Meet your future occupiers

[adrotate banner=”1″]When the Wingnuts begin firing off their high-powered assault rifles and declare the beginning of Civil War II these nice folks will be there to greet you with either a bullet (if you don’t look like them) or a cheery gift-basket full of MRE rations, Confederate flags, and Bibles (maybe some tea bags too).

Yup, if you can’t read their banner this is a photo of those brave souls in the Texas branch of The Well Regulated Militia (, or atleast the members that were brave enough to meet other internet militia folks in middle-of-nowhere Texas. The Regulator (Oath Keeper), who keeps popping up on Resistnet and Militia.Ning, posted this proud photo so I assume that’s him standing in the middle with the .44 that would make Charles Bronson run in the other direction. Let’s see who else we got here…

This pictures almost reads like the High School A/V Club’s yearbook photo (except with a lot more guns and illegitimate children). Looks like all the members of The Texas Well Regulated Militia made it out for this photo op though. We’ve got:

The young kid who got dragged to this boring dumb thing by his lame dad

The shotgun wedding couple who decided to bring their 2 year old along so he could play with all the pretty firearms

Some pudgy porker guy whose weapon of choice appears to be a baseball bat or plank of wood

A creepy Sam Elliott look alike who prefers to bludgeon people with guns rather than shoot them

One of the GEICO cavemen (or what I assume is Sam Elliott’s wife)

The token Vietnam vet who prefers historic rifles

The fat goony looking fellow with an AK-47 (Jorts do not provide good camouflage buddy!)

What I can only assume is fat goony guy’s hot sister

Butchy McButcherson (the token closet lesbian of the group)

and some poor old guy who they found sleeping at the bus station (and who continues to sleep while his picture is taken, at least they propped a rifle up against him).

Not pictured: the crystal meth lab

This cheery fellow is apparently part of the group too but I guess he didn’t fit into the photo with his huge gun and all. The following text was included along with the pictures:

The Pentagon announced TODAY the formation of a new 500-man elite fighting unit called the United States Redneck Special Forces (USRSF)
Do YOU recognize any of these people?

These Texas boys & ladies will be dropped off into Iraq and have been given only the following facts about terrorists :

1. The season opened today.
2. There is no limit.
3. They taste just like chicken fried steak.
4. They don’t like beer, pickups, country music or Jesus.
5. They are directly responsible for the death of Dale Earnhardt.

The Pentagon expects the problem in Iraq to be over by Friday.

8 thoughts on “Meet your future occupiers

  1. Ok Tars you have to do your homework. A run down on who is in the photo (it’s great being an “infiltrator” on a site such as this):

    In the center is none other than site creator but Rick “Minuteman” Light from Rocksprings, TX. This “meetup” took place in Rocksrpings, TX. Supposed to be another scheduled in the next few days. To your right is his wife. Next to her is Robert Rutherford, Admin on the site and wanna be disc jockey. Not sure who the fat guy in the blue shirt is or the chick on the end (think she took a wrong turn to her Guns! Guns! Guns! Magazine Photo Shoot). The old dude squatted is Layton Wyman of Texas.

    The chick with the camo tank is InDeepShitNow’s – better known as NWOisinfiltratingus – wife. Yes, that’s him standing next to her with their pitiful child – poor kid doesn’t stand a chance in hell.. Seems InDeep has went to hiding. Stars15K, from youtube, has him rattled.

    Funny you mention the Regulator. Oh shit, that’s a story for another day.

  2. Moi? I guess he shouldn’t have made smutty remarks about a five-year-old girl… own Granddaughter. It’s not a grudge, it’s a campaign to make sure he doesn’t do it again. I pointed out to him at the time that it would take an inbred hillbilly redneck to even say something sexual about a young girl, or a pervert. I think he deserves to be watched.
    But really, he goes into hiding when he doesn’t get his way, when he’s backed into a corner by undisputable facts that counter his “intel”, and when too many people begin talking shit about him. He’s done it at least three times on YouTube. So it’s not just me. He’s pretty much an internet legend as being an asshole everywhere he goes.
    You’d think a site like WRM would accept him no matter what, but even his comments and posts are down. He probably pissed off the person he was leeching off of. He’s done that more than a few times, too.

  3. Frankie,

    please do tell how you know about me? you missed the fact I havent been on that ste since dec 30th. what can you tell me about indeep?

  4. Layton Wyman replied to Layton Wyman’s discussion ‘Need Medics and DRs!’ in the group Texas Well Regulated Militia
    That is what I am looking for, the brain to automatically kick in in a pinch, the brain will always work if you let it do its job. All the various ideas you can think of, put them out here so people can read them and make a note, all the materials m…
    6 minutes a

    From the looks of his picture in the above photo, yes Layton needs a Doctor

  5. I see you decided that copyright was not important to you by initially using a picture you had no right to. Funny, you gripe things that do not exist, but break the current laws to do it and that is OK. And actually I do know the person in the picture and I would rather be associated with him then with you.

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