Rise of the Beasts

Rise of the Beasts

UPDATE: THE PROJECT HAS BEEN CANCELLED! And that’s not all. The Kickstarter was far beyond the goal prize, but the fund raiser was still canceled within the last few hours. At first we were given some junk about a “fantastic opportunity” that made it sound like they killed the fundraiser because someone came in and bought them out, but later it has been revealed that they just had factory troubles and decided to kill the project instead of telling people they might be a month delayed. I am not mad about a delay, I am mad because they lied to us at first about why the line was canceled. I’m mad I wasted time and effort promoting the project and getting excited about it, when the first move they make is to cut out the community around it and not play straight with us. Although the toy line is still going forward, I am glad the Kickstarter was canceled because now I won’t be giving my money to people whose first instinct is to lie to me. Good riddance.

Rise of the Beasts is a new toyline produced by fans of toylines like Battle Beasts and M.U.S.C.L.E.s, in the same vein as the Muscle-like fan set from October Toys, O.M.F.G. (so ticked off I missed this project!) Similarly, Rise of the Beasts features four figures that look vaguely-Battle Beastian in their design. In any event, they’re cool enough that I pledged to the Kickstarter raising funds for the project (at the $45 level) The company behind this is Plastic !magination and the initial project promoter is JKaris from the LittleRubberGuys forum, though I am not certain who Plastic Imagination is.

1 – Lion figure
2 – Gorilla figure
3 – Horny Toad figure
4 – Squat Komodo Dragon figure
Rise of the Beasts Komodo

Here are photos and a fan video of the proposed figures:

The Kickstarter site is here if you want to pledge or get more information

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