Carina Lau photos lead to jail time

Before the Edison Chen scandal, there was the Carina Lau scandal. Carina Lau was kidnapped by gangsters in 1990, possibly raped, and photos of the indecent were published in a magazine in 2002. This caused a bunch of outrage and lead to investigations. So just like the Edison Chen leaker is going to jail, now the Lau photo publisher is going to jail as well.

The former chief editor of a Hong Kong-based magazine has been sentenced to five months in prison for publishing a topless photo of a kidnapped actress seven years ago.

The picture of Carina Lau appeared on the cover of East Week on October 30, 2002, after she was kidnapped in 1990. She was released unharmed, and the reason for the abduction has never been revealed. Media reports speculated it may have been done by mobsters who were angry at her.

The defendant, Mong Hon-Ming, 52, earlier received a six-month suspended sentence after he pleaded guilty last December.

But the Court of Appeal in Hong Kong ruled on Tuesday that the original magistrate had been misled and the sentence was too lenient.

When East Week published the photo, the eyes and breasts of the actress were pixilated. But Lau admitted she was the person in the image, sparking outrage in Hong Kong. Actor Jackie Chan vowed to organize a boycott of East Week, and other Hong Kong actors and entertainers also condemned the magazine.

A protest a month later by more than 500 leading Hong Kong celebrities – including Jackie Chan, the late Leslie Cheung and Anita Mui – demanded that the media show greater respect for people’s privacy.


Bewitched Housewives

Bewitched Housewives (Review)

Bewitched Housewives

Directed by Fred Olen Ray (as Nicholas Medina)

Bewitched Housewives is a take off of Bewitched except as a softcore flick. As a Bewitched movie came out around the same time, that may have been the inspiration for the script getting made. This is not the only Retromedia take off of old TV shows as erotic entertainment, Erotic Genie being another example. I would rather these old shows get made as parody softcore flicks instead of terrible big budget films that bomb at the box office.

The TV series Bewitched actually spawned three Turkish movies, one of which was Tatli Cadi (The Sweet Sorceress), and it was followed by the sequel Tatli Cadi’nin Maceralari (The Adventures of the Sweet Sorceress). Minik Cadi (The Cute Witch) turned the main star into a little girl and went cute, in contrast to the Sweet Sorceress films which tended to emphasize women in skimpy clothes. I am sure we are all familiar with the remake with Will Ferrell and Nicole Kidman, so let’s leave well enough alone.

As we’ve done a whole bunch of these Fred Olen Ray bikini films, I’ll just list them all here instead of over and over again in the Roll Call: Super Ninja Doll, Bikini Girls from the Lost Planet, Girl with the Sex-Ray Eyes, Tarzeena: Jiggle in the Jungle, Ghost in a Teeny Bikini, Voodoo Dollz: Lust Potion #9, and Bikini Airways. Yes, more will be on here soon!

Mary Corwin (Beverly Lynne) – A fan of big, throbbing vegatables, Mary Corwin is whisked away from certain death at the hands of witch hunters to modern day LA where she has a husband, friends, and corporate espionage intrigue… Beverly Lynne is a pretty big star in these Skinimax softcore films, but those of you who got here by Googling her name already know that.
Angelique (Nicole Sheridan) – Angelique is a member of the Sisterhood of Witches and spends her time rescuing persecuted witches back in time and taking them to modern times. Nicole Sheridan is in almost every Bikini movie made this decade, also stars in adult films, and runs her own website. Plus she’s married to Voodoo. Check out her wonderfully titled films If the Balls Fit, Suck ‘Em!, The Adventures of O-Girl Trapped in Time, and Eruptions: Pink’s My Favorite Color.
Derek Simmons (Brad Bartram) – Ad agency man who becomes the set up husband for rescued witch Mary Corwin. Brad Bartram has a large contingent of fans of the search engine referrals are to be believed.
Barry (Voodoo as Alexandre Boisvert) – Barry is Derek’s coworker, and is jealous because Derek comes up with all the cool ideas. Martin’s plan is to steal Derek’s latest idea, which would have worked had Derek bothered to write any of it down (which must make powerpoint presentations interesting!) Barry is played by Alexandre Boisvert, who continues his policy of making goofy faces and being hilarious.
Linda (Rebecca Love) – Barry’s girl and his point woman for Operation Steal Derek’s Ideas. Spends most of her time rummaging though underwear drawers and having sex with Derek to cover her tracks. Adult actress Rebecca Love is also featured in the finely titled films Camp Cuddly Pines Powertool Massacre, When Things Get Rough She Gets Filthy, and Itty Bitty Cheerleaders vs. the Big Boob Squad 2.
Martin (Evan Stone) – Martin is Angelique’s wife, and is one of the few roles where Evan Stone plays a more subdued, normal guy. He can’t always be in elevator shoes with goggles and giant gloves and named Kronkor.
Brother Hopkins (Ted Newsom) – A Witch Hunter who tracks down those who would dare use magic, even though one of his tools looks to be magic. Not adverse to traveling to the future to track down his prey. Occasionally yields to temptation.
Mr. Beatty (Don Donaldson) – Derek’s boss at the ad agency. Don Donaldson is barely in this movie, but has larger roles in a few of the other films.
Jailer (Eric Spudic) – The Jailer shows up at the end to assign Brother Hopkins (now Sister Hopkins) his (her) fate. Eric Spudic was also in The Ghost in the Teeny Bikini. If you are in Van Nuys, visit Spudic’s Movie Empire!

The Asylum news bits

The Asylum, home of the mockbusters, gets some news…

Pics from Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus up at Undead Backbrain:
hit the link for more.

The poster for The Land That Time Forgot has also been posted, with a giant T-Rex:

The Asylum is also releasing another sex teen comedy with Sexpot 3DDD about sex and pot. No giant monsters, though.

Finally, all references to the mockbuster The Terminators have been stripped from the Asylum’s website. Sources say there was a cease and desist letter sent, so the Asylum dropped all references to the movie but released it anyway! On a side note, I have a review of it finished and look for it to be uploaded once the internet at home (where I can use my ftp program) stops being stupid.

Thanks to Avery for some of the links

Wingnut Web – FoxNation Burning a Cross Edition

Well, Justice Souter on the US Supreme Court has announced he is retiring, giving Obama his first Supreme Court nomination. Of course, this has the Wingnuts in a tizzy. The fun isn’t psychotically crazy, because Souter is one of the more liberal members of the court, but we still get suggestions from idiot pundits that Obama should appoint someone so conservative they wear Pilgrim’s clothes, otherwise he isn’t bipartisan. When some senators made a suggestion that Obama should appoint someone that isn’t a white male, Wingnuts went up in arms as if Obama said it himself. Then (aka posted the story, ever worried about underrepresentation on the Supreme Court by white males. Thus, the commentors go ballistically racist, giving us our fun for the day!

What a Fair and Balanced article title that totally won’t set the tone for white male victimhood!

Wolverine, your prequel sucked and someone must have shot you with adamantium bullets to make you claim racism doesn’t exist right after you whine about imaginary racism

IRON MIKE is so proud of being white he’s named after a black rapist

Anonymous lets us know foxnation’s moderated comments don’t care if you are racist anymore!

MPB knows that this is all a plot by black lesbians to control the world!

And what rights did you lose?

Don Deville is the type of lawyer who punches the jury and then blames them for racism when he loses the case

We’re all gonna be French Nazis!

Daniel Cabrera is so proud of being so ignorant he gives you his address

You heard it hear first: Racism was invented in the 1960’s by hippies!

We don’t need no filthy BLACK PEOPLE, if you know what I mean…

Mike is the herpes infecting America’s Wang.

Yes, Obama the black guy is trying to bring back Dread Scott

Funny how ACORN is now suddenly a massive global conspiracy. I guess that’s easier to believe than the fact that your party sucks.

Daniel Cabrera returns to let us know he hasn’t taken his meds lately…

And did you know that there are currently ZERO white US presidents?

Yeah, you just French kiss the Saudi King and walk hand in hand…

White males totally follow the law, unlike those terrible darkies!

White people will kill all the blacks and race traitors, Teehee!

Detox wins the dumbest poster on award, because he posted like 30 messages similar to this as he sperged all over the board with his impotent rage.

All these limp softies raging against the world gets me in the mood for a stiff drink. Until next time, when calls for nuking all blue states or something else completely stupid, Wingnut Web is out!