Godzilla Island Story Arc 9

Godzilla Island – Story Arc 9

Godzilla Island – Story Arc 9


Directed by Shun Mizutani

Godzilla Island is underfunded. Despite the fact they have a vast amount of monsters and technology stored there, only one guy and a robot are stationed there. And they are less than effective, which is why Torema can show up out of nowhere and outdo them at every turn. Plus, in this story arc they have to deal with space jellyfish and ghosts! Where is Bill Murray when you need him? If you are just joining the Godzilla Island party, hop on over to the first story arc to get introduced. For those of you who are in this for the long haul, just proceed as normal. And pretend you know who Dogora is, because he gets angry and starts throwing business cards! March of Godzilla Island continues!

G-Guard Commander (Jiro Dan) – G-Guard Commander runs the Godzilla Guard unit on Godzilla Island. He’s all alone except for sassy robot Lucas, so of course he’s bored out of his skull normally. He seems to have been stationed there because it’s a low-priority assignment they could dump someone who can’t work under pressure, because that’s exactly what he is. Luckily Torema shows up to save his pants. I do not know if he has a name but it may be Oji.
Torema (Maimi Okuwa) – A mysterious young girl who shows up one day on Godzilla Island right when the dastardly Xiliens begin to attack. She repels the attack, joins the G-Guard, and begins her fight against Zaguresu the Xilien because Xiliens destroyed her home planet (I think that’s what happened – she may have been from future Earth.) Has psychic powers and her own spaceship called the Panatolute.
Zaguresu (Naoko Aizawa) – Evil Xilien woman who invades Earth using giant monsters and her giant Independence Day/V rip-off spaceship. Enjoys laughing evilly while contemplating the latest diabolical schemes. Follows the Xilien leader Giant Emperor’s orders, because that’s what they do on Planet X. Sheep! Her spaceship is named the Vabaruda.
Lucas (Kenichiro Shimamura) – Annoying robot, Godzilla Island-style! Makes sarcastic remarks, and seems to be even mean at times. An annoying Kenny kid in floating metal sphere form. He must be destroyed! Translates from monster language to Japanese.
Narrator – (Yutaka Aoyama) – He’s not a character but the guy who recaps the previous episode in the beginning of the episode. That means thirty seconds of each three minute episode is Narrator recounting events, padding running time beyond levels I want to think about. He’s a typical Japanese male announcer, amazingly excited and epic about even the most mundane things.
Giant Emperor (???) – Giant flaming head who commands the Xiliens and Planet X. Do not look behind the curtain. The great and powerful Giant Emperor commands you, and can hear your sarcastic backtalk! Still, being a flaming head in space has got to be pretty boring.

Different monster feature in each episode, so we’ll keep track of them in each story arc. The complete Godzilla Island Daikaiju List is located here. We’ll also list any new monster match-ups that weren’t in any film but now exist thanks to this series, such as Baragon fighting Manda or something. The R2 Japanese DVD release is unsubtitled, so most of what is going on will be educated guesses thanks to our limited Japanese speaking ability. But here at TarsTarkas.NET we don’t need no stinking subtitles!

WordPress = Disaster

Attempts to update WordPress were unsuccessful unless you wanted to read about database errors and undefined variables on line 534. So when I restored we managed to lose all of our categories!

WordPress, you dirty hag!

Wisconsin's own Tokusatsu hero

Move over Ultraman, you’ve been replaced by a cheesehead! Avery brings another bit of news to the blog here with Robojapan’s report of the short Zero Trooper-F now hitting festival circuits. Tokusatsu, Wisconsin, the Packers, um….yeah!

The Wisconsin film festival site sez:

Zero Trooper – F
(USA, 2007, 39 mins)
digital video

Directed By: Eric Lim
Special effects director: Niko Pueringe
Producer: Eric Lim

Cast: Rob O’Brien, Matt Sloan, Liz Holtan, David Schlachtenhaufen, Kevin Altier, Andy Schlachtenhaufen

In the midst of a devastating giant monster attack on Greenside City, Bryan decides to leave his position as the head scientist of the city’s military defense force. This film was shot in Madison and features some of the cast and crew as the feature film Loose Cannons (playing at this year’s festival). Eric and Niko are both from the UW Communication Arts program.

Trailer on ZeroTrooper.com (~35 Mb)

If you’re in the area, take a break from crying over Brett Favre and go see it.

Thanks, Avery!

Edison Chen Sex Scandal Has Not Ended

The Edison Chen Sex Scandal continues to generate news months after the fact. Bobo Chan’s fiancee reappeared after weeks of silence only to remain just as mysterious. Rumors continue to abound that Kira will resurface with more photos, but so far, nothing. Trust not in rumors, believe not until you see naked Chinese actresses. But never give up hope that more will surface, because there is no way we have seen everything photographed. This scandal will reexplode when you least expect it!

Marrying BoBo Chan? Philip Kam: Give an Explanation Later
Edison Chen’s Commercial Re-Appears in Chengdu

There is a persistent rumour that the source of the Hong Kong nude picture scandal, Kira, would come out of hiding for tomorrow’s prelim hearing of 史可雋. He would upload new pictures but he has not been seen in Hong Kong sites. It was reported that there were 67 new pictures in mainland Chinese sites. It appears to feature BoBo Chan but the authenticity is not known. It is not known if Kira has “resurrected” but the male lead, Edison Chen, has come back to life in Chengdu. Due to the incident last year, all of his new sunglasses advertisements/commercials were not shown. The incident has settle down so Edison is “coming back to life” to test the market reaction. Last night, BoBo Chan’s current boyfriend Philip Kam has appeared at a function. He was hounded by several dozen reporters and asked if he would be marrying BoBo. Philip kept a smile on his face and announced that he would give an explanation about the situation soon.

BoBo’s boyfriend, Philip, has not appeared in public since her involvement in the scandal. There were rumours that their wedding plans were brushed aside. But he is a righteous and loving person who has been protecting BoBo. Last night, he appeared in public as the sponsor representative at the ABSOLUT Couture fashion party at Lan Kwai Fong. It attracted several dozen reporters who came when they caught wind about his appearance. Philip arrived early to the function so the reporters did not see him. After the function, the PR staff announced that he doesn’t want to accept any interviews and did want to be photographed.

Philip stayed at the party for approximately two hours until the fashion party ended. He originally wanted to leave through the restaurant doors but he returned inside when he found a large crowd of reporters wanting for him. He waited for 10 minutes for a driver to come. He was escorted by two security personnel thought the crowd. He was dressed in a black suit and was smiling. He appeared to be in a good mood. He rolled down the car window and told the reporters to be careful. He also instructed the security to watch out for the reporters and not to push them. Philip was asked if he was going to marry BoBo. He smiled and said: “I would give an explanation later.” Afterwards, the car window was rolled up.

During this time, TV station camera fell in through the car window. Luckily, Philip returned it to the reporter. The car left after the police escort lead the way. There were dozens of people who surrounded the scene to get a look at the situation. The scene attracted a lot of tourists who took pictures and looked around because they thought Philip was some sort of celebrity. Afterwards, they were asking who Philip was.

Edison came back to life when his sunglasses advertisement appeared on the buses in Chengdu. According to local media reports, the posters featured an extremely cool Edison who was wearing sunglasses. He still has a stylish guy look. Yesterday, reporters contacted his management company to confirm the news reports. Edison did do advertisements for a mainland Chinese sunglasses brand. The brand requested that he come to do promotional work in February but it was cancelled due to the scandal. Now the situation changed so they are bringing back Edison in the form of advertisement posters.

Previous Stories:
Hong Kong Sex Scandal – Edison Chen, cameras, and many Hong Kong leading ladies!

Hong Kong Edison Chen Sex Photo Scandal Continues

Update on the Edison Chen crisis