Wingnut Web – Foxnation Lies, CNN Reporter Dies Edition

CNN reporter Susan Roesgen was covering the TeaBagging Party in Chicago (OMG, you mean the mainstream media covered this??? but Glen Beck said they wouldn’t dare!) and met up with some wacky idiots who couldn’t answer simple questions of why they were mad except “because”! FoxNews becomes upset that other networks are making fun of their manufactured protests and decides to fight back. So they airs an edited version mysteriously missing one of the chief weirdos to show how other channels are slandering their precious protests!

The full, unedited video:

The edited video shown on FoxNews:

If you want to hear the event from a different angle as well as the crowd reaction right afterwards, check out this audio sample recorded by Chexmix (right click, save as!):

Even better than that, they turn the CNN incident into an article on (aka ):
Notice how the title of the article seems to not jibe with the title of the YouTube video! It is like opposite day. Almost as if they are lying and falsely stimulating the persecution complex that has hit the Right Wing like smallpox since November. Now worries, they then fixed the title of the YouTube video with a simple switching of the copy they embeded!:
Thus, now they have completely covered their lying tracks.
FoxNews – Jerks!

But this can’t be Wingnut Web without the snark, so let’s see what the good citizens of think of CNN and reporter Susan Roesgen!

Wah, the media asks us questions!

Never mind those facts about how 95% of America got tax cuts, this thing I am making up about John McCain proves my point that we will all be paying 1 million% taxes!

Asking a question=being a bitch!

Shady, underhanded, unfair, unpatriotic tactics of asking a question! Those monsters!

The reporter is ugly, thus I don’t care. Now let me put on Rush, who is so handsome!

Yank her reporter’s license!

antikos is an expert on PMS

How dare reporters ask questions? Fire her immediately!

Susan Roesgen=Kermit the Frog

This guy somehow has access to CNN’s bank accounts, maybe that should be investigated…

The 1954 in Craig 1954 is how many things he hates each minute

Yeah, why would these protests on Tax Day have anything to do with taxes?


Sue is unaware of how tax dollars work, no wonder she teabags everything!

Sue shows again why she is a winner. Did I say “winner?” I meant “whiner!”

Oh, I think you’ll take it…

Obama controls all media! Take that, Jews!

TEA TO$$ER is what you get when you combine Teabagging with Salad Tossing

Oh, no, some guy from Kentucky has me surrounded!

Jim spends every hour jerking it to the women of FoxNews (also Glenn Beck)

Larry King has been elected as Presidente of Costa Rica!

Forgive this poster, they lost most of their brain drinking radiator fluid

Dumb people are still dumb. And we still have fun laughing at them! Hooray! Until next time, Wingnut Web is out. Check out photos of the Teabagging protest here.

Runs this joint!


  • Mobute

    May 2, 2009 at 3:21 pm

    Hey, man, I read your stuff pretty regularly (thanks for weeding through all this nonsense; I don’t know how you do it without your brain melting) and am a fan, so please pardon my tremendous nerdiness on correcting you on something. You write:

    Notice how the title of the article seems to not jive with the title of the YouTube video! It is like opposite day. Almost as if they are lying and falsely stimulating the persecution complex that has hit the Right Wing like smallpox since November. Now worries, they then fixed the title of the YouTube video with a simple switching of the copy they embeded!

    It’s a totally tiny and insignificant thing, but the word you’re looking for is “jibe.” People make this mistake all the time, and it’s something I’ve corrected on what feels like a billion different occasions, so it leaps out at me.

    Still great stuff, though, so thanks again.


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