Wingnut Web – Death Threats Edition! (aka is supposed to be FoxNews’s answer to the HuffingtonPost, but just turned out to be a big bunch of babies. The “Fair and Balanced” FoxNews site gives us articles with such titles as “Why Does NBC News Attack Average Americans?” and “Hey Janet, FBI’s ‘Most Wanted’ Is a LEFT-WINGER” The commenters are about as insightful as a bag of hot dogs, and usually just good for a laugh. Until today. That’s when the moderated let this lovely comment go through, which calls for the GOP to murder Democrats:

Now, commenters on both sides of the aisle call this guy out, but not everyone does! Apparently, reporting people who threaten death to politicians to the FBI is what happens in communist Russia!

Thank you, florida coolpop, for showing just how horrible you are!

The thread these are taken from is:
If anyone spots any other death threats at, let us know!

Let's do some links! kicks off our link fest, with solid entries of FIEND WITHOUT A FACE, the Shaw Brothers classic horror film BLACK MAGIC, and everyone’s favorite film that lifts footage from Battlestar Galactica and has a villain named after a bathroom product, SPACE MUTINY!

Teleport City gives us Teenagers from Outer Space, of which the “teenagers” probably have teenagers of their own. Also reviews of Godzilla Vs Megalon and another goofy kung fu mess, Battle Wizard

Information Geek’s Reviews gives us looks at Raggedy Ann and Andy: A Musical Adventure (which I saw at the local thrift store this week…), and also a look at Pokémon: The First Movie

Radiation-Scarred Reviews sets up a picnic and is invaded by giant ants called Them, and fights the “worst movie ever made”, Plan 9 from Outer Space

TheGreatWhiteDope’s Mecha-Blog-Zilla fights with himself in Jekyll & Hyde…Together Again, as well as saying “Sham-wow!” to the Underground Comedy Movie

Darksider not only welcomed the birth of his second child (congrats!) but also is losing his webhosting thanks to Yahoo shutting down GeoCities at the end of the year. So he’ll be migrating over to blogspot once he has time, which is now much rarer thanks to two children. New Darksider’s Link

Foywonder gives us an audio review of Turkish Rambo, and is late with his monthly Foyeurism! Grrr!! We all know that real life gets in the way of internet fun, so no biggie!

Lizard Woman (Review)

Lizard Woman

aka Tuk Kae Phii

Directed by Manop Udomdej

Lizard Woman is from Thailand, and in Thailand and other parts of southeast Asia there are geckos everywhere. Geckos permeate the culture, they are like lizard cockroaches and poop all over. The big city is supposed to be above having geckos around, which is indicative of the countryside and the less modern people who live there. Yes, class struggles in Thailand, how interesting. Regardless, gecko women is a common horror meme, there are probably a lot of ancient tales about them related to the snake-women phenomenon that is all over Asia. I know of one other Gecko horror movie (called Gecko, believe it or not! And I have it on vcd…) and have seen enough covers of Thai films to know there are probably others.

Kwanpilin (Rungrawee Barijindakul) – A writer who has recently gained fame due to her horror novels, particularly one centered on evil lizard spirits. The same types of spirits who will now possess her! The actress is credited as Rungraree Barijindakul thanks to the multiple ways to translate Thai into English.
Vitool (Pete Thongchua) – Psychiatrist boyfriend of Kwanpilin who spends most of the film not believing his girlfriend is possessed. You can’t spell Vitool without “tool”. He is particularly lame, and I took great joy in his death.
Reporter (Chatthapong Pantanaunkul) – Photographer who catches glimpses of the geckos in his photographs, prompting him to investigate further. He is a totally extra character, so of course he dies.
Brother of the Maid (???) – Brother (I am guessing, he might be the boyfriend but they didn’t seem that close) of Kwanpilin’s maid Aunt Sai, he joins Reporter in the search for the truth of the gecko women upon his sisters death. He has a big heart, and if you don’t believe me Kwanpilin has ripped it out for all to see!
Gecko People (various) – A good chunk of the film is a side story about people who go caving and then get lost in the woods, and get all geckoed the frak up. I didn’t pay much attention at first because it looks like Kwanpilin was writing this as a story within a story, but it kept going. Gecko people are like a weird version of the J-Horror ghost girls.

Rungrawee Barijindakul

Rungrawee Barijindakul photographs from various shoots. Nicknamed Oh, she is the featured star of Lizard Woman, the new movie review. She was also featured in Ong Bak, had a swimsuit photos layout in the Thai Maxim, and was included in the Thai FHM top 100 sexiest women lists for 2006 (not sure of the rank) and 2004 (#78)
Rungrawee Barijindakul
Rungrawee Barijindakul
Rungrawee Barijindakul
Rungrawee Barijindakul
Rungrawee Barijindakul
Rungrawee Barijindakul
Rungrawee Barijindakul
Rungrawee Barijindakul
Rungrawee Barijindakul
Rungrawee Barijindakul
Rungrawee Barijindakul
Rungrawee Barijindakul
Rungrawee Barijindakul
Rungrawee Barijindakul
lizard woman Rungrawee Barijindakul


2009 record breaking year for alien visits!

Aliens have been coming to Earth more and more this year, but not out of any good-hearted nature. In fact, man of the aliens don’t even have hearts because they don’t have circulatory systems, but that is a different post. I, Dr. Mobusu, have been monitoring alien visits with great interest, because the occasional capture of alien craft gives great bounties of technology and alien DNA for splicing into new, awesome monsters to terrify my enemies. Recently, it looks like several alien races are competing for influence on Earth among the power elite because they think there will be a big, cataclysmic event soon. Whatever event it may be, it is not anything of mine. Dr. Mobusu is insulted that the event they think will happen is not one of his own, so I will make sure the event fails to come to pass and the Earth is destroyed entirely by Dr. Mobusu-related events! Earthquakes? No. Giant tyrannosaurus rexes with wings attacking Detroit? Yes! Floods? No. Robots who collect human ears? Yes! MuHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! Death to all aliens!


By Gemma Wheatley

UFO experts are expecting a “huge surge” in visits from ET this year.

Ministry of Defence specialists reckon a massive increase in UFO sightings in the last few weeks suggests aliens are trying to get in touch with us.

And they predict there could be at least one “close encounter” a day over the next 12 months.

The news comes after these amazing drawings, left, were revealed to the Daily Star. They were made by children who claimed a UFO landed in their school playground.

The children also reported seeing a “scrawny man with rugby ball eyes”. They had never seen pictures or watched images on television of aliens, yet their drawings were all spookily alike.

Nick Pope, who used to run the UFO project at the Ministry of Defence, says he is bombarded with images and videos of UFOs every week.

In the past month he has seen figures almost double as thousands of Brits report sightings across the country.

So far this year the British UFO Research Association (BUFORA) has logged nine reports. Nick has also received reports of 14 incidents since the start of the year.

And he said: “2009 is shaping up to be a record-breaking year. I have noticed a dramatic upsurge of reports since the beginning of the year.

“If I continue to receive reports at the current rate I’ll get one a day, which is likely to exceed the combined total of MoD and BUFORA, most remarkable given that I don’t actively solicit reports.”

The school sighting took place in Zimbabwe in 1994.

About 60 children reported seeing three silver balls in the sky before one of them landed. One of the pupils described the object as “silver and the ring around it was red… lights along the edge”.

Another said he saw strange beings with “astonished eyes”.

None of the teachers saw the “landing” as they were all in a meeting at the time.