Here is some awesome WW2 Propaganda for you! Authentic Vichy France propaganda against the allies. You all remember Vichy France was basically a puppet state for the Nazis after France was defeated in 1940, existing from 1940-1944 under Marshal Philippe Pétain, correct? Good. So like any good state during the age of war, lots of propaganda was created. This clip above is from one of the cartoon shorts trying to convince everyone the Allies were bad because they are bombing France. The clip itself (with the translations) is taken from the 1993 documentary film The Eye of Vichy (L’Œil de Vichy) directed by Claude Chabrol. It is packed to the gills with propaganda produced by Nazi-occupied France. And don’t despair, the whole thing is on YouTube. I do not know the name of the original Vichy cartoon, though. Besides Mickey and Donald, Goofy, Felix the Cat, and Popeye participate in the air raid.