3-D Sex and Zen

It looks like Asia isn’t immune to the 3D Remake craze, and they have decided to turn up the heat! We will get a 3D remake of the Category III classic Sex and Zen! Is this Category III-D? Because that is the obvious joke.
Variety reports

Lensing will begin in April on what its producer claims will be the world’s first erotic movie to be made in stereoscopic 3-D

Producer Stephen Shiu Jnr, chair of One Dollar Production, says his company will make “3D sex and Zen,” a sequel to the 1991 title “Sex and Zen” produced by his father Stephen Siu Yeuk-yen.

According to newspaper reports Shiu says pic will be made on a budget of HK$30 million ($3.9 million)

The small problem is that this isn’t the first erotic movie in 3D (perhaps he is referring to the newest methods of 3D, but whatever) There is even porn in 3D! We also have an upcoming 3D porn system from Nvidia and Glacier Media Systems. Probably perfect timing!

Starship Troopers 3

The Federation needs you to help children!

This is a pretty good stab at a viral video to raise awareness for a good cause. Especially since we get Casper Van Diem as Johnny Rico to tell us Citizens what to do to help! The star of Starship Troopers 1 and Starship Troopers 3 tells us how we can help fight child abuse:
Childhelp website
Troopers page

Help fight child abuse for as little as $5

Welcome to the online home of Childhelp, Trooper! We are glad you saw our brand new Starship Troopers PSA with Casper Van Dien. With the help of national programs we are able to spread awareness on the silent killer that is child abuse and neglect. Sadly, four children die every day to this terrible scourge on our society.

To truly fight back we must enlist the help of communities just like yours around the continent. Just by taking the initiative to visit this site youve taken the very first step towards helping us treat and prevent child abuse. Each step you take helps the lives of hundreds of children. Wont you take another? Here are three more steps you can take to brighten the life of a child.

Here is the press release:

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (January 27, 2009) – Johnny Rico, lead character in the hit movie Starship Troopers, is suiting up once again to fight back against the evils of the galaxy. Hollywood actor Casper Van Dien has reprised the combat savvy character for Childhelp to talk about fighting a different war – the war against child abuse. Two new public service announcements (PSAs) were filmed for Childhelp, one of the leading organizations dedicated to the prevention and treatment of child abuse, and recently made their debut online.

The PSAs were put together by an all star team including Academy Award winning visual effects directors Robert Skotak and Dennis Skotak, with the assistance of their brother Jeffrey Skotak who is now also working in visual effects. Robert and Dennis Skotak won Oscars for their visual effects work in the movies Terminator 2, Aliens and The Abyss. The filming was done by John Murlowski, who filmed Starship Troopers 3, and the editing by Kevin VanHook, who has worked on many blockbusters including I, Robot and Daredevil.

“Everyone jumped at the chance to come together and support such a great cause,” said Casper Van Dien. “Four children die every day in this country because of child abuse and neglect, and we all need to do whatever we can to help children in need.”

The PSAs can be viewed on the Childhelp website at http://www.childhelp.org/troopers/video
About Childhelp

In 2009, Childhelp commemorates 50 years of bringing the light of hope and healing into the lives of countless children. CEO and Co-Founder Sara O’Meara and President and Co-Founder Yvonne Fedderson started Childhelp in 1959, establishing it as a leading national non-profit organization dedicated to helping victims of child abuse and neglect and at-risk children. Childhelp’s approach focuses on advocacy, prevention, treatment and community outreach.

The Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline, 1-800-4-A-CHILD®, operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and receives calls from throughout the United States, Canada, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and Guam. Childhelp’s programs and services also include residential treatment services; children’s advocacy centers; therapeutic foster care; group homes and child abuse prevention, education and training. Childhelp also created the Childhelp National Day of Hope®, held each April during National Child Abuse Prevention Month, that mobilizes people across America to join the fight against child abuse.

For more information about Childhelp and to learn how to get involved in our 50th anniversary celebration, please call 480-922-8212 or visit www.childhelp.org.

Wingnut Web – Resist Obama edition

Barack Obama was elected president, which lead to a flurry of new Right Wing online webgroups forming all over the web as every nutjob with a computer has an idea how to save the party. Many of these will fizzle out in a year or so, but while they are here we will mock them. It is fun. The Patriotic Resistance at Resistnet.com is one such group, they use Ning like a surprising amount of the new groups and are filled with a whole pack of idiots and racists. These are actual posts on the Resistnet.com forums, which we aren’t linking to so because we’re jerks here. The stupid image program compressed these but they are still readable, so much for that dumb program (or me not making backups of thirty images.) Let’s get this party started!

Tex is a friend of Hawaiian independence:

Don’t tread on Ann’s White Power discussions!

jill freely admits she is a racist, while believing if you were to ever insult a black person you would go to jail

kathy randal knows MLK has a dream to NOT have Obama as president

Black people have all the cool clubs and change their names every 5 years!

In my day all Mulatos would be executed by fellow schoolchildren! Thanks for your email address…

Doug Ward knows the blacks and Mexicans cannot breath without killing each other

leo ames knows all blacks are immigrants and not descendants of slaves, and Obama is the real racist

It is Ann again, a valued member of the community

Stare at black people and DEMAND they tell you how you oppressed them!

Mama Bear refuse to use pennies or five dollar bills (with bonus Blacks are the real racists)

Wiccanwolf, furry witch commie fighter!

Black people should get on their knees and thank white people!

Yeah, “probably”

What does Sarah Palin have to do with crackers?

This totally happened and ThePhoenixFromTheAshes didn’t make it up.

Real patriotic Americans call for treason!

Another baby whines about how they can’t call minorities racist names to their faces

I’m sure if there were lions in Atlanta Kunta Kinte would have lost more than a foot.

Ann is back to tell us the horrible tale of how black people once looked at her, and a black homeless guy hit her up for change!

I have 900 degrees but can’t seem to get paid what I deserve, it can’t be because I’m a liar

Amy had a grandmother who was a white slave?

Minuteman would rather see the world burn than live under Obama

Judy Doyle comes up with the craziest Obama is fake story I have heard since the Malcolm X one!

Praying for the rapture to occur will solve this Obama problem!

Timothy is a real patriot all set to support America by destroying it for a .org secessionist government!

The South will be retarded again!

Hang all voters!

Jon A is on a watchlist like all patriots!

Black people can’t govern themselves because they are all trying to immigrate to America

John Carter of Mars

Slightly more John Carter of Mars movie news

John Carter of Mars

In between Harry Knowles declaring every movie put out by a director that glances in his direction the best thing ever, we find some more news about the upcoming John Carter of Mars movie that might actually happen (unlike the aborted attempt Harry Knowles was producing, or the dozens of failed attempts before that)

I edited out a bit of Quint’s ramblings

I was able to attend a luncheon before the panel and sat with Tom McCarthy and Andrew Stanton. Of course John Carter of Mars had to come up. He also elaborated on the panel, but here’s what’s going on with JOHN CARTER OF MARS:

– It is live action.

– “It is huge, it is exciting, it scares the crap out of me. It’s either going to make me or break me.”

– It is NOT a Pixar movie, rather a Disney film. However Stanton’s creative team from Pixar are all still involved.

– The style is going to be very real, not highly stylized. He said that 20 some years ago that version could have been made, but since Star Wars and a whole glut of science fiction and fantasy films have ripped off giant portions of JCOM over the years the only option he sees is doing a straight up, realistic version of the story. He described it as if it was a National Geographic crew that stumbled across a preserved civilization while exploring a cave. Very real, but awe-inspiring.

– He is not planning nor wanting to shoot it 3-D, but thinks Disney might want to push him towards it.

– Stanton has been a fan of Edgar Rice Burroughs since he was a kid, so while he won’t have the same kind of development time on this one as he had on his animated movie he looks at it as him living with the story in his brain for 40 plus years instead of the 6-8 of his animated films.

– He has his second draft done and will be casting soon.

– John Carter WILL be a Civil War soldier.

sounds okay so far, but I will be forever wary of this project.

Samson—In the Future!

Hey, we all love the story of Samson in the Bible and how Delilah cut his hair and he pushed some columns in all suicide bomber-like, but you will love it even more in the future!

Warner prevailed in a three-studio bidding battle. The seven-figure deal comes despite a sluggish year so far for deals on material.

Scott Silver (8 Milie) will write the script, and Francis Lawrence (I Am Legend) will direct. Erwin Stoff will produce through 3 Arts.

Samson gives a futuristic twist to the story of the biblical strongman who was invincible until he was betrayed by Delilah, to whom he entrusted the secret that his strength came from his long hair.

Three studios were fighting over this movie! THREE!!! Is it any wonder why movies are terrible, just terrible now? Samson in the future is dumb, but Zorro in the future will rule!
Zorro 2110 was to be its name, but who knows what is happening with that one, it has been lawsuit city since 2005:

Filmmakers Sue Sony Pictures Over Rights To Make ‘Zorro’ Film

Who owns Zorro? That’s the question filmmakers are asking a judge to answer.

Los Angeles, CA — Sobini Films claims it owns the rights to a 1919 book in which the character Zorro first appears and it wants to use that to make a futuristic movie to be called “Zorro 2110.”

But Sony Pictures sent a cease-and-desist letter, stopping the Sobini project, claiming Sony owns exclusive rights to develop and distribute all films and T-V programs based on “Zorro.”

Now Sobini is suing.

The complaint also asks the judge to find that Zorro’s look, including his black mask, cape, hat and sword, cannot be tradmarked or copyrighted.

No comment on the suit from Sony Pictures.


Trailer – Goemon

Another trailer today, this time for Kazuaki Kiriya‘s (Casshern) new film Goemon.

The film centers around the legendary ninja bandit Ishikawa Goemon, who has been the subject of countless works of fiction since the real guy was allegedly boiled alive in 1594 for attempting to assassinate Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

Nippon Cinema has the trailer

Official site