Ragin Cajun Redneck Gators rage September 5th on SyFy!

Fresh off the success of Ghost Shark – which has become a Twitter darling similar but not quite as equal to Sharknado – SyFy will be returning with the amazing Griff Furst for Ragin’ Cajun Redneck Gators! Heck, yes, they kept the awesome title! Thursday September 5th will be the premier, and the trailer has surfaced. Not only do we got gators, we got what looks like weregators! This looks like some amazing crazy and hopefully takes some inspiration from all those reality shows that follow swamp families around in the bayou.

Rafael Jordan, Delondra Williams, and Keith Allan write. Jordan Hinson (Eureka), Victor Webster (Continuum), and Christopher Berry star.

Ragin Cajun Redneck Gators

Dental Plan. Lisa Needs Braces.

Ragin Cajun Redneck Gators

Dental Plan. Lisa Needs Braces.

Ragin Cajun Redneck Gators

Dental Plan. Lisa Needs Braces.

Alligator Alley is Ragin Cajun Redneck Gators, still SyFy bound

Alligator Bunny

Time to pour out a 40 for the loss of a great movie title, as Ragin Cajun Redneck Gators is now known as Alligator Alley. Or maybe the film will just have both titles, as the production company site still has the Ragin Cajun name, but the Alligator Alley title on the mockup posters. Even old production posters have the Alligator Alley name. Whatever title this ends up having on SyFy, rest assured it will be funtastic!

From two feuding Cajun families, college grad LACY DOUCETTE and DATHAN ROBICHAUD have to keep their love affair secret, but when Dathan’s dad’s discarded “blue moonshine” results in mutated, gigantic, predatory gators, both families have to work together to get rid of the gators. Unfortunately, the truce doesn’t last long, and the toxic moonshine causes anyone bit by a gator to actually turn into one…

Awesome director Griff Furst helms this one, with Victor Webster, Christopher Berry, and Jordan Hinson starring. DreadCentral has a trailer which is linked below.

Of further note, a film called Snakehead Swamp is listed on Active Entertainment’s site with no further information. Hmmm….

via DreadCentral

Ragin Cajun Redneck Gators will rockodile!

Gator butterflies

Ragin Cajun Redneck Gators is a real title for a real movie destined to become a SyFy classic. Fantastic director Griff Furst (Arachnoquake) is helming Ragin Cajun Redneck Gators and it took three people to write it – SyFy veteran Rafael Jordan, and Rise of the Zombies co-writers Delondra Williams and Keith Allan. This is a surprisingly strong combination of solid talent that promises an entertaining flick beyond the fact the title is ridiculous!

Jordan Hinson (Eureka) and Victor Webster (Continuum) star. I’ve never seen them in anything so I can’t give any lame snarky jokes here. So far all the info we got is from the IMDB page. When it does get an airdate on SyFy, we shall stop out gator wrasslin’ and let you know!