It Came From Halloween Tumblr

Time for some more gifs I ganked from Tumblr, because that’s some easy content, baby! As usual, we will link to sources if we can, but I won’t link if I have no idea where it came from or if it is something that obviously isn’t from where I found it. Don’t forget to follow Our Exciting Tumblr, which is occasionally even active!

Betty Boop's Halloween Party
via mothgirlwings

McNuggets Halloween Dracula
Everyone loves the McNuggets, now in Dracula form! Gif made from this lovely vintage commercial

Batgirl Yvonne Craig Halloween
Even Batgirl likes Halloween!

Mars Pennsylvania postcard costumes BBC
These are Martian costumes used by the BBC for The Vikings Trip to the Planet Mars in 1976. The photograph was taken in Mars, Pennsylvania, and has made its way into pop cultures in things such as postcards.

Luminous Pain
Everyone likes skeletons!
via spicyhorror

Dee Vee the DVD Monster and more Tumblr fun!

It’s that time again, time to post an article full of images culled from Tumblr complete with comments. As usual, we will link to sources if we can (though I’m not linking to NSFW stuff), but I won’t link if I have no idea where it came from or if it is something that obviously isn’t from where I found it. Fun images are fun, so let’s have fun. Won’t you?

Dee Vee the DVD Monster
I have no idea who Dee Vee the DVD Monster is, but he’s awesome! Can you be as awesome as Dee Vee the DVD Monster? No, you cannot. Don’t even try, it is embarrassing for both of us, and you are upsetting Dee Vee the DVD Monster.

Mr. Rock Bootleg toy
No, that’s not Mr. Spock, it’s his identical cousin Mr. Rock! Mego was a popular toy line, and like all popular toy lines, there are waves and waves of bootleg knockoffs. Mr. Rock here is one of many, he’s from a line produced by Lincoln International, most of the others were various versions of monsters like Frankenstein, Dracula, the Mummy, and a Girl Victim!!! Amazingly, the Girl Victim is a ripoff of an old Aurora model kit from 1971 that elicited a string of protests resulting in the kit being pulled. Then a few years later Lincoln International decides to do it all again! I guess Mr. Rock here can be a hero and save her, assuming he isn’t the evil goateed version of Mr. Rock from the Mirror Universe!

As you can see in this link from the wonderful Plaid Stallions website, Mr. Rock came complete with a ray gun and a pink space communicator, which looks amazingly like a cell phone. Bootleg toys, predicting the future just as well as Star Trek!

Mr. Sweet Potatoes book
Oh, Mr. Sweet Potatoes, what mysteries could you possibly contain? Oh. Well, then! Public domain is the best domain! Also there is a drawing of a chimp in a monocle reading the newspaper for one of the stories (Spoiler: the chimp dies!) via monster-a-go-go

Dancing Mushrooms
Dance dance dance!

Star Trek Sweet Cigarettes
We had a bootleg Mr. Spock, now how about the real deal Mr. Spock hawking candy cigarettes! Those of you who are young might not know that there used to be candy cigarettes that you could buy to pretend that you smoked, only they were basically flavored chalk (they were usually NASTY!) and I never really saw them again after the 1980s. But this is the swinging 70s, 1970 to be exact, and Primrose Confectionery from England is proud to present Star Trek Sweet Cigarettes! How many people do you think died because of these candies?


Godzilla vs Smog Monster soundtrack  hedorah
One of many Godzilla images on Tumblr, this is a copy of the Godzilla vs. Hedorah soundtrack! Back when album art mattered.

Horrible Monsters Vending Machine

If there is one thing I like as much as ridiculous movies, it is ridiculous bootleg toys. So the second bootleg toy series we’ll look at is this cheap vending machine set called Horrible Vending Machine Monsters. As you can see, they featured the classic monster lineup, but also “Godzilla” and “King Kong”. Except you can clearly see that the “Godzilla” toy is just a bigger Creature from the Black Lagoon, and the “King Kong” looks like a big Wolfman. It is entirely possible that there are other molds beside these and there are actual Godzilla and King Kong toys, but who knows? Your new life goal is to travel back to 1960s vending machine America and answer that question some day! So hurry up and post the answers in the comment section!

Be sure to drop by Our Tumblr if you enjoy people who repost things that were reposted. And also updates and random stuff I post from my heard drive of 20 years of collecting random crap on the internet!

It Came From Tumblr!

Tumblr is cool, we got Tumblrs, the only problem is the Tumblr stuff stays on Tumblr and not here on TarsTarkas.NET, where different people are. Well, time to solve that problem by highlighting cool Tumblr stuff here and getting a bigger audience for everyone and everything. And cool free content!

Sometime I’ll have comments, and sometimes things will speak for themselves. As usual, we will link to sources if we can (though I’m not linking to NSFW stuff), but I won’t link if I have no idea where it came from or if it is something that obviously isn’t sourced from where I found it.

So let’s get dangerous!

Fist Faces
This gets up because I actually own this. My grandma had it in a box as it used to belong to my mom and my uncle when they were kids. Lo and behold I and my sister quickly adopted this cool kit once I found it. It now sits in a box with other stuff at my mom’s house, awaiting the day I own a house for it to occupy before my kids discover it.

The kit has some goofy faces and wigs (and a scarf!) that you could make fist faces with. There was also a red pen for making red lips, but that has long since gone bad. And who needs red lips when you got goofy faces? Literally hours of fun.

via Vintage Toy Archive

Skeletor Wants to Feel Bad He-Man Christmas
Too true!

Dogs on the Moon
I have no clue where this image in my Tumblr folder came from, but it rules so here it is!

Dancing Baby Groot
From the best movie about a tree man and a raccoon in 2014!

Disco Grover
Damn, Grover’s got some sweet fashion sense! He’s brought to you by the letters “D” and “F”, for Disco Fever!
via Dollmeat

ET Coors Phone Home Drinking Driving ad
This real ad I remember thanks to looking in old magazines as a child. Now it exists in scanned on the internet form. Only ET can prevent drunk driving, even though he got drunk in the movie ET and almost lead to children fornicating in school. Just try not to think about that, and don’t drink and drive. Or ET will kill you.

Crash ZX Spectrum Zoids are Coming
I admit I have no idea what Martech’s Zoids are, but they do make an awesome magazine cover! Turns out Zoids is a toy line by Tomy, and Martech made a game called Zoids: The Battle Begins. A game that’s now abandonware. The Zoids toy line has a been up and down the past 30 years, and after looking them up I began vaguely remembering them, though I never owned any.
via Space, Gore, and Dinosaurs

Thunder Robot Toy
Thunder Robot, made in Japan. Nice box art, exciting 1950s stuff.
via Fortune Cookie

Ultraman Spectreman Superman Japanese album
Remember when Superman, Spectreman, and Ultraman teamed up to fight all sorts of monsters, and then there was an album? Because apparently that happened and it has cool art!
via kazuyahyoudou

274 Amazing Japanese B-Movie Posters!

The Guardians Japanese Poster

The Guardians

If there is one thing we like, it’s Ziggy comics! Ziggy is awesome. We also like Japanese posters of B-movies like those found on SyFy/SciFi Channel, because those posters are awesome as crap. So TarsTarkas.NET has collected 274 posters for your viewing pleasure, because we take delight in having odd numbers of stuff.

Many of the posters are taken from PosRen, which has hundreds of other posters that are probably just as cool, along with some that aren’t as cool. But these are the coolest, guaranteed. Just check out the overly long gallery below for your favorite flicks: Sharknado, Ghost Shark, Snakes on a Train, Nydenion (Okay, they can’t all be winners!) You can also find out which American franchises have been given unofficial sequels thanks to Japanese distributors renaming films! (Answer: A lot!)

FYI: The term UMA stands for Unidentified Mysterious Animal, it is a cryptozoology term that is much more popular in Japan than the US. I can’t explain why there are so many burnt bat outlines unless they are all Batman references for some reason. Maybe they are…

Now if you excuse me, I have to check out today’s Ziggy comic!

Getty lets you embed images now, so here are all the Godzilla ones!

March of Godzilla 2014

Getty now lets you embed images in your posts online, because that’s easier than threatening to sue everyone who steals their images. It also means I can use their images without fear of retribution, so it’s high time I abuse that privilege! So what I did was run through Getty’s archive and have embedded all the images tagged “Godzilla” that weren’t awful or dumb. Sadly, a few still aren’t embeddable, but we got enough to fill up an entry, so why not? The Getty Archive has millions and millions of photos, dating back 100 years, so there is just so much there to go through.

And if these embeds somehow turn into annoying brower-crashing ads as some point in the far future, I’ll just kill this post, because I can. I have the power. Nintendo Power.

So let’s go!

Godzilla and his girlfriend who wears too much lipstick fight some big bugs!

More below the fold!
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