TarsTarkas.NET is entering a new era

An era of having three authors who post. Please welcome out newest author, skiplogic, who will be contributing with Wingnut Webs of his own. This should lead to us being able to put up articles more often, and more in depth.

In addition, the site has the new, snazzy Atahualpa theme which we have been testing for a bit. Now, each author will have their own post colors to make it easier to tell who is bringing you the news. The colors might get tweeked at bit, but for now Tars Tarkas is in blue, the long missing Dr. Mobusu is in grey, and skiplogic is in yellow.

For those of you who have the adsense delux plug in and were plagued with You Do Not Have Sufficient Permissions to Access this Page errors, I was able to find a solution that worked here. Just a friendly FYI.

And good grief, Google, what is with the ads for Right Wing sites? Don’t you know what we do here? Oh, well, if they want to waste money on us, let them!

Wingnut Web: What's in a "No Tolerance" policy, Darla D?

Webster-Meridian defines the word ‘tolerance’ as: “a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one’s own; freedom from bigotry,” or otherwise, a mutual respect for others and their beliefs regardless of race, creed, political affiliations, etc. I define the word ‘no’ as: “the opposite of yes,” or otherwise, the converse of the affirmative. Now, both words can be confusing at times, especially the word “tolerance” for some since it has three entire syllables and can be hard to sound out, but when I heard that the Resistnet.com community stands by a strict “No Tolerance” policy in the content and conversations taking place on their website I just had to take a gander and see for myself how tolerant they could be.

Darla D, Resistnet’s sexy middle-aged mom-hot administrator officially instituted the policy when Resistnet “spontaneously” sprung up and established themselves earlier this spring (due of course to “grassroots” efforts). As the site’s coordinating administrator all the responsibilities of maintaining a policy of “no tolerance”, among other things, fall squarely on Darla’s capable shoulders. Being the one who created and set the policy Darla should be the most knowledgeable on the subject and her hawkish dedication to keeping the members of Resistnet in line should shine through on the chat and message boards on the site. That is, if Darla actually could sound out, define, or count the syllables in the word “tolerance”.

Sup girl?

Darla D on the prowl. Sup girl?

I’m not going to bother outlining the whole thing, the tenants of a “no tolerance” policy on a community website should be very clear since we all most of us learned about the word “tolerance” in our 5th grade English class, but all the reader needs to know is that Resistnet.com does have an official policy regarding content that is racist, sexist, demeaning, pornographic, offensive, and otherwise not kosher to regular upstanding citizens. Here are some snippets:

4. This is a clean site, so we will absolutely not allow pornographic material or links directed to pornographic material on our site period! Our definition of pornographic material means: if you wouldn’t show your little brother, or daughter, don’t post it. Both ‘Upstairs’ and ‘Downstairs’ must be covered in some kind of fashion. The same applies to avatars as well.

5. Photos/Video’s or links to photos/video’s of illegal activities are not allowed in ANY sections of this forum. Pictures/Video’s must be tasteful, non-abusive, non-graphic, no heads on spikes, no one giving a bird, no bad language, non-racist, etc… Music must be tasteful, no profanity, racism, lewdness, allowed in music choices.

6. No sexism is allowed. Offensive comments will be deleted. This applies to both male and female members!

Websters Dictionary: prejudice or discrimination based on sex ; especially : discrimination against women2: behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex

11. Posts that deal with militancy such as a call for taking up arms, and or overthrowing the government with any kind of violence will result in banishment from the site. Conspiracy Theories may be deleted with out notice. Please provide credible links and sources on your posts.

We want you to have fun, but use of this forum is a privilege not a right! Failure to comply with any of the above guidelines may trigger one or more of the following responses by the Moderators:

1. Your message may be edited, closed or deleted.

2. You could possibly receive a written warning from a Moderator not to do it again.

3. If you do not receive a written warning and notice a message that you made was edited, closed or deleted without written warning  from a Moderator this should make you aware that your post was inappropriate and the edit, closing or deletion of the message should be warning enough. You should not start a new thread concerning the same topic as this may lead to you being banned from the forum. Please do not expect the Moderators to give you a warning every time you do not follow the guidelines that are listed here. It is your responsibility to know these guidelines.

Pretty clear right? You can post on Resistnet, but if a user gets too out of control and starts calling on members to take up arms against the police or posts up some blatantly racist comments or pictures then that material will be taken down, since it hurts the credibility of the community and makes everyone on their side look like a bunch of racist bigoted loonies. Any national group dedicated to spirited and factual debate would make it a priority to make sure their members keep the dialog respectable and free of blatant intolerant words and pictures, it just makes your cause look bad otherwise, but given that Resistnet.com and Darla D don’t really understand the meaning of the word “factual” or “debate” in the first place, it is no surprise that Darla clearly drops the ball on every occasion as Resistnet administrator and herald of tolerance. As of the date of this post here are some images still up on Resistnet.com’s photos/video section, you be the judge on whether or not the content abides by the words in Darla D’s “No Tolerance” policy:

You know who had some good ideas? That Hitler guy!

You know who had some good ideas? That Hitler guy!

Where have I heard that term "final solution" before?

Where have I heard that term "final solution" before?

Poop joke!

Poop joke!

Racist? No, it's Bill Cosby!

Racist? No, it's Bill Cosby!

What do you even caption this with??

What do you even caption this with??

Native Americans, the origional homegrown terrorists

Native Americans, the original homegrown terrorists

It's not racist! Obama was born in Africa and that's how they all dress there!

It's not racist! Obama was born in Africa and that's how they all dress there!

This is just ONE SECTION of Resistnet’s web community, you think Darla D would be doing a better job with her beliefs in tolerance and all. I only comment on the photos section here because if I scrubbed the message board or chat portions of Resistnet for racist, derogatory, and obscene comments this post would go on for EONS. Does Resistnet have the right to post whatever they want on their own website? Of course!

Do Resistnet and Darla D have a policy in place that denounces the posting material deemed racist, sexist, or otherwise profane and tasteless? Well, firm might not be the best word to describe it, but yeah apparently they do. Does Resistnet cling to these tenants however? Hell naw. I mean, we already know this “movement” is full of people who are way to concerned that a black man is President to begin with, we don’t even need to question if the content is racially charged or not. Good eye Darla D!

Now, I’ll let you draw up your own conclusions, but what does it say about a particular group when it becomes necessary, on the surface at least, for them to have to institute a policy of “tolerant” posting yet at the same time the majority of users and even the site’s administrator (Darla D), the one person who is responsible and should be held accountable when “site rules” are broken, disregard the racial, sexist, pornographic, and profane (yeah, last time I checked pictures of aborted fetuses were considered profane) content embodied in said website?

Kinda sounds like they’re lying to themselves.

Geisha vs Ninjas

Geisha vs Ninjas (Review)

Geisha vs Ninjas

aka Geisha Assassin

Directed by Go Ohara

Having read Memoirs of a Geisha years before it became a terrible film, I am an expert on the Geisha and their generational war with the ninja, and am glad a film finally sheds some light on this dark mark on Japanese culture. The geisha has been underrepresented in movie culture because of the firm grip of ninja clans in the film producing world. Ninja master Godfrey Ho has spammed countless video rental businesses with ninja propaganda, to the point where the geisha are all but forgotten. Only in recent years have they made a move on mass culture, and now the Geisha/Ninja war gets it due on the big screen. And by big screen I mean your DVD player.

Do you like ninjas fighting geishas? Then you will like the first twenty minutes or so. after that, the ninjas are no more and the film becomes Geisha vs. _______, with “_______” being each new opponent she faces. Instead of one big film, just view it as a bunch of fighting shorts tied together by a loose narrative. That does mean the Geisha vs. Ninja title is misleading, thus probably why it was changed by the American distributor. The film looks like it should be a cheaply produced junkpile with terrible fights, but the action sequences have a lot of work put into them and are entertaining. I was impressed. Geisha vs. Ninja certainly wasn’t highly financed, but they wisely threw all their money into the action choreography, and that saves the film.

Kotomi Yamabe (Minami Tsukui) – Saw her father murdered before her eyes when she was a young child, and now seeks revenge. Minami Tsukui is a newcomer to Japanese cinema, but she’ll probably show up in some more genre pictures at least.
Female ninja (Nao Nagasawa) – We shall add one of the ninjas in the Roll Call because it is Geisha vs. Ninja. Nao Nagasawa is an actress, singer and model. She was on some Sentai show so I’ll probably get lots of hits from Power Ranger fans. Since she poses for billions of pictures we collected a bunch of them in a gallery. Hey, that stuff gets us ad revenue!
Ainu woman (Kaori Sakai) – So many other random enemies could be here, but let’s continue with the hot chick theme. Oddly enough, there is little information about this hot chick. Google searching for “Japanese Pocahontas” produces a surprising amount of porn, so I can’t even make a good joke.
Katagiri Hyo-e (???)- The samurai guy who killed Kotomi’s father in front of her and who she pursues. Has a bunch of lackeys he sends after her one by one. Also, there is a twist. It is twisty. I don’t know who played him.
Shugoro Yamabe (???) – Kotomi’s father who was killed in front of her by Katagiri Hyo-e. Very concerned over who will inherit the Yamabe Sword. Maybe you should have had a boy, dude. Not what he appears. I don’t know who played him.

Nao Nagasawa

Nao Nagasaw is a Japanese actress, singer and model. She is member of the pop groups girl’sBOX and Kingyo
She also plays Nanami Nono/Hurricane Blue of the Hurricangers, which was another of the long running Super Sentai groups (known in America as the Power Rangers). She was born in 1984 in Tokyo and her hobbies include bowling, digital photography, making sweets, table tennis, and watching movies. You can see her rocking out at a ninja in Geisha vs. Ninja.
Click on the images for huge!!!~


Dinocroc vs. Supergator is now Volcanic!

Jim Wynorski’s Dinocroc vs. Supergator has been renamed Volcanic.  Yep.  Exciting stuff, huh? The film is one of David Carradine’s last. It also stars Delia Sheppard, John Callahan, Rib Hillis, Jeff Rector, and Tamie Sheffield. A great shame the name didn’t stick.

UPDATE: and of course the name didn’t stick and we all got Dinocroc vs. Supergator back! Huzzah!


Wally Herger

Wingnut Web – this week in Wingnuts

And now for a slightly different type of post. This week has been filled with crazy members of the Right Wing community acting more crazy than usual. Don’t worry, next week they will be even more crazy. We have praise for terrorism, veiled threats of shooting the president, Town Halls gone wild, and a paranoid media host ramping up the paranoia. Here is a small bit of the nuts in the news this week…

California Republican Representative Wally Herger Praises “Right Wing Terrorist” at Town Hall:

an incident broke out at a town hall at Simpson University in Redding [Northern California] on Tuesday when Herger signaled encouragement to a 67-year-old town hall attendee, Bert Stead, who called himself a “proud right-wing terrorist.”

“Amen, God bless you,” Herger reportedly replied to the comment. “There is a great American.”

Wally Herger

Republican Idaho Governor candidate Rex Rammell makes jokes about hunting Obama:

Rammell’s remarks on Otter came in an interview Wednesday after the Times-News asked about comments Rammell made Tuesday night at a local Republican party event.

After an audience member shouted a question about “Obama tags” during a discussion on wolves, Rammell responded, “The Obama tags? We’d buy some of those.”

Rammell, a veterinarian and former elk rancher from Idaho Falls, said his comment was a joke and he would never seriously talk about President Obama that way, although he doesn’t support anything Obama’s done as president.

“I was just being sarcastic. That was just a joke,” Rammell said. “I would never support him being assassinated.

“She kind of caught me off guard, to be honest with you.”

Kansas Republican Representative Lynn Jenkins wants to find the Great White Hope:

“Republicans are struggling right now to find the great white hope,” said [Rep. Lynn] Jenkins. “I suggest to any of you who are concerned about that, who are Republican, there are some great young Republican minds in Washington.” As examples, Jenkins mentioned Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA), Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI).

Way to Freudian slip how monochrome your party is!

Glenn Beck is back and more insane than ever!
CrooksandLiars has the video He’s lost 40 sponsors and counting.

McCain gets booed for saying Obama respects the Constitution. The Tea Party Protesters just hate looking sane.

and Teddy Kennedy died this week, so you can’t go three steps without some Wingnut trying to bash him. Too many examples to post.