!

Akira and Hotaru take Hikaru to relax a pool side as they splash around in a hotel swimming pool. I guess that’s how you wind down when you’ve just been almost murdered in a monster fight. Hikaru isn’t about relaxing and needs to call his dad for help, while the audience wonders what the whole point of this brief pool section was, unless it was to get Hotaru in a black bikini again. Hopefully it wasn’t to get Akira back into swimming trunks.

Zone Dad and Takeru are concerned about the comet, and Hikaru races off, realizing he still has to go save the world and stuff. Akira and Hotaru take a ride in Smokey to search from the air for Gundarguirus.

Zone Fighter 19 命令『Kスイ星で地球をこわせ』

We’re not wearing pants, over.

A young couple wandering around the mountain stumbles across a crazy witch lady – who happens to be Red Garoga in disguise! Boo to that, I want more crazy witch lady! Red Garoga then plots against Hikaru, whose car he sees driving by. Red Garoga and another normal Garoga use the original Garoga Car to try to blast Hikaru and his Skyline GT, but Hikaru is a good driver who can dodge cannon fire, and during this scene both cars are models (which is probably why they reused the original Garoga Car instead of breaking out one of the later ones!)

Despite getting shot at like 50 times, Hikaru doesn’t turn into Zone Fighter nor turn the Skyline GTinto the MIghty Liner until Akira radios and lets him know that the Garoga are the ones shooting at him. What was he thinking, that he just wandered onto an army munitions test range?
Mighty Liner uses the power to create two duplicates while flying in the air, the Garoga always shooting the wrong ones. So they retreat

Hikaru talks with Professor Tanzawa and tells him all the problems happening. He gets some more PS73 to help lure out Gundarguirus. That suspicious driver who was a Garoga is still working in Tanzawa’s lab, which is weird because shouldn’t he be a suspect in the theft of the explosive PS73 and in jail?

we get a mirror of last time, with Hikaru driving a van with the PS73 sample in it up the mountain, awaiting an ambush, and the van has “PS73” written in huge letters on its side. Which is sort of dumb if any random terrorists or gangster wanted a bunch of free explosives…
Zone ANgel and Zone Junior take Smokey to give air support. Okay, that’s what I thought they were doing, but what they do is just fly up to the place where Hikaru stops on the mountain and then get out and stand with him, waiting for the ambush which does happen, with lots of Garoga swarming out to fight.

Punch. Kick. Zone fight Power. Angel and Junior take the PS73 sample out to lure in Gundarguirus. It works, and it’s monster fight time!

Zone Fighter 19 命令『Kスイ星で地球をこわせ』

Hi, you seemed to have wandered into a Shintoho horror film. Can I help you?

Gundarguirus is spitting flames again and blasts Zone. Which means Zone is running out of power again! YOU IDIOT! Zone Angel and Zone Junior get Smokey and recharge Zone Fighter (eventually, Gundarguirus first blasts them with flames several times.) It’s good the show has acknowledged that just flying in and recharging Zone Fighter should be dangerous. Also it’s weird they went so long without having Zone recharge, but what are you gonna do?

Zone challenges Gundarguirus to a game of ring toss! Get the big ring over the poll three times and you win! Zone sucks at this game, why did he challenge Gundarguirus at something he sucks at? Zone is the dumbest dumb who ever dumbed. Gundarguirus gets one point, and Zone is forced to argue a ring that got stuck on the top of the pole counts over Gundarguirus’ objections. Things don’t seem to be going to plan.

Zone Fighter 19 命令『Kスイ星で地球をこわせ』

Garoga Car, new from Hot Wheels!

Zone decides to hell with it and karate chops Gundarguirus on the face, causing both of his eyes to pop out, and Zone rips them out of their sockets!

This is the best thing to ever happen on Zone Fighter! Zone Fighter made Gundarguirus go all Mantenna! Then ripped out both his eyes!

Don’t argue with zone Fighter over rules! Zone tosses the useless eyes to the ground, then begins clapping to spook and lure in the now blind Gundarguirus.

Zone is not done being a bloodthirsty psychopath, as Zone then shoots off Gundarguirus’ arms with his arrow blasts! You might say he….disarmed him! Ha! I kill me..

You might think Zone couldn’t possibly be more violent, and you’d be wrong. Zone then he uses his meteor guns to blow off Gundarguirus’ head! Zone has gone all ultra-violent crazy! He’s a madman, a MADMAN!!!!!

Zone flies Gundarguirus’ torso into space and tosses it at Comet K, then shoots it so it explodes and the explosion deflects Comet K into a new orbit, saving the Earth.

Never fear, Zone Fighter makes sure to give back the sample of PS73 he borrowed, because returning things you borrowed is what heroes do. And they certainly don’t look over Zone Fighter’s library records to find he’s checked out a whole bunch of books about serial killers. And if you are worried Zone Fighter won’t be disturbingly violent next episode, fear not, because Zone will be very violent once more, as March of Godzilla 2014 continues!

Zone Fighter 19 命令『Kスイ星で地球をこわせ』

I’m seeing triple. Six Mighty Liners!

Rated 4/10 (opening spew, Comet K, Professor, eyeball stalk grip)

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Email us and tell us how much we suck!

Zone Fighter 19 命令『Kスイ星で地球をこわせ』

Those aren’t fangs, they are painted fingernails!

Zone Fighter 19 命令『Kスイ星で地球をこわせ』

Jar Jar Binks cameo

Zone Fighter 19 命令『Kスイ星で地球をこわせ』

What do you mean, you have PTSD after almost being violently killed?

Zone Fighter 19 命令『Kスイ星で地球をこわせ』

Facetime Chat’s very old technology

Zone Fighter 19 命令『Kスイ星で地球をこわせ』

Dodge those badly aimed explosions, Zone!

Zone Fighter 19 命令『Kスイ星で地球をこわせ』

All of this was stolen for The Fifth Element.

Zone Fighter 19 命令『Kスイ星で地球をこわせ』

Toss that microwave on the sacrificial altar.

Zone Fighter 19 命令『Kスイ星で地球をこわせ』

I’ll fight you! Put ’em up, put ’em up!

Zone Fighter 19 命令『Kスイ星で地球をこわせ』

Ate too many Volcano Tacos.

Zone Fighter 19 命令『Kスイ星で地球をこわせ』

Just call me Johnny Storm, because I like to Flame On!

Zone Fighter 19 命令『Kスイ星で地球をこわせ』

I can’t believe these eyes!

Zone Fighter 19 命令『Kスイ星で地球をこわせ』

You lost a glove!

Zone Fighter 19 命令『Kスイ星で地球をこわせ』

It’s like one of those Brazilian steakhouses!

Zone Fighter 19 命令『Kスイ星で地球をこわせ』

That was the best episode of Popeye, ever!

Runs this joint!

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