Teabag Mania 7 – Don't Barney Frank Me!

The beat goes on, the beat goes on. Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain. La de da de de, la de da de da. Charleston was once the rage, uh huh. History has turned the page, uh huh. The mini skirts the current thing, uh huh. Teenybopper is our newborn king, uh huh. More images in the Teabagging 912 tag!

I will Barney Frank you up the Joe Wilson!

Gumment off my Medicare!!!

What are the odds the space is an extra letter whited out?

Dude, I came up with this sign at Mardi Gras!

Pimpcorn is like Popcorn only funky!

Only cares about Indians in that she can use them to further her political agenda (and probably pretends she’s 1/64th Cherokee to prove she’s not racist!)

Beast Wars was a pretty cool cartoon. Beast Machines sucked.

My tucked t-shirt demands a Civil War!

Yeah, that makes perfect sense at this American protest…

Good for Dick Armey. Bad for this army-less Truther dick.

Why won’t O’Bama Keep Ireland Irish?

Maybe the government could help you with your bad handwriting…

Serenity Prayer=teabagging protest. Got it.

The Isle of what? McCain Isle? Gilligan’s Isle?

Illuminati. Totally sane.

Neo and Morpheus are gonna be pissed!

Like those goverment failures Medicare! The Army! The Post Office!

Standing up is for COMMUNISTS!

Good thing she clarified that, I thought she meant Joe Wilson!

Lord knows, they’ve tried…

Let’s stop this Universal Health Care and all do Faith Healing!

Nazi sign #84302813

Is this how the camera works?

More to come!
Thanks to fellow picture takers/collectors LF, Revelatos715, Tad Ghostal, POTUShead, Amish, and others!

Runs this joint!


  • jerry

    September 13, 2009 at 7:38 am

    Hope you enjoyed poking fun at your fellow American citizens.Over a million people were at the March and the movement is growing daily. Hang on to your Democrat ideals, you will be the minority in 2010 & 2012. The word Democrat will become nothing short of a curse word.

    • Tars Tarkas

      September 13, 2009 at 7:52 am

      Sorry, Captain Wrongo, only 60,000 people were there no matter how much you try to inflate the numbers with outright lies. Have fun with your delusions of how you surround us, I am sure the echo chambers you normally reside in with reassure you of that fact again and again despite the fact you keep losing elections.

  • HUH?

    September 13, 2009 at 11:31 am

    Tars.. where is your official count that it was only 60k? LOL.. more like.. no matter how much you “Deflate” the numbers.. So who’s spitting the outright lies now? Let me ask you a question after this .. We admit that Bush increased the deficit and national debt, started an expensive war and decreased our privacy. We understand that you Libs or whatever you are hate Bush for this.. But why do you Love Obama? If your thinking was consistent, you should despise Obama. I mean he’s in the middle of tripling the debt bush left, increasing the deficit 5 fold that Bush left, extending the Patriot Act along with taking more rights away, and will be spending more on Defense than Bush did. He also lied about stopping the war immediately when taking office yet continues to fund it?

    So, tell me.. TARS.. how is it that you ridicule ppl protesting for multiplying the same mistakes that contributed to where we are today. I have a sense of humor but your comments/jokes are not even funny! Actually, the housing crisis is the main reason for this country’s demise which goes back to 99′ bill signed by no other than Bill Clinton.. and Bush tried to regulate 17 times. Besides the point.. you probably blame bush for all your problems yet Praise Obama for mortgaging your kids and grandkids futures. If it wasn’t for ppl like this protesting, we’d still have Van Jones as the Green Czar, Real Time access to our bank accounts via the HealthCare Bill Sec 163, etc etc. You should be thanking them for standing up for your rights, your paycheck/taxes, and your kids/grandkids.. Instead you make fun.. You are a disgrace to this country and the human race.

  • HUH?

    September 13, 2009 at 12:07 pm

    LOL.. btw.. The post office was operating 2.8b in the red last year “Like those goverment failures Medicare! The Army! The Post Office!” Then again, maybe you like receiving the great service of the USPS and DPS. My favorite part is always being greeted with a smile, waiting in line for 30 min for 1 attendant to send a package and getting excited when another one arrives from their break- only to be disappointed that the other one has now decided to take their break! Again, Tars.. you poke fun at people trying to help ppl like you have a better life. Hmmm.. we keep losing elections? As I recall, we had a President for 8 years and your candidate lost during those years. But that’s ok, 2010 is coming closer and closer and the ppl are beginning to question why are Tax Dollars go to folks like Pelosi, Frank, Dodd, Reid.. or ppl who admit to not reading those long bills!.. LOL


  • HUH?

    September 13, 2009 at 2:13 pm

    Mati.. That’s fine, Bush racked up record debt during his term.. However Obama is now racking up THE RECORD DEBT and will spend more on the two wars than Bush.. on Taxpayers dime. So you ask where they are? They are here now bitching- liberals, democrats, independents..everyone! People keep forgetting that Obama is multiplying everything Bush did so using “THe Mess” Bush started holds no grounds.. You don’t fix an overflowing toilet by adding water do you?

  • Democratic Truth

    September 14, 2009 at 12:23 pm

    Guess what TARS, the media is downplaying the entire protest. (Liberal) DC Police gave an estimate of 1.5 million -2 million people that were at the protest in Washington. This number is true, I am a Democrat that was there. My Grandmother was watching CNN in FLORIDA, where they announced an estimated 1.5 million demonstrators where at the Capital at 2:00 p.m. The 60,000 estimate is the liberal media trying to silence conservatives. I am joining the conservatives, because Liberalism is the demise of this great nation. I can see why the democrats are going to be the minority again, because they are arrogant, narrow-minded and uninformed Americans. Btw, the postal service is in a Record debt, where Obama wants them to only deliver mail 4 days out of the week… This is what happens to Government programs, they grow every year, and money runs out…I hope more democrats shout out that enough if enough, and the government is out of control. So Tars, your probably a part of some Union that tells you how to think. So, your justification for anything should be disregarded. You should get out in the real world some day and see how many Americans are ticked off at the government. And it isn’t JUST BARACK OBAMA…So, stop protecting your Emperor and start to protect this country’s future for God’s Sake.

  • Resistnet Resistor

    September 25, 2009 at 10:36 am

    Another Democrat that was there? Hardly, you are using too many conservative talking points to be a democrat, now sit down, shut up and pay your taxes like good little sheeple. At least learn what a democrat believes before you attempt to pretend to be one!

    Did these people seriously learn to count in school? Better yet, did they even learn in school? Did they finish the 8th grade? Hard to tell with all the misspelled signage.

  • Anon

    October 30, 2009 at 5:19 am

    I do realize this is supposed to be satire , but I’m having a little trouble finding it , I’m an independent and don’t care if you believe it or not ,

    Does anyone here understand their (politicians) all crooked or just down right thieves and lairs , whatever it takes to keep them in their seats ,

    Yes W was a poor excuse for a president and really did suck , and Obama is just twice as bad and is trashing this country , know matter what party a person is with , who in their right mind wants to give up their freedoms ,

    being a liberal and a democrat are not the same thing , my family is democrat or should I say was , can anyone justify what these liberals are doing , so try this , put your party affiliations aside and look at what is really going on and then you can make fun of others you claim are so closed minded ,

    if you do this you may come too the obvious conclusion Obama is a liar and thief , he has stolen our children future,and if the health care plan was so great why then with a majority is he having trouble passing it, because there are still some real democrats out their , are you ,

    • Tars Tarkas

      October 30, 2009 at 5:31 pm

      Hey, look, another “former Democrat” who suddenly and “independent” who defends racist teabaggers as having a legitimate concern. Yawn. Come back when you figure out how to properly use commas.


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