Big Momma's House 3!

Big Momma With a Vengeance!

Randi Mayem Singer will be writing the further adventures of Martin Lawrence in a fatsuit. No other details at this time. I didn’t think either of the other ones were that bad, compared to a lot of the muck I watch, so there could be worse movies getting sequels.

Wingnut Web – Brainwashing Children for Fun and Profit Edition

Barack Obama’s gonna brainwash your kids! On September 8, Barack Obama plans to give a televizes speech to schoolchildren broadcast into schools. This might seem like something harmless, maybe a fun diversion from listening to your teacher talk about the Pilgrims for the 1000th time (will school history classes ever reach WW2?) or at worst, a waste of an hour where kids didn’t get to learn any algebra. But some parents find something sinister in the president of the United States wanting to speak to schoolchildren. They think it is a brainwashing attempt to indoctrinate their children into Hitler youth Brownshirt programs. You might think I am making this up, but I am not. You cannot write this stuff, the Wingnuts have taken crazy to a whole other level!

I mean, what other presidents have addressed schoolchildren? Sure, George H. W. Bush had a speech for kids where he ptiched his education plan in 1992 (that would be when he was running for reelection!)

And terrible president Ronald Reagan addressed children to talk about taxes, God, and gun laws…

PRESIDENT REAGAN: Well, thank you very much. Please, be seated. You know, this is a real treat for me, having you here, and to have in a little while the chance to answer some of your questions. Let me also offer a special hello to those of you who are watching on C-Span, or the Instructional Television Network. Thank you for inviting us into your home or your school today …

And that is a vision that goes beyond economics and politics, it’s also a moral vision, grounded in the reverence and faith of those who believe that with God’s help, they could create a free and democratic nation …

Because you see, the taxes can be such a penalty on people that there’s no incentive for them to prosper and to earn more and so forth because they have to give so much to the government …

There was talk about having a gun ban in California. It didn’t go through. But I got a letter from a man in San Quentin Prison. And from the prison he wrote me the letter to tell me he was in there for burglary, he was a burglar. And he said, “I just want you to know that if that law goes through, here in San Quentin there will be celebrating throughout the day and night by all the burglars who are in prison.”

Let’s never forget President George W. Bush was reading to kids when plans were slamming into the World Trade Center. But none of that matters because none of those presidents were Marxist Communist Socialist Nazi Muslim African Liberals like B. Hussein Obama! leads the charge to yank the kids out of school! Follow the lead of some lady who types in all caps!

Let’s all die on hills or something!

Obama’s secret distraction EXPOSED!


I’d only support guys who were nailing their slaves to talk on TV (and if they did, they would be zombies and would eat kat 1776’s non-existent brains)

A typical response…
fno1.jpg let’s us know Liberals are the Real Racists!

mara123 can spot a Hitler a mile away!

nysportsfan (who lives in Texas for some reason) harassed her school principal with all caps emails until he was powerless to resist her

If the President drops below 50 mph, he will explode!

Seriously, liberals, why are you all horrible and want us to die?

Obamazz totally hates the Jews.

A speech so secret none shall hear it!

holypig would be the first person killed in Civil War II when he has a heart attack after walking to his gun cabinet.

He stepped over all these lines, like he was President or something!

tonyd2012 is yet another guy living the delusion that suddenly America will “wake up” and throw out these liberals and become True Conservative America!

Misogyny, in my

My kid won’t be learning no Spanish! And I’ll just ignore the fact my seven year old has more brains that I ever will!

Neither to most homeschoolers! Let’s yank their kids according to this guy!

Pray for God to smash babies’ heads against rocks. That’s Christian love for you!

The era of cheap internet has also lead to microsites popping up speaking out against the presidential address. Hall Pass On That is one such site…

Not the Ragime! I would demand Spell Check first!

We will brainwash our own kids, thank you very much!

We pay for it, so I should get MY WAY only! Waaaah!

Barack Obama, born to a father who abandoned him and forced to live with his grandparents because his mother had not enough money to take care of him, who attended schools on scholarships, was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. But George W. Bush, millionaire’s son, was a man of the people!

Barack Obama will harm your children and expose himself.

So the site took it upon itself to write their own worksheet for the speech!

Let’s take a look…

Question all authority, but never question Mommy! (and NEVER question Republican presidents!)

Liberals, just draw pictures because none of you can write…

Let’s discuss the main ideas of the speech, these things I made up!

And HallPassOnThis is not the only site! Don’t these people have jobs? Oh, wait, George W. Bush took care of that problem!

Wingnut Web must end again, but we’ll soon be back, and with more brainwashed children. Remember, when you brainwash, to use cold water or you will end up shrinking the brain.

Wingnut Web – Not a Finger! Edition

So the healthcare debate has caused emotions to run hot and heavy on both sides. From the Republicans recruiting angry mobs to storm townhall meetings and screech and hollar, to the fact that many of said Republican mobs are on Medicare/Medicade/VA benefits/other government services, the whole health care debate is a giant mess. This is punctuated by Barack Obama’s idiotic giveaway to the pharmaceutical industry and his wishy-washy lack of support of a public option, without with any meaningful healthcare reform is impossible. But as progressives slowly force Obama to not be a centrist dirtbag, the conservatives mobs are getting more restless. From gun-toting attention seekers outside presidential speeches to guys ripping up posters of Rosa Parks, things were coming to a head. And one event turned to violence of a media frenzy kind, as an altercation left one man missing a finger!

William J. Rice not only threw the first punch at the rally in Thousand Oaks, CA, but went to the hospital after getting his pinky bitten off thanks to Medicare. Then he showed up on FoxNews for Neil Cavuto and a very bizarre interview. Sadly, there is no video of the actual fight, which would answer a lot of questions (and quell some of the Right’s arguments that it was unprovoked finger biting despite Rice admitting he punched first) The biter remains at large.

Let’s look at some reactions around the internet. First up is

holy pig is an expert on cannibalism

wixxx knows that unions are responsible for horrible things, like 40 hour work weeks, weekends, vacation pay, sick leave…

Obama is making me hate America!
ff1.jpg takes a bite!

Those THUGS have to resort to name calling!

Fingers, huh? How ironic!

Who, indeed?

Kenyans bite fingers!

FreeRepublic weighs in…

It surely does, somehow…

Because he went to the hospital, healthcare is a-ok! (the government run healthcare the guy had!)

meloncholy is speaking in such deep cover code that even he has no idea what he is saying.

Yeah, only black people would bite fingers! (NOTE: the biter is white)

Obama bites off people’s fingers after sitting in church, got it!

Wah! I can’t troll some other blog anymore! Waaah!

Imagine these posts with about 9 million more where macho keyboard warriors declare they wouldn’t get their fingers bitten off, but would beat up the liberal without breaking a sweat, and that’s what it looks like from the right. Wingnut Web will be back, soon, as Obama will be brainwashing America’s children on September 8th, and only a few brave Wingnuts will stand up and yank their kids out of school so they don’t have to see a scary black man talk.

Test CGI from The Host 2

A test CGI shot from the prequel to the Korean movie The Host has hit the web. The Host 2 is set a few years before the original and the fx work is being done in Korea, as opposed to the US where the original’s work was done. There was also a rumored Chinese sequel of The Host getting made, but I have heard little on that front lately. Check out our review of the original film. Enjoy the picture:
Host 2 babymon

Beavis Butthead

Beavis and Butthead have a very important message…

Actually, they are just shilling the new film Extract from Mike Judge, who coincidentally is the guy who created the duo. And all other factors aside, it’s brand new Beavis and Butthead! How often does that happen? Not very often!