A day late and a dollar short lifetime tv

A Day Late and a Dollar Short pays its dues on Lifetime!

A day late and a dollar short lifetime tv

The network that watches you back!

Lifetime’s latest original movie is A Day Late and a Dollar Short, and it’s yet another cool-looking black cast family dramedy. Whoopie Goldberg and a bad wig star as Viola Price, the Price family matriarch who will probably be dead by her next asthma attack, leading her to try to fix all her family’s problems as soon as possible. Note that all solutions involve listening to what Viola says to do! And don’t worry, her family has a lot of problems. Luckily, they’re all played by awesome actors, so it will be an entertaining time. The only bad thing is the Tyler Perry movie they chose to make this a double feature with. So instead watch the Gabby Douglass movie that airs before, then watch A Day Late and a Dollar Short at 8 (7 central), then quickly change the channel before Madea’s Family Reunion airs. Or watch Madea’s Family Reunion if that’s what you are in to. It doesn’t bug me, really.

A Day Late and a Dollar Short stars Whoopi Goldberg, Ving Rhames, Anika Noni Rose, Tichina Arnold, Kimberly Elise, and Mekhi Phifer. It premieres April 19th at 8 pm Eastern/Pacific.

In “A Day Late and a Dollar Short,” when irascible matriarch Viola Price learns that her next asthma attack will likely kill her, she is determined to fix her fractured family before she leaves this world, from her relationship with her husband to the lives of her four children and grandchildren. While on this quest, she must contend with sibling rivalry, teen pregnancy and drug addiction – and that is only one child. Additionally, her jailbird son needs to learn how to be a better father, her granddaughter is in bigger trouble than her daughter is willing to admit and Viola’s estranged husband needs saving from his scheming younger girlfriend. It’s the kind of meddling that the Price family hasn’t experienced from Viola in decades, and she won’t have an easy time bending her loved ones to her will.

via Lifetime

Trials of Kate McCall

Lifetime breaks out The Trials of Kate McCall!

Trials of Kate McCall

You’re under arrest for being a lawyer and a woman!

Saturday April 5th brings us the new Lifetime flick The Trials of Kate McCall, about a single female lawyer used to be a married hotshot lawyer until she got hooked on the types of things you don’t want to get hooked on. And I’m not talking about phonics! Out of recovery, the only way she’ll get her daughter back is if she helps a woman wrongfully convicted of murder. That’s the weirdest custody stipulation I’ve ever heard of, but okay, sure, whatever. Kate Beckinsale is our lawyer heroine who will save the say and her family by not being terrible. Noted addicted to everything guy Nick Nolte also stars, along with cool James Cromwell, who is cool.

No one has answered the big questions about The Trials of Kate McCall, mainly will werewolves and vampires show up that our lawyer heroine has to destroy? Because that’s the kind of programming Lifetime should start airing just to grab some more demographics. It would be cool! Oh, well, if you like lawyering and women lawyers and proving innocent people are innocent and child custody drama, then The Trials of Kate McCall is for you!

Kate Beckinsale stars as a former hotshot lawyer who is now in recovery and estranged from her family. In order to be reinstated at the bar and recover custody of her daughter she must take on the appeal of a woman wrongfully convicted of murder.

via Lifetime

Pink Panther Pest Control

The Pink Panther rides again!

Pink Panther Pest Control

Let me tell you a tale of Young Tars: When I was a wee lad I had a Pink Panther stuffed animal. As I was crazy about Pink Panther, this stuffed animal saw a bit of wear and tear, and after a few years was looking pretty worn. So I did what any kid with a fistfull of birthday cash would do, I bought a new one! But I never got rid of the old Pink Panther, so they became brothers. The new one was the cool one, of course, but they were bros just the same. So on that derail you can imagine I’m happy that there will be a new Pink Panther film that’s about the Pink Panther cartoon.

What’s weird about the film is it is being described as a live-action/CGI hybrid that takes place in the same universe as the Inspector Clouseau character from the Pink Panther films. As we all know, the Pink Panther cartoon originally appeared in the opening credits of 1963’s The Pink Panther, and went on to star in an Academy Award winning short and subsequent series of cartoons in theaters and on television.

The character doesn’t speak and is usually accompanied by a cool jazz soundtrack (which I admit is probably my first exposure to jazz), and before this was not considered a part of the live action film universe (that I understand.) But that will change as the Pink Panther will leap to life to help solve an international jewel heist, despite not talking. And Inspector Clouseau will be referenced.

This sounds so weird, but it is being directed by David Silverman, a longtime veteran of The Simpsons who also directed The Simpsons Movie, and it’s going to be written by another Simpsons vet, Michael Price. This sounds like a project that will be a lot of fun and done by creators who know how to make an entertaining spectacle. And hopefully there will be some cool jazz, because I don’t think I can handle Pink Panther slinking around to dubstep.

via THR

Pink Panther Flakes

Also bring this back as well!

Catfurnado Fletch Publicity

Catfurnado is an April Fools’ joke that should be real!

Catfurnado Fletch Publicity
Because who doesn’t love a good cat joke? TarsTarkas.NET is Team #Catfurnado! Love the tag line too!

Fletch Publicity has put up this cool mock poster complete with press blurb:


Fetch Publicity are proud to announce in the week of their second birthday the launch of their own production arm: Fetch Screen Entertainment.

The first motion picture from Fetch now entering pre-production is CATFURNADO which will shoot over 6 weeks on location in London.

CATFURNADO is inspired by a real-life event that took place in Chobham in Surrey where a freak weather event lifted cats into the air into a mini tornado as reported by the BBC: bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-25902371

Thankfully the cats were uninjured but CATFURNADO imagines what would happen if a tornado of cats swept through London as global warming creates a vortex of furry vengeance. It’s unstoppable, it’s pussy at one hundred miles per hour!

Cast and director for CATFURNADO will be announced but production is scheduled for summer 2014 with release in 2015.

Also the best way to take down a Catfurnado? Weaponized ALF!

via Fletch Publicity’s Facebook
Fletch Publicity’s site

March of Godzilla 2014

Godzilla dance

Put on your dancing pants because it’s time for March of Godzilla 2014! The first March of Godzilla in a while actually sort of started in March, though like usually we’ll be running far over and they’ll be plenty of Godzilla fun, from movies to television to other! The current plan is to run right into the brand new 2014 Godzilla getting released in theaters, and incorporating that right in. So stay tuned to TarsTarkas.NET for all the exciting March of Godzilla 2014 updates!

March of Godzilla 2014
Getty lets you embed images now, so here are all the Godzilla ones!
Zone Fighter Episode 07 – Zoonfamirii Kikiippatsu! aka Zone Family’s Critical Moment!
Zone Fighter Episode 08 – Taose! Kyoufu-no Inbeedaa aka 倒せ! 恐怖のインベーダー aka Smash the Terrifying Invader! aka Defeat the Invader of Fear!
Zone Fighter Episode 14 – Takerikuruuzo! Garoga Shounen Kougekitai aka 猛り狂うぞ! ガロガ少年攻撃隊 aka Insane With Anger! The Garoga Boy’s Squad aka Rampage! The Garoga Boys Attack Force
Zone Fighter Episode 16 – Kyoufu-no Shuugeki! Garoga Robotto aka 恐怖の襲撃! ガロガロボット aka Counterstrike of Terror! Garoga-Robot! aka Terrifying Attack! The Garoga Robot
Zone Fighter Episode 17 – GO! Faitaa Kinkyuuhasshin aka GO! ファイター緊急発進 aka Go! Fighter Emergency Take off! aka Go! Fighter, Scramble
Zone Fighter Episode 18 – Shirei “Nihon Rettou Bakuhase-yo” aka 指令『日本列島爆破せよ』 aka Directive: Destroy the Japanese Laboratory! aka Command: “Destroy the Japanese Islands”
Zone Fighter Episode 19 – Meirei “K Suisei-de Chikyuu-wo Kowase” aka 命令『Kスイ星で地球をこわせ』 aka Order: Crush the Earth With Comet K! aka Order: “Destroy the Earth with Comet K”
Zone Fighter Episode 20 – Gekitou! Faitaa-no Uta-ga Kikoeru aka 激闘! ファイターの歌が聞える aka Desperate Struggle! Can You Hear Fighter’s Song? aka Fierce Fight! Can You Hear Fighter’s Song?
Zone Fighter Episode 21 – Muteki! Gojira Ooabare aka 無敵! ゴジラ大暴れ aka Invincible! Godzilla’s Violent Charge! aka Invincible! Godzilla Rages

Machi Action

Machi Action (Review)

Machi Action

aka 變身
Machi Action
Written by Giddens Ko
Directed by Jeff Chang

Machi Action
Machi Action is a hilarious tale of a tokusatsu hero actor who is replaced and must find a new purpose in life. The film will resonate for anyone who has lost a job and struggled through the uncomfortable period of trying to readjust their life to the new actuality. Unfortunately thanks to the Great Recession, far too many of us have experienced that reality.
Machi Action
A unique film in the tokusatsu genre due to the focus on the actors and decisions behind the series, instead of just a parade of easily replaceable teenage heroes. Machi Action covers all the bases, from the lame effects to generic monsters to shows growing stale due to lack of drama and repetitiveness. The visuals are largely inspired from the various Kamen Rider series, with bits of Super Sentai and Ultraman thrown in for good measure.

The success of Machi Action is due to the mix of Tie Nan’s employment struggles and the tokusatsu genre humor. The balance keeps the film grounded enough for you to feel for the character while providing plenty of joke fodder of not only the effects heroes shows, but the entertainment industry in general. 10 years and a ratings nosedive cause Tie Nan to be on the unemployment line, the hero fighting his greatest battle, trying to stay relevant in a world that has moved on. As an ongoing plot thread shows, modern children have changed, and the show’s greatest failure is being stagnant instead of moving with them. People fear change, and it’s all too easy to get stuck in a routine that becomes a rut. But the longer you put off the inevitable, the bigger the pain will be when things are finally altered. Had Space Hero Fly kept up with the times there would have been no danger, but no one looked at the big picture.

The struggles of Tie Nan becomes the struggles of everyone to adapt and change with what life gives you, while still living up to your principles and doing what you believe in. There is always the danger of someone newer and younger coming in to replace you. But don’t give up the fight!
Machi Action

Tie Nan (Wilson Chen Bo-Lin) – Actor who has portrayed the tokusatsu hero Space Hero Fly for the past decade, and soon finds himself without a job. He was born to play a super hero, having pretended to be one as a child to help his sick brother deal with his illness.
Monster (Chiu Yang-Shiang) – Actor who plays all the monsters on the Space Hero Fly show, and best friend of Tie Nan. Opened a noodle shop with his pay. His face is never seen on tv because it’s always under a rubber suit.
FACE (Owodog Zhuang Ao-Quan) – FACE is the new exciting Space Hero actor brought in as Space Hero Face to replace Space Hero Fly and Tie Nan. Is a recording artist and dancer for maximum multi-media penetration.
Jingfen (Chen Ting-Hsuan) – A makeup girl on the Space Hero Fly show who secretly crushes on Tie Nan. They end up together, but his esteem freefall dealing with his home shopping network stint takes a toll until Tie Nan regains his own self-respect.
Su Ying Ying (Puff Kuo Xue-Fu) – Daughter of SUTV Chairman Su and takes over programming after being educated in America. Her first task is to deal with the ratings disaster Super Hero Fly and fix the problems. Hates the super hero show.
Chairman Su Wu Xiong (???) – Owner of SUTV and creator of the Super Hero Fly program. It’s his wish to keep that show on the air to help give the youth good morals to look up to. Has a distant relationship with his daughter after he sent her overseas for education so she’d have a better life.

Machi Action