Trailer – Yatterman

Takashi Miike‘s Yatterman gets a new trailer. Sadao Abe is Yatterman, with Kyoko Fukada as Doronjo and Saki Fukuda as Ai-chan. I have never seen the cartoon this is based on, but it is like Indiana Jones with giant robots. The world premier will be at the New York Comic Convention (Feb. 6 – 8, 2009)
Here is an interesting article about Miike’s weird bondage thing in kids films.

2nd Trailer located here
Yatterman Official site


Chrome Angels

Chrome Angels trailer

A Leigh Scott film, yes the director of Transmorphers, Dragon, and countless other Asylum productions has fled that company and is now making the kinds of films he wants. These include biker chicks and rednecks vs. robots lead by a madman Paul Le Mat. Luckily, Stacey Dash’s biker gang is adept at kicking robot butt. And Stacey Dash is hot, so we got that going on as well.

Starring Stacey Dash, Paul Le Mat, Richard Lynch

Chrome Angels Trailer from Leigh Scott on Vimeo.

Deep Sea Monster Reigo

Deep Sea Monster Reigo (Review)

Deep Sea Monster Reigo

aka Shinkaijû Reigô

Directed by Shinpei Hayashiya
Written by Shinpei Hayashiya and Keita Toriumi

Thanks to the wonders of Chinese DVDs we get a copy of Deep Sea Monster Reigo, which information has been leaking about this film for five years! Much of the initial filming was done around 2004-2005, and since then it has been mostly effects work done in spare time by director/writer/effects man Shinpei Hayashiya, who is a major effects guy in Japanese cinema and enjoys working on giant monster films so much he has been making his own for that past few years. He has been known to have made Gamera 4: Truth (Gamera 4: Shinjitsu) which features a white Gyaos; and also the Godzilla fan film Godzilla x Desugirasu (which is probably Godzilla VS Seadora.) So this guy lives for this stuff. In fact, we are already getting a sequel, Deep Sea Monster Raiga!

Over the years, the project has gone through several names, including A-140F6: Shinkaijû Reigô sakusen (A-140F6: Operation Deep Sea Monster Reigo), Reigô tai Yamato (Reigo, the Deep-Sea Monster vs. the Battleship Yamato) and finally Shinkaijû Reigô (Deep Sea Monster Reigo.) In 2004 Shinpei Hayashiya was negotiating two other cast members, former pro-wrestler turned politician Hiroshi Hase and former Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori. Neither of them signed on, but it would have been cool. We wrote an article about Deep Sea Monster Reigo a while back, so it has some more tidbits.

Reigo requires some background information so we don’t just jump in with no clue what is going on. The Yamato was a Japanese warship that served in World War 2, at the time it was the heaviest warship ever built displacing 72,800 tonnes at full load, and armed with nine 46 cm (18.1 inch) main guns. The Yamato was sunk in April 1945 during Operation Ten-Go. None of the historical officers mentioned in the Wikipedia article show up in the film (at least as far as I could tell) so everyone seems to be purely fictitious. But, then, subtitles… The film takes place in the days just after US involvement in World War 2 and the Yamato faces its first powerful opponent, a sea monster named Reigo. Reigo is a little ticked that the Yamato killed its baby, so she sets out to starts smashing up the Yamato and its battle group (Battleships sail with several smaller ships for support, mostly destroyers/cruisers.) Battle is joined, people get killed, ships get sunk, the monster roars a lot, lighting flies all over the place, your general kaiju stuff.

This Chinese DVD has no English subtitles, so it is either Japanese language or Chinese subtitles, so we shall just wing it. At TarsTarkas.NET, we don’t need no stinking subtitles! The film is pretty easy to figure out without subtitles, so no worries there.

Ensign Takeshi Kaido (Takayasu “Taiyo” Sugiura) – Our lead character is Ensign Takeshi Kaido, a newly graduated cadet out to sea on his first mission right when the US declares war on Japan. He has a girlfriend and will be around during a lot of the action, but doesn’t really do a lot. Taiyo Suguira starred in Ultraman Cosmos and several other productions.
Officer Noboru Osako (Yukijiro Hotaru) – is the father of detective Osako from the Heisei Gamera trilogy, so this is a neat little surprise. Osako runs one of the gun crews on the main battery. Yukijiro Hotaru also starred in Shinpei Hayashiya’s fan film Gamera 4: Truth (aka Gamera 4: Shinjitsu)
Chie Kojima (Mai Nanami) – Takeshi Kaido’s love interest. Not a big role. Besides having a photobook Mai Nanami hasn’t really done much of anything.
Captain Yamagami (Susumu Kurobe) – Ultraman?!?!?! Yes, it is Susumu Kurobe as Captain Yamagami, the captain of the Yamato who can’t handle losing so many men, then mysteriously disappears. Susumu Kurobe was Hayata, Ultraman’s human alter-ego in the original Ultraman series. Susumu Kurobe starred in numerous other Ultraman productions, and was also seen here in Ghidrah and Godzilla vs. Megaguirus.
Crewman Kanai (Yoji Tanaka) – Another Yamato crew member. Yoji Tanaka was in a lot of cult films including Cutie Honey.
Benkei (Ukon Ichikawa) – aka Saito Musashibo Benkei (1155 – 1189), a legendary warrior monk who is in a bunch of kabuki and Noh plays, so maybe you should learn some culture and go see one. Or just watch him dance around on the deck of the Yamato as the entire crew is slaughtered. Ukon Ichikawa is a renowned kabuki actor.
Reigo – Reigo is a mama mad about her dead baby and attacks the ship foolish enough to make her childless, the Yamato. Reigo has electricity powers, lightning strikes her all the time and she can conjure up little electric Reigos to tear people up. Not immune to battleship weapons. Reigo was designed by Amemiya Keita (the director of Zeiramu) and then developed by Haraguchi Tomoo, who worked on the Heisei Gamera trilogy.

Wingnut Web – Sean Hannity Secret Picture Edition

Sean Hannity has gone nutso without a punching bag like Colmes to go after, so now he has gone all advent calender and put up a Barack Obama picture, with pieces that will be removed one a day to reveal the true Barack Obama. This has lead to a flurry of crazies trying to guess the picture. We all know it will be some dumb Carter thing, or some stupid “commie” crap, and Sean Hannity’s picking of a picture to define the Obama presidency before he even started just is further nails in the coffin of Hannity’s uselessness.

I am sure we will have reasoned responses here by our wingnuts!

I saw Wicked on Broadway and it totally didn’t rule:

Yeah, Brandy Jones! Don’t you know all True Christians have precognitive powers to know the character of a person by sight?

I am not promoting hate and Christians love others, but MUSLIMS ARE THE DEVIL!!!!

Why that Right Wing Daily Show never took off I’ll never know…

Is it a coincidence we weren’t attacked in 7 years? Yes.

My husband told me this stuff it is totally true.

Tears are being shed because no one knows how to use the Shift button!

When will White People ever get out from under the shoe of the Black Man?

Mister Carmen F would be outsmarted by Curious George:

World War 11 was the last good war, not like that World War 12…

The Anti-Christ is SNOWBALLing us! (in the Clerks reference way!)


Americans only appreciate American blood.

maritza gets off on writing terrible abortion sex fantasies:

Finally, a reasonable guess:

That’s enough for now, my vomit meter can only puke so much an evening! Tune in next time, because this horror will never stop!

Purple Lightning Sword

Hong Kong Film Archive fun!

So I have been thumbing through the Hong Kong Film Archive online (as I needed the cast list for an upcoming review) and spent lots of time rummaging through the plot descriptions of old movies I will probably never see. I copied a few of them here, and will probably revisit this a few times when I run across other interesting stuff.

The revenge of a gorilla girl – 1963
Director, Wu Pang.
Scriptwriter, Lee Sau-kei
Tso Tat-wah (as Hon Kim-man, Choi), Law Yim-hing (as Lam Chor-ying, Man-chu), So Siu-tong (as Fong Siu-kong), Sek Kin (as Sit Hung), Yam Bing-yee, Lau Hark-suen, Ma Siu-ying, Leung Chui-fun, Cheung Sing-fei, Cheung Sang, Hui Ying-ying, Leung Yuk-kwan, Chow Kat, Yuan Xiaotian, Tong Kai.

Failing to gain the father’s approval of his marriage, Hon Kim-man elopes with his lover Lam Chor-ying, who later gives birth to twins. No sooner, the couple fall victim to bandit Sit Hung’s murder plot. The daughter Man-chu is raised by an ape, while the son Wai-choi is adopted by Sit. Years later, the ape is killed by a hunter. A wounded Man-chu flees and is taken in by Taoist Cheung Hung and his disciple Fong Siu-kong, who teaches her to read and the martial arts. From the portrait and jade bangle born by Man-chu, the Taoist gathers that she is in fact his granddaughter and thus reveals her birth story. Fong and Man-chu complete their apprenticeship and are set to join the rank of the security master Hung Pau, hoping to seek out their family foe. When they learn that Hung is in fact Sit, they fight the villain in a deadly duel during which Man-chu recognises her twin brother Choi from the same heirloom, a jade bangle, he possesses. The siblings join hands to avenge their parents’ death and annihilate the villain.

The beautiful bandit – 1952
Note: Yam Yu-tin, an emigre from Shanghai, belonged to Hong Kong’s first generation of martial arts directors. His daughter Yam Yin and son Yam Tai-koon were also in the cast.
Several hundred martial arts experts took part in the film’s fight sequences.
Director, Yam Yu-tin.
Cast: Tso Tat-wah, Yam Yin, Sek Yin-tsi, Kwok Sau-zhen, Lau Kwai-hong, Yau Kwong-chiu, Sek Kin (aka Shek Kin), Yam Tai-koon, Ko Chiu, Chao Fei-fei, Lam Kar-yee, Lee Pang-fei, Lee Ngan.

Three outlaws struggle for possession of the seven-treasure pearl. A series of combat action follows the outlaws’ three attempts to take possession of the treasure by breaking into the family village stockade of the Hon’s. As swords and weapons are wielded, signs of danger appear everywhere

How Wong Ang the heroine solved the case of the three dead bodies – 1959
Note: Based on Xiao Ping’s On the “Brink of death” in ‘Wong Ang the cat burglar’.
Director, Yam Pang-nin.
Cast: Yu So Chow (as Wong Ang), Wu Lai-chu (as Wu Nga), Yam Yin (as Heung At), Lam Kau (as Hui Pui-shing), Lee Ming-chu, Si Ma Wah Lung.

The three heroines, Wong Ang, Wu Nga, and Heung At expose a murder case involving three dead bodies found in an old temple. Unbeknown to the trio, they’ve fallen in a trap laid by gangster Hui Pui-shing, who desires to avenge his brother’s death by eliminating the women. With the cooperation of Hui’s righteous subordinate, the police arrest Hui for smuggling tobacco and seizes their forged banknotes.

Wong Ang vs the flying tigers – 1960
Director, Yam Pang-nin.
Cast: Yu So Chow (as Wong Ngung), Wu Lai-chu (as Wu Ngar), Yam Yin (as Heung Nga), Lee Suen (as Chen Xue-ying), Sek Kin, Kam Lui (as Fan Tai-kit), Lau Siu-man (as Fan Tai-hong), Hui Ying-ying (as Lina), Lai Kwan-lin (as Shum Lai-fong), Lo Yin-ying (aka Lo Lan) (as Lee Pik-lin), Cheung Tsok-chau, Wong Hak (as Lao Dong), Yeung Ban, Cheng Man-ha.

The Flying Dragon gang goes on a rampage and the police Inspector is at his wits’ end. He then commissions Wong Ngung, Wu Ngar and Heung Nga, who rob the rich to relieve the poor and have excellent skills, to help him catch the gang members. Suet-ying, a young woman, is addicted to gambling and owes a huge sum to the gambling den that belongs to the Flying Dragon gang. She has even signed IOUs. When the younger sister of Ying’s husband sees that Ying is weighed down by worries, she asks Wu Ngar for help. This fits in with the plans of Wu Ngar and her two partners. Wu Ngar sneaks into the gambling den, but her behaviour is suspected by the gang leaders, Tai-kit and Tai-hong. Fortunately, Wong Ngung saves her. Hong is willing to pay a big sum of money to Advisor Lung to deal with Wong Ngung and her partners. But he later refuses to pay Master Lung, using the excuse that only Wong Ngung and Heung Nga fell into the trap. In doing so, he becomes Lung’s enemy. Wong Ngung and Heung Nga are saved by Lung’s men and manage to escape.To get back the IOUs, Ying falls under the control of Hong and Kit. Master Lung has evil designs on Ying. He first kills Kit and seizes Ying. Hong then shoots and kills Lung. Wong Ngung and her two partners go into the gambling den again and get back the IOUs for Ying. They also notify the police Inspector to arrest the members of the Flying Dragon gang. Hong wants to flee, but is shot and injured by Wong Un. He is arrested with the other gang members.

The story of Wong-Un the heroine – 1960
Director, Yam Pang-nin.
Cast: Yu So Chow (as Wong Ngung), Wu Lai-chu (as Wu Ngar), Yam Yin (as Heung Ad), Sek Kin, Kam Lui (as police officer To), Hui Ying-ying, Ng Yan-chi (as Sung Tai-wai), Lo Yin-ying (aka Lo Lan) (as Second concubine), Heung Hoi (as Wong Hoi), Kwan Ching-leung, Fung Mei-ying, Chan Yiu-lam (aka Charlie Chan), Tai Sang Po.

The Diamond Gang commits a robbery. The gang’s leader Chiu Yee-kong wants to keep the booty all by himself and this arouses the suspicion of gang member Tai-wai. The police does not have a clue and thus invite Wong Ngung, Heung Ad and Wu Ngar to help investigating the case. Kong is in accomplice with his third concubine. They order someone to steal the diamond and leave Wong Ngung’s symbol on the scene. Thus, Wai turns his attention on Wong Ngung. Wong Ngung, Ad and Wu Ngar are not afraid of Wai’s bullying and they even throw him out. They sneak in Kong’s apartment late at night to investigate. Kong’s second concubine is mad at Kong for neglecting her. She tells Wong Ngung the truth but gets killed short time later. Kong’s people surround Wong Ngung, Ad and Wu Ngar. Each of the three has to face the enemy independently. Ad is caught by Wai. Kong’s servant frames Wong Ngung for killing Kong’s second concubine but the inspector realizes that it is a lie.
Ad is tortured by Wai. Luckily, Wong Ngung and Wu Ngar arrive in time and save him. One of Kong’s people turns against Kong and tells Wai the truth. Wai immediately attacks Kong. In the meantime, Wong Ngung, Ad, Wu Ngar and the police arrive at Kong’s headquarter to arrest the gangsters. Wai is arrested but Kong has escaped. However, the diamonds are found. The inspector decides to make Wong Ngung, Ad and Wu Ngar as partners hereafter.

How Wong Ang the heroine caught the murderer – 1959
Based on “Coiling Dragon and Crouching Tiger” (Long Zheng Hu Dou) in ‘Wong Ang the Cat Burglar’ (Nu Feizei Huang Ying).
Director, Yam Pang-nin.
Yu So Chow (as Wong Ang), Wu Lai-chu (as Wu Nga), Yam Yin (as Heung At), Lam Kau, Lee Hong Kum, Lee Pang-fei.

The Shanghai gang frames the bank robbery they committed on Wong Ang and co. To prove their innocence, Wong, Wu Nga, and Heung At seek out the real culprits and engage themselves in ferocious battles against the evil forces.

How Wong Fei-hung vanquished the ferocious dog in shamian – 1956
One of the many Wong Fei-hung films
Canine star “Mr Lucky”, a German sherperd, performed various tricks including ‘Guarding objects’, ‘Leaping pass shoulder’ and ‘Jumping bench’.
Director, Wang Tianlin (aka Wong Tin-lam)
Kwan Tak-hing (as Wong Fei-hung), Tso Tat-wah, Yam Yin, Sek Kin (aka Shek Kin) (as Big Mole Mak), Siu Hon-sang (as Wong Bat-sang), Lee Pang-fei, Mr Lucky (dog star).

Local tyrant Big Mole Mak hires a Western-trained boxer Wong Bat-sang who turns his ferocious dog on the gates of Master Wong Fei-hung’s medical establishment Po Chi Lam in an attempt to challenge his authority. Wong Fei-hung first subdues the fearsome dog with a strip of cloth, then thwarts Bat-sang’s iron-cone attacks. Having met his come-uppance, Mak is made to donate a handsome sum to charity.

The flying swordsmen of Emei Wins the battle in Green Snails Valley – 1950
According to the advertisements, the film was originally banned but was eventually released after a review by the censorship board.
Director, Wong Tin-lam
Sek Yin-tsi, Ma Ying, Lam Kau, Yam Yin, Ma Kam Ling (Ha Wa), Wong Siu-pak, Yam Tai-koon, Lee Pang-fei, Lee Keng-ching, Law Wai-zhen, Chan Yim-kwong, Chan Fei, Ng Cho-sing, Ko Chiu, Wong Chiu-chuen, Cheung Sang.

The swordsmen of the Emei school do battle with heretical monks and malevolent demons, facing great dangers in the Chiu Yuen Temple and break through the Green Snails militia formation. Good and evil are irreconcilable.

How Queer-faced Tiger raided the Cave of the Skulls – 1952
Director, Wong Tin-lam.
Sek Yin-tsi, Chun Siu Lei, Yam Yin, Yam Tai-koon, Chao Fei-fei, Lam Kar-yee.

Queer-faced Tiger is a mysterious bandit with demon-like powers, causing havoc in the community with his plundering and robbing of men and women. The Red-Garbed Lady Knight, possessing the strength to lift a giant bell, penetrates the booby-trapped Cave of the Skulls. With the help of Immortals, who confer three treasured items to the heroic protagonist for breaking through the cave, the Queer-faced Tiger is finally subdued.

How the Flying Swordsmen from Mount Emei raided Gold and Silver Palace – 1951
The film employed many special effects, some of which were the handiwork of special effects expert Cheng Yat-sang, who designed the ocean-separating scene and the scene of ocean bliss. Over 300 workers were employed to create these scenes, overseen by Cheng. The newspapers advertised the fact that over 3,000 watts of electricity and 100,000 gallons of water were consumed
Director, Wong Tin-lam.
Lam Kau, Yam Yin, Chui Tsi-chiu, Lam Kar-yee, Yam Tai-koon, Wong Siu-pak, Ma Ying, Ma Kam Ling (Ha Wa), Lee Pang-fei, Chao Fei-fei, Chan Fei, Chan Yim-kwong.

The flying swordsmen of Mount Emei utilise their skills and magic gadgets to penetrate the Gold and Silver Palace. The magic gadgets include an all-angle “devil-searching mirror,” an expandable jade pillar-like telescope, an iron umbrella capable of separating the oceans, and a “nine heavens” ruler to put down the various demons.

The heroine with invincible legs – 1952
Director, Ling Wan.
Tso Tat-wah (as Leung Kwong), Yam Yin (as Mok Ching-kiu), Lau Kwai-hong (as Kwan Yung), Sek Kin (aka Shek Kin), Yam Tai-koon (as Chan Siu-koon), Lee Ngan (as Chan Mei-lin), Chan Biu (as Lam Kwai), Chan Fei (as Taoist Ching Chen), Chow Chung (as Lee Kam-wing).

Mok Ching-kiu is the daughter of a silk merchant, Mok Tan-ping, of Shilong Town in Guangdong Province. Ching-kiu has learned the skill of the “Mandarin Duck Circling Leg” kung fu from her grandfather Lee Kam-wing. One day, the Mok family is disturbed by thugs Lam Kwai and Lam Fat, who work for the local tyrant Chan Tai-cheung. A passing stranger, Leung Kwong, offers his help, employing the “Six and a Half Moves” pole-fighting method. Fat is killed by a leg kick administered by Kam-wing. Kwong is travelling with his nephew Chan Siu-koon, in search of Kwan Yung, the man who has killed Siu-koon’s parents. Kwong and Siu koon stay in the home of the Moks, resulting in Kwong becoming intimate with Ching-kiu. Yung is an associate of Tai-cheung. Both men plan to avenge the death of Fat and launch an attack on the Mok family, but are beaten back. Siu-koon’s thirst for vengeance leads him to look for Yung in the night. Kwong and Ching-kiu rush to help him and deal such heavy blows to Yung that he runs away. Tai-cheung secures the help of Taoist Ching Chen, who kills Kam-wing. Ching-kiu and Kwong rush to the home of Tai-cheung to do battle. Kwong is captured while Ching-kiu and Siu-koon escape. Mei-ling, enamoured of Kwong, sets him free. Finally Taoist Ching Chen and Yung pursue the escapee to the Mok family home. Both sides engage in combat, with the enemy retreating to the Chan home. A ferocious battle ensues

Three lady hermits aka Nazha shatters the Yellow River Scheme – 1950
Based on “Canonisation of the gods”.
Director, Yip Yat-sing.
Yee Chau Shui (as Monk Luk Ngat), Lam Mui-mui (as Madam Wan Siu), Yam Yin (as Madam King Siu), Yam Tai-koon (as Nazha), Lam Kar-yee (as Madam Bik Siu), Lau Hark-suen (as Chiu Kung-ming), Lee Pang-fei (as Master Man), Chao Feifei (as Sun Kung-pao), Chui Tsi-chiu (as Yiu Siu-see), Yeung Yip-wang (as Yeung Chin), Cheung Tin-sang, Lee Keng-ching, Leung Yeuk-ngoi, Man Ying, Wong Cho-kwan.

Keung Chi-nga comes to the aid of King Mo in his war against the tyrant King Chau by leading his soldiers on an expedition from Xiqi. King Chau’s Chancellor Man, suffers repeated defeats in his war with King Mo, asks Chiu Kung-ming of Mount Emei to challenge Chi-nga camp’s Monk Yin Tang, a key fighter in Chi-nga’s camp. They fight in a forest. Ying Tang and his two disciples seize Kung-ming’s magic weapon. Wounded, Chiu Kung-ming heads for the Mountain of Three Fairy Maidens, and pleas his three celestial fairies Madams Wan Siu, King Siu, and Bik Siu, for help. He schemes with Sun Kung-pao and successfully borrows a pair of golden scissors from the ladies. Kung-ming then conducts a rematch with Yin Tang. The scissors turn out to be two mythical dragons striking Yin Tang. But Monk Luk Ngat of Kunlun transforms into a rainbow and saves him. Luk Ngat predicts that Kung-ming is doomed and will die in Xiqi, so he comes to help Chi-nga in the fight. He also passes on the Book of Arrow Secrets to help Chi-nga kill Kung-ming. But Chancellor Man orders Yiu Siu-see to steal the Book of Arrow Secrets by night. Yeung Chin manages to retrieve the book, and Kung-ming is subsequently killed by magic power. The three fairy maidens grieve the death of Kung Ming. Provoked by Kung-pao, they join Chancellor Man to seek a vengeance. They devise a Yellow River Scheme to trap Chi-nga and Yin Tang’s contingent after a fierce battle. Chi-nga and Yin Tang manage to escape and seek help from Elder Yuen Do and the Elder Fairy of the South Pole. With their help, the three lady fairies are killed one after the other; a mythical “exquisite tower” is used to break the siege and rescue Chi-nga’s contingent. Chi-nga then set the Yellow River Scheme on fire. With victory assured, Chi-nga and his soldiers pay obeisance to the elders.

The Guangzhou adventure of the fearless -1947
Director, Chan Pei.
Kwan Tak-hing (as Chow Sun Dam, The fearless), Leung Sheung-yin (as Wan Hing), Lau Hark-suen (as Fried Crab), Yiu Ping (aka Yao Ping) (as Big Tree), Ma Siu-ying (as Hing’s mother), Ning Meng (as Blind Worm), Tang Mei-mei (as Law Yee), Ng Wui (as Nam Kong), Tsui Leung (as Little Chow), Lee Sun Fung (as Yellow Pine Village chief), Tse Hung (aka Hsieh Hung) (as chairman of White Hemp Consolidatory Council), Fung King-man (as Yuen Ken), Lai Ming (as interpreter).

During the war, Chow Sun Dam (also known as the fearless) leads a guerrilla unit comprising of Fried Crab, Big Tree, Blind Worm and Little Chow, to harrass the enemy. These five men are known as the “Five Tigers of the North River”. When Chow Sun Dam learns that the Yellow Pine Village has put out a reward of $500,000 for his capture, Chow and his associates hatch a scheme where he pretends to be captured to receive the reward money. When Chow is brought before the village chief, he and his associates put off their disguise and subjugate the village chief and his gang. Thus the Yellow Pine Village is liberated. Next, Chow Sun Dam sets out to the White Hemp Village when he hears that the people there are oppressed by the Consolidatory Council Chief. Stopping by a wayside inn, Chow gets to know the innkeeper’s daughter Wan Hing, who is impressed by Chow’s heroic stance and wishes to marry him. Chow agrees to the marriage and uses his wedding sedan to smuggle arms into White Hemp Village and liberates it. Because Chow wants to devote himself to fighting in the war, he promises Wan Hing that they will make their marriage official and start a family after the war. Finally, Chow goes to Guangzhou to deal with two spies, Yuen Ken and Nam Kong. Because they are friendly with Law Yee, a social butterfly, Chow plans with Law to arrest the two spies and put them out of action

Flying dragon, the strange hero – 1949
Ku Wen Chung, director.
Tso Tat-wah (as Flying Dragon Lung Fei, Lung Ko), Chan Sin-yu (as Cheung Siu-kuen), Ma Ying (as Chan Chau-ha), Lau Hark-suen (as Chan Man-sing), Ning Meng, Lee Yuet-ching (as Flying Dragon’s mother), Yam Yin (as Lady Knight Chuen Yeung tsi), Tso To (as Ah To), Lam Kar-yee, Lam Kar Sing, Yip Yan-fu (as Ah Hong), Yeung Yip-wang, Yip Chuen-wah (as Chow Cheung), Chan Fei (as accountant), Ng Tung (as To Chi-shan).

Landlord Chan Man-sing oppresses the peasants. The help of country gentleman Lung Ko is sought by the peasants in their struggle against Chan. Lung Ko tries to mediate but instead becomes a sworn enemy of Chan. With the help of his mistress, Siu-kuen, Chan causes Lung Ko to lose the deed to a mine which is meant to be sold to raise funds for the peasants. Lung Ko’s house is also burned down and wounds from the fire cause Lung to lose his eyesight. Lung’s wife goes to the capital to find his son, Lung Fei. She is only able to get to the capital with the help of Lady Knight Yeung-tsi. On hearing the plight of his father, Lung Fei vows vengeance. From then on, the activities of the robber knight Flying Dragon become legend. Flying Dragon robs the rich to help the poor leaving no trace of his whereabouts. Lung Fei is of course the Flying Dragon. He is also hired by landlord Chan Man-sing to teach his son Ah To. Lung Fei is biding his time to steal back the deed lost by his father. During Chan Man-sing’s birthday banquet, Lady Knight Yeung-tsi turns up bearing a gift of a dagger. She is there to extract justice on Lung Ko’s behalf. Chan’s thugs start to fight with Yeung-tsi. Before long, Flying Dragon also joins in the fight, defeating Man-sing’s thugs. Flying Dragon forces a confession out of Siu-kuen and retrieves the deed. Man-sing commits suicide.

The black wolf bandit – 1947
Special note – When Hong Kong was occupied by the Japanese, the negative was lost. A copy of the film was found after the war and re-edited before release.
But Sing-fung, director. scriptwriter.
Yao Ping, Lai Cheuk Cheuk, William Ko, Jiang Wei, Hong Ying.

A people’s hero who fights for the weak. The film has many gunfight scenes and swordplay action set pieces. It also includes action scenes displaying both north and south schools of martial arts combat.

The purple lighting sword – 1964
Choi Cheong – director. scriptwriter.
Yu So Chow (as Dik Siu-ching), Cheung Ying-choi (as Man Lei-wan), Lee Hung (as Hon Yuk-ha), Connie Chan Po-chu (as Tung Fong Ming), Sek Kin, Lee Pang-fei (as Duke Pei Dik), Shum Chi-wah (as Sheung-kwun Kei), Sai Kwa Pau (as Wu Chut-chut), Yuan Xiaotian, Kwan Ching-leung, Yeung Yip-wang, Wah Wan-fung, Tong Kai, Lee Sau-kei.

The Dragon Sword is the treasure longed by everyone and is originally owned by the Wah Shan Sect. However, the sword is confiscated by the Mongolian Yin-yang Strange Old Man. The monster even dresses as Ngor Mei to hurt the leader of Wah Shan in order to agitate war within mainland China. Man Lee-wan, the niece of Wah Shan leader goes to Wah Shan to help his uncle. He finds his injured uncle lying on the road. At the same time, Dik Siu-ching dresses as a man passing by and invites them to rest at her house. Yin-yang tries to poison them but it is unsuccessful. Man hurries to Wong Shan day and night while his partners get poisoned. Man is forced to go back to Dik for the remedies. Although Man is trapped by Dik’s trick but he starts to like her. Yin-yang pretends as Man to invade Ngor Mei. The leader of Ngor Mei is kidnapped. Luckily her daughter escapes and goes to Man for revenge. Man realizes the Mongols did this and the two parties go for a battle. Sister Yuk-ha is hurt by the weapons and Man goes to Dik for the medicine. However, he is surrounded by the monster. At last, Dik saves Man to escape from the Mongols.

Spy no. 13 – 1964
Chan Kwok-wah, director. executive producer. scriptwriter.
Tso Tat-wah (as Cheung Chi-ping), Yu So Chow (as Wu Lai-sheung), Ha Ping, Lam Kau (as Fan Yeung-shan), James Yi (as Tong Kwong-kwan), Lok Kung (as Sakei), Kam Lui (as Gohanda), Sai Kwa Pau (as Mr. Au), Ng Fung-yan, Yuan Xiaotian, Chu Yau Ko, Chow Kat, Heung Hoi, To Sam-ku.

During World War II, spy Wu Lai-sheung is instructed by her superior Fan Yeung-shan to murder spy number 13 Cheung Chi-ping. While Wu establishes a relationship with Sakei, the assistant general of the Japanese army, she also gets acquainted with Cheung Chi-ping, who disguises himself as a driver. Cheung and Wu fall in love with each other. Wu even recommends Cheung to become Sakei’s driver. On the other hand, Cheung pretends to court the Japanese spy Siu-kuen. It turns out that Siu-kuen frames Cheung by secretly arranging to kill the spies who have contacts with him. In fact, Cheung has seen through Kuen’s identity for a long time, and when Kuen is preparing to kill Wu, Cheung secretly sets up an ambush and kills Kuen, Fan compels Wu to carry out the order of killing Cheung as quickly as possible. Having no other alternatives, Wu follows the instruction to murder Cheung by using a specially made cigarette lighter. After the killing, Wu disappears. After the war, Fan discovers that Wu has ended up into a mental hospital. When he is visiting Wu, he tells her of Cheung’s innocence. This breaks Wu’s heart. Fortunately, Cheung turns out to have seen through Wu’s identity for a long time and pretended to have been killed in order to cover up his identity and facilitate his underground work. With the whole truth known and the war ended, Cheung and Wu finally get married and set up a family.

A sword against five dragons – 1952
Director, Yam Yu-tin
Noted martial arts director Yam Yu-tin, who was the director and playwriter of this film, appeared as an actor for the first time. His daughter Yam Yin and sons Yam Tai-koon, Yam Siu-koon were also in the cast.

Wu Wan-pang and his sister Lai-ying are escorting a consignment of jewels. Passing through the Five Dragons’ Manor, the convoy is ambushed by Wong Tin-lung and his brothers. Brother and sister set out to retrieve the treasure, and come to Peach Blossom Village. When passing an inn, they see its proprietor Wong Lo-yee and wife being dispossessed of their property by village chief To Kam-kong. Trying to talk sense with Kam-kong, the siblings are engaged in combat by Kam-kong, Wong Sei-lung and Ng-lung. The intervention of Leung Mei-yuk, a lady knight in male disguise, beats back the intruders. The belligerents in turn launch an attack on the Leung’s Manor. A fierce battle ensues, resulting in Mei-yuk capturing Sei-lung and has him delivered to the authorities. Wan-pang and Lai-ying join forces with Mei-yuk and brother Hoi-chung, and the four knights set out to Five Dragons Village to deal with the bandits. They stop over at a “black inn” and come under attack from the enemy. Pursuing the enemy to Five Dragons’ Manor, Wan-pang and Lai-ying are captured. The siblings are about to be burnt to death with a hot pillar when Mei-yuk makes a timely appearance and wields her sword to attack the bandits. Tin-lung exploits his mechanised booby traps to capture Mei-yuk, but the latter’s luck saves her. Mei-yuk’s father Leung Kit and a company of men come to the rescue. Tin-lung is subdued, bound up and delivered to the law.

Purple Lightning Sword