Treasure Inn

Treasure Inn (Review)

Treasure Inn

aka Choi San Har Jan aka 財神客棧 aka God of Fortune Inn

Directed by Wong Jing and Corey Yuen Kwai
Written by Wong Jing

Wong Jing scores with Treasure Inn, a blend of action and comedy with just the right ratio for a pleasant viewing experience. Like most Wong Jing movies, Treasure Inn borrows from a variety of sources, the most obvious are the classic King Hu wuxia films that revolve around inns (Dragon Gate Inn, The Fate of Lee Khan, and even A Touch of Zen) Jing makes the most of the sweeping desert landscape and the cinematography and nature shots are among his best work. Jing wisely brought in Corey Yuen Kwai (DOA: Dead or Alive, So Close) to direct the action sequences, giving them the fanciful look that Yuen brings to his projects. But before we get to the inn, we have the journey along the way.

At this point, I’m no longer impressed by opening credits animated in Flash. Luckily, the credits are quickly over, and we jump into the film proper as good guys are slaughtered and villains strike a deal. But let’s meet the cast!

Liu Jianmeng aka Young Master (Nicholas Tse Ting-Fung) – An apprentice cop stuck on laundry and cook duty while the incompetent bully actual police bumble their way through life. Young Master was taught kung fu by his grandfather, who taught him speed is the most important aspect and that true love is worth sacrificing for. Nicholas Tse has been on TarsTarkas.NET in The Promise.
Chen Yungren aka Brad (Nick Cheung Ka-Fai) – Young Master’s whiney friend and partner. Brad has big buck teeth that he’s shockingly using the entire film and not just for a throwaway gag. As the comic relief, Brad is usually horribly injured. Yes, this film has two actors named Nick as the two leads.
Lady Water Dragon (Charlene Choi Cheuk-Yin) – Lady Water Dragon and her sister are reward scammers and thieves. Lady Water Dragon falls instantly in love with Young Master upon seeing him in the prison cell. No one would believe for one second she is a dude, especially with the tiny Hitler ‘stache she’s sporting. Charlene Choi is also here in Protege De La Rose Noire, Beauty on Duty, and Hidden Heroes.
Lady Fire Dragon (Crystal Huang Yi) – Lady Water Dragon’s sister, who winds up with Brad, and the contrast of the two characters’ personalities gives us many moments of merriment. A tough chick not taken to falling in love at first sight to a random guy in jail. Is just as unconvincing disguised as a man.
Wen Wenqie (Tong Dawei) – A wandering doctor who is probably asleep in the ceiling of your house as you read this! Is an expert in kung fu, though always tries the peaceful path first. Wen Wenqie is in love with Yue Linglong.
Yue Linglong (Liu Yang) – Owner of Treasure Inn and badass swordswoman and dancer. Object of Wen Wenqie’s affection, and even Young Master becomes smitten with her. Some of her anctics reminded me of Moulin Rouge, though I don’t know if it was intentional.
Captain Iron (Kenny Ho Ga-Ging) – leader of the Gold Shield Constables, tracking the villain who stole the White Jade Goddess statue and trying to keep Young Master and Brad from getting the villains before he does.

John Carter footage shown at D23

If you were lucky/connected enough to get to go to D23 Expo – Disney’s showoff party for their D23 fanclub – then you got to see some footage from the new John Carter (of Mars, dammit!) movie. Reports are on both io9 and AICN, but as both of those sites seem to be competing on who can mindlessly love everything ever even slightly nerdy, take their enthusiasm with a grain of bitter reality. Luckily, AICN’s report is by Quint, the least impressed by shiny things of the writers there.

Taylor Kitsch, Willem Dafoe and Lynn Collins were with director Andrew Stanton as he showed the footage.

AICN sez:

I still have the same basic problem with footage I’ve already seen (in that Mars isn’t nearly fantastic enough…

However Woola’s introduction scene they showed today is the very first thing I’ve seen from Stanton’s John Carter that I love without reservation.

The rest of the footage they described back in July, around the same time others got first looks.

io9 sez:

Before Stanton and the actors left the D23 stage, they played one last bit of footage. Carter and Tarkas finds themsleves in a Thark arena about to be executed. Tarkas is badly injured and Carter’s leg is chained to a rock. A colossal, six-limbed white ape is then released. It charges them, swatting them out of the way like gnats. Carter recovers and starts leaping over the white ape. He seems about ready to break the chain tying him to the rock, which is when a rather bored-sounding Thark in the stands declares, “Release the other one.”

You can read the links for full descriptions.

Dejah Thoris Lynn Collins

D23? I haven't seen the first 22 D's!

Jimmy Valiant: Scions of Danger

Jimmy Valiant: Scions of Danger is a proposed pilot for a series about a Christian action superstar spy soldier of fortune. AKA a mercenary for hire, even though the trailer tries to say he isn’t a mercenary for hire. But he is. And he’s totally not into Jesus, though we know that won’t last because he’s hired by a super-christian Texas state senator to uncover a conspiracy involving a dark-skinned Latino guy and an atheist mastermind who wants to remove children from the homes of Christians in Texas, which would totally happen with the 99% Christianity and 900 billion guns in Texas. My favorite part of the narration is where Jimmy Valiant declares that being a Christian politician will get you killed. As we all know, Jesus was all about being a merciless killer of evil. Remember his sermon on the mount: “Verily I say unto you, useth the Bushmaster XM15-E2S AR-15 with an Eotech red dot sight and a Gemtech G5 silencer, 30 round clip, and retractable stock. Aimth for the head.” Jimmy Valiant looks like a child version of Jason Priestly. If you want to see this get made, I think there is a Kickstarter page.

Official site

Jimmy Valiant: Scions of Danger Full-Length Trailer 1 from NDFilmmaker on Vimeo.

Jack the Giant Killer – RiffTrax Trip Report

The latest of the RiffTrax Live events took place this week, with a theatrical showing of Jack the Giant Killer. And what a RiffTrax Live event it was! Probably the best of the three I have seen in theaters (House on Haunted Hill and Reefer Madness were the other two), Jack the Giant Killer is also the first all-original full length film RiffTrax Live event. And good things come in all-new packages.

Before the main event, we only have one short, the mystical What is Nothing?, where two boys mumble and ponder the meaning of nothing while looking high as a kite. Or two kites. Or NO kites….. This ponderous film strip (when would this EVER be shown in classrooms???) is beyond weird, among the strangest things I’ve seen riffed. Those creepy 1970s shorts they got a hold of after getting to RiffTrax have been non-stop gold.

There were also two shorts from Richard Kyanka (Lowtax), narrated by his daughter and animated by the SomethingAwful team, which were entertaining (about Doorknob Man and Monster House) in an Axe Cob vibe.

There were a few technical glitches, namely some visual dropouts during the second Lowtax short, and the camera lingering on a sweaty Bill for some reason while Kevin talked for 30 seconds. But all was well as we moved on to the main event…
Jack the Giant Killer
Jack the Giant Killer

A treasury of awesome awfulness, Jack the Giant Killer features many stop-motion monsters, dubious special effects, and many actors in “witches” costumes that make them look like folks out of the Star Wars cantina. All of which is awesome to folks like me. Jack himself is pushing 40, but sold to us as a young hero who lucks into slaying the giant sent to kidnap the Princess Elaine. But the evil Pendragon won’t stop scheming, and ends up kidnapping Elaine at a later date, causing Jack to go on a rescue mission. Goofy things happen along the way, a kid tags along, a viking is there, and also a leprechaun in a bottle. Sadly, the non-murderous kind. But we did learn that when a leprechaun tells you to “seize the bone”, you don’t say no!

Several golden moments include the chimp in a thong and Phil being happy. The climactic conclusion involves a sea monster, another giant, and a huge bird dragon thing. There were so many targets on the screen each moment, the Riffers must have felt like kids in a candy store. But Mike, Bill, and Kevin pulled it off marvelously, and in the end, the $12.50 was worth it. I enjoyed the film well enough it has been added to the review queue, at which time I’ll get more than the random screenshots I ganked from another site.

Before the film were the usual RiffTrax gag movie facts slides, which were funny (except the dig at Cool Dog! Cool Dog is the greatest movie featuring a cool dog, EVER!) I would be remiss if I did not mention I went to see this with Todd at FourDK, because that’s what awesome movie bloggers do: go to movies!

Be right there!

The Fruit is Ripe 33D

UPDATE: Click here for a FULL REVIEW of 33D Invader!

The Fruit is Ripe 33D – 蜜桃成熟时33D – is the first of the parade of 3D category III films that will hit theaters in the wake of 3D Sex and Zen. (Category IIID?) If the title sound vaguely familiar, that’s because you’ve probably seen the VCD/DVD/VHS for The Fruit is Ripe 3 at your local video store years ago.

The Fruit is Ripe 33D ramps up the confus-o-vision by having a second title already, The 33D Invader. Lead actress is newcomer Macy Wu Qing-Qing (who also goes by either name), and the other touted female talent is AV Stephy. That’s the Japanese adult actress Akiho Yoshizawa, who vaguely looks like Stephy Tang if you squint, but gets billed as AV Stephy nevertheless. She’s been billed as such since at least 2009, and is not to be confused with the actress in the fake Stephy Tang sex tape, because this story can’t be anything but more and more confusing. 72 Tenants of Prosperity even makes fun of this.

Want to be more confused? Good, because all these The Fruit is Swelling/Ripe sequels are sequels to Crazy Love (which starred Loletta Lee as Loletta Lee – naked!)! Cash Chin Man-Kei knows one thing, and that’s how to make weird films with naked chicks in them. (He even helped direct 3D Sex and Zen!) The Fruit is Ripe 33D’s plot features a magic girl named Peach who goes back in time from 2046 to “find the best seed of mankind”. And I don’t think she means sunflower seeds! 2046 is the most popular year ever in Hong Kong cinema.

The Fruit is Ripe 33D

Sina via HKMDB

A rare photo of Akiho Yoshizawa clothed (partially) and not covered in body fluids or dongs:
Akiho Yoshizawa

Macy Wu Qing-Qing pics are hard to find, so here are two:
Macy Wu Qing Qing
Macy Wu Qing Qing

Woman Knight of Mirror Lake

Woman Knight of Mirror Lake is an upcoming film (September 1st release) starring Huang Yi as Qui Jin, the real life feminist, poet, and revolutionary now considered a hero in China and known as The Woman Knight of Mirror Lake. Her life story is amazing, she became an anti-Qing revolutionary, traveling overseas, wearing men’s clothes, joining the Triads, joining all sorts of anti-Qing organizations, and publishing magazines advocating women gain independence through finances and education. She spoke out sharply against bound feet and forced marriages. She was linked to a failed anti-Qing coup in 1907 and summarily executed, but almost immediately was recognized as a martyr and heroine. Qui Jin is like a real life version of all those awesome female kung fu heroines. From the array of pictures below, it looks like they will be chronicling much of Huang Yi’s life story, and hopefully it’s pretty good.

Woman Knight of Mirror Lake
Woman Knight of Mirror Lake
Woman Knight of Mirror Lake
Woman Knight of Mirror Lake
Woman Knight of Mirror Lake Huang Yi
Woman Knight of Mirror Lake Huang Yi
Woman Knight of Mirror Lake Huang Yi
Woman Knight of Mirror Lake Huang Yi

HunanTV and Sina via HKMDBNews