The Great Movie Ride: Pirates of the Caribbean (2003)

Try and guess which one is me.

To most, I am a film nerd. I go to film school, I work at an art house theater, I am often seen taking in the latest big movie at the local megaplex, and I write for a few movie sites, including this fine establishment now. This however isn’t the full picture of me. If you were to ask anyone who really knows me, they might tell you that I am also a Theme Park nut. It’s true. I prefer the term “enthusiast” but I digress. Since my first trip to Walt Disney World at the age of six, I was hooked on the concept of a place you could go and escape into highly themed lands of entertainment and adventure. My main passion is for Disney World, because you never forget your first, but since then I’ve come to enjoy places like Universal Studios and others as well.

Of course, these days, movies and theme parks go together like cookies and cream, especially at movie themed parks like Universal, Disney’s Hollywood Studio, WB Movie World, and parts of Six Flags, so it’s no wonder my two hobbies come together in such wonderful style. This has inspired me to take a look at movies that are inspired by theme parks. I am going to start with probably the most popular and famous of all, the Pirates of the Caribbean series.

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Shattered Union the latest video game to become a film

Because we all love video game films. So this one might not suck so much, as Jerry Bruckheimer is producing and J. Michael Straczynski is writing. Through the Disney production house, so expect it to feel like Pirates of the Caribbean meets Babylon 5. That’s what I say, and I am always right. The story of the Shattered Union video game involves a huge civil war in the US after DC gets nuked and the country fractures. Just like in Pirates of the Caribbean. Or not. Also Straczynski is doing a Silver Surfer film, because everyone loved the Silver Surfer from Fantastic Four 2: Bland Harder.
Shattered Union