Cango Korkusuz Adam (Review)

Cango Korkusuz Adam

aka Django vs. Kilink aka Cango Ölüm Süvarisi / Korkusuz Adam

Written by Recep Ekicigil
Directed by Remzi Jöntürk

Scene guest directed by the director of Battlefield Earth!

Remember last month when this site and Die, Danger, Die, Die, Kill! both reviewed a long-lost Turkish Kilink film that suddenly became found? Well, it’s deja vu all over again because here’s ANOTHER double lost Killink review! Cango Korkusuz Adam. This time, Killink travels to the Old West where he’s trying to take over valuable land with a gold mine on it, and terrorizing the adjoining town. Sadly for Killink, the nephew of the man he kills to get the land shows up and is so cowboy that even a guy dressed in a skeleton costume and a cowboy hat can’t stand a chance, because he become Django! Or as he’s called in Turkish, Cango! Neither name is Rango, though, so don’t get too excited.

More lost Killink films??!!

Cango Korkusuz Adam is another flick that was unavailable, except for the fact it showed up on TV! Oddly enough, the print used looks pretty tore up and like the tape it was playing on was getting a bit long in the tooth. As it was shown without subtitles, two enterprising young dudes made some custom subtitles which are very good (except they confuse the words for niece and nephew, leading to a lot of talk about McLan’s niece Cango. And as this is a Turkish film, the only soundtrack is a stolen soundtrack.

This is the worst production of Pirates of the Penzance I’ve ever seen!

Cango Korkusuz Adam turns out to be a pretty okay old western that just happens to have Killink as a villain. It’s like an oater/comic book mashup. You could easily see this as an old 1930s western, or even an episode of Gunsmoke! Chiko is pretty much Festus and Cango is close to Matt Dillon. We even have Rozita as Miss Kitty!

Nothing says tough Western saloon like kitten posters on the wall!

Cango/Tom (Tunç Oral) – You see, he’s Cango, not Django, so send back those copyright lawyers! Tom is the nephew of a murdered landowner come to get revenge on his family’s killer. To do so he becomes a gunfighting badass mofo! And also dresses in black and doesn’t talk much. You get the good and the bad.
Chiko (Yilmaz Köksal) – Local quack pharmacist turned sheriff when he gets caught in the middle of all the turf wars going on. Becomes Cango’s ally.
Rozita (Figen Say) – Local saloon owner and dancing girl, was on the payroll of the bad guys, but her love for Chiko turns her straight. And ticks off the bad guys even more!
Killink/Death Cavalier (Oktar Durukan) – How can Killink time travel? It must be magic! It is just proof that there will always be a Killink somewhere, ready to be evil or slightly less evil. This Killink is dressed in a cowboy costume with hat and six-shooter and cape over his iconic skeleton costume.
Jack (Yavuz Karakaş) – A one-eyed lieutenant of Killink who is crazy insane and gets joy out of torturing his own men as well as the good guys.
The Dog (Himself) – Killink has a dog (a bull mastiff) and also a fondness for chopping off the hands of people who fail him, which are fed to the dog. As Killink doesn’t seem to be a ladies man in this film, this dog is the only real companionship he has.
Damn Red Ryder BB gun…

Diamond Select Battle Beasts

Diamond Select got the American rights for the Battle Beasts name a few years ago, and released a few repaints of a single alligator Minimate figure at a few cons (see our article about the version we have), but beyond that the news was mostly dark. Until this past week, when suddenly a countdown and a new announcement rumbled to life on the official site!

And now we got another different figure, promises of many more, and a comic book announcement

Ancient words are spoken. A deadly weapon is activated. And from across the galaxy comes a race of beings who are at once familiar and unlike anything the Earth has seen. Why have they come to Earth? What do they seek? Why do they fight? The answers lie in the hands of one of the only people on Earth who understands them, a low-level government linguist named Bliss, and if she doesn’t survive this onslaught, all hope may be lost.

Battle Beasts Diamond Select
Three characters:
Species: Ram
Raised in the way of all Battle Beasts, Vorin was taught combat from a young age. But after a lifetime of violence, he seeks out a different way for his people, and will battle to make his vision of the future a reality. On his journey, he has found allies who share his vision, and they, too, are no strangers to the ways of the sword, knife and axe.

Species: Walrus
Although sometimes jovial and frequently hungry, Gruntos is a fiercely loyal warrior, and will defend his comrades as vigorously as he defends his plate.

Species: Falcon
A natural predator, Merk clashed with Vorin many times before they became allies. But Merk studies his friends as closely as he does his enemies.

The characters look more like warrior animals than the classic Battle Beasts.

A clear red version of Vorin will be released at C2E2 2012. Sadly, the fact it is clear red makes it hard to see the figure, though the Facebook page did release a picture of the figure out of the bag, unlike the official site.
Battle Beasts Vorin
Battle Beasts Vorin



Written by Joseph Kahn and Mark Palermo
Directed by Joseph Kahn

Fourth walls? Where we’re going, we don’t need fourth walls! Yes, it is time to review Detention, which I got to see at an advanced screening for free (Tars sells out again! Damn you, Tars Tarkas!) Detention is basically Scream by way of The Breakfast Club and Juno, with more references to the 90s than you can shake your beeper at! If you aren’t familiar with Joseph Kahn, then you need to drop everything (after you’re done reading this and every other article on the site) and go get his other film, Torque, the greatest street racing film ever made. If you think there is a top for things to be over the top, Kahn proves you wrong by going so far over we’re under again, and then even more over! Kahn’s career in music videos serves him well in creating a stylized whirlwind of awesome visual tricks, camera angles, text segments, flashbacks, and crazed editing.

Detention is a comedy, no doubt about that. But there is a killer on the loose, and following the tradition a popular girl is slayed in the opening sequence. Talking to the camera the whole while, she sets up the general feel for the film while spouting the kind of spoiled teenage nonsense you expect from and MTV reality show. So by the time she dies, you’re starting to believe in a higher power. The killer is dressed as “Cinderhella”, a character from the movie within the movie. The killings take a backseat for large parts of the film, our actual protagonist is another girl, who is about as popular as Casey Anthony Baby-sitters Club Adventures.

Riley Jones (Shanley Caswell) – This is what a Feminist looks like” declares her t-shirt written in Sharpie. Riley Jones is your sarcastic put-upon heroine who is the invisible dork of the school. Her futile crush on her longtime friend Clapton Davis is going nowhere, her life is a series of disappointments and disasters that her knowledge of 90s trivia and sarcasm can’t defeat, and worst of all, Cinderhella is trying to kill her. Shanley Caswell makes Ellen Page look like Kim Kardashian.
Clapton Davis (Josh Hutcherson) – The cool skater guy that all the girls want to love and be loved by. Clapton is a step away from being tossed from high school forever unless he saves the universe, a mean bully wants to kill him because he’s dating the bully’s ex-girlfriend, and he runs a website where he reviews…music. And, yes, Josh Hutcherson was in The Hunger Games
Ione (Spencer Locke) – A mindless cheerleader with a head that’s a steel trap for knowledge of 90s music, her passion for it claims Clapton’s heart. Ione used to be best friends with Riley until she suddenly change and Clapton became her man despite knowing of Riley’s crush. I think I enjoyed Spender Locke’s performance the most of all the actors, her portrayal of airheaded knowledge made you think she could keep up with the 90s reference zingers while still throwing around retro dance moves.
Principal Verge (Dane Cook) – The embittered and scarred principal of the high school, who has become the embodiment of hate for the student body. Anyone who falls behind becomes the problem that he needs to solve, permanently.
Time Traveling Mascot Bear (Himself) – Okay, I couldn’t find a good picture of the bear, but I already wrote this and am lazy. The mascot for Grizzly Lake High School is a stuffed grizzly bear that’s been there forever, and one of the characters turns it into a time travel device. Also the bear was probably sent here by aliens. Maybe.

Topaz Duo: Cosmic Phoenix

Do you like Arabic scifi musicals? Well, you better, because Topaz Duo: Cosmic Phoenix is going to hit the movieworld soon enough!

The world’s first Arab sci-fi, musical, comedy, starring lounge singers Ahmed and Nahla, also known as ‘Topaz Duo’, fighting to save the world with music and love.

But can the musical duo save the world from the Cosmic Phoenix? I sure hope so, otherwise we’ll all be dead and stuff! That’s about all we know, except there are weird electric effects and a possible Cosmic Phoenix monster.

Written and directed by Benito Robinsoni

Starring Ahmed ElGhamrawi, Nahla Alsawi, Joanna Hartescu, Ashraf Farrah, Mohanned Melhem


Topaz Duo: Cosmic Phoenix | توباز ديو : كوزميك فينيكس

Facebook page
via Twitch

Topaz Duo Cosmic Phoenix

Attack of the Cardassian Galor-class attack cruiser Monster!

Topaz Duo Cosmic Phoenix

She's got the touch!

Topaz Duo Cosmic Phoenix

Freaking zombie ravers!

Topaz Duo Cosmic Phoenix

The Matrix is real, man!

Sabrina the Superheroine Witch

Sabrina the Teenage Witch – who you probably remember as Melissa Joan Heart and the talking cat show, but was also several cartoons and was originally a spinoff of Archie Comics, will be back in movie form. Sony Pictures is doing the reboot/remake, and thanks to the magic of reimagination, Sabrina will now be an origin story where young Sabrina comes to terms with her powers. Maybe an evil magician kills her Uncle Ben or something. Yes, it’s going to be “edgier”, because we’re all about edges here in the post-Dark Knight era of comic book movies. Edges edges edges. but don’t worry, talking black cat Salem will be back (the best part of the TV series, with Caroline Rhea as a close second) except now he’s a transformed prince/love interest. Okay. As an aside, male cats have barbed penises. Andrew Berrer and Gabriel Ferrari will be writing, and Mark Waters might direct. Maybe. Just cast a spell and direct away, dude!

Via Deadline

Sabrina the Teenage Witch

I hope they reboot this video game also!

Footage of Pacific Rim's wrecked Japan!

The mysterious giant monster film Pacific Rim has managed to stay relatively leak free, but somehow there is a giant news story about how they turned part of Toronto into a wrecked Japan! Guillermo del Toro directs and Idris Elba stars, but that’s about all we know. The rumor mill mentions giant monsters and maybe giant robots designed to fight the monsters, but that could just be fake information made up by people looking to make things up. In any event, enjoy some shots of fake destruction, because that’s better than real destruction any day!
