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Wingnut Web – TeamSarah Edition

TeamSarah.org is a Ning-based site filled with starry-eyed Sarah Palin supporters who are convinced she will be the next president. They are also filled with crazies. After an expose in HuffingtonPost about how the site was filled with racist posts (such as ones using the term “Chimp out”) TeamSarah responded by getting into a fight with an internet comedy forum. This culminated when the site founder released a ~25 minute tirade against the forum where he screamed and ranted and blamed George Soros. (the actual recording was 2 hours, but the last 90 minutes were dead silence.) Since then, their site has begun to wither away like Sarah Palin’s popularity once she opened her mouth.

I am sure these are real patriots who will support the American president no matter who he or she is..

Tom takes a break from MySpace to let us in on the LBJ/Commie/Barack conspiracy

An official once defended porn as free speech? He must use it all the time

TeamSarah tries their hand at rapping

Henry’s Mom shows some bravery

Why are these blacks who are not true blacks so obsessed with race?

totally not a racist whitehousehold is still attending college but is also retiring in ten years according to this rant that is 100% accurate

Dan knows a thing or two about parenting

Yes, the people leaving your site in droves are just spreading the word on other sites!

Don’t judge Bristol, but judge that octuplet mom!

Clifton B lives in an alternate reality

How DARE Barack Obama tell the companies getting billions of dollars from us they can’t spend all those billions on executive bonues!

Haha, Chimposter, totally not racist!

That’s enough for now, but there will be more next time. Because there is always more.

Wingnut Web – Opening Your Mouth and Removing All Doubt Editon

Hi-ho, and welcome to another edition of Wingnut Web. Today, we have a special theme from the Resistnet.com forums: long, insane ramblings! Yes, these are long and crazy posts filled with hate, racism, and secessionism by supposed patriots. Keep in mind these are the same idiots who would jump down your throat if you dared utter a word against George W. Bush. So prepare to read, shake your head, pound your fist, and just get angry at how dumb these people are.

We shall open with what has to be one of the dumbest, most hate-filled stories I have ever seen in years of reading these sites for a laugh. Constant thread-starter ralph_e copy/pastes this gem in (ralph_e does nothing but start threads that are copy/pastes, he literally doesn’t know how to reply to a thread on their board!)

Well, that story will surely be denounced for being crazy, right?

ralph_e continues to obsess over Obama’s mother

joan knows Obama commits treason daily also FEMA is coming to gas the entire nation

sister carol knows the truth!

Obama is Hitler also Jewish women stare at me with hate eyes over their Jew noses but I don’t know why…

Leah McDaniel has the untold truth of George Soros (who funds this website) and how he wants communism everywhere which has everything to do with black people killing white people in Africa.

So Saddam invented Obama and is secretly backed by Russia.

Greg Carpenter tries his hand at poetry. Bad, crazed poetry.

That’s it for now. I kept the actual number of posts small because their content is rather large. It is a lot of crazy to absorb for once day. Tune in next time to Weekend Web and I might just have stuff from a different website!

Wingnut Web – Keep on Resisting Edition

We are back with another dose of poison to mess up your week as Wingnut Web returns to Resistnet.com to check in on our favorite crazy mo-fos and how they are patriotically resisting President Obama by calling for succession, rebellion, and being complete racist paranoid fools. I love how they are descending down a path of darkness. There is no light, Resistnet.com!

george stuck is stuck in the 17th century

We should totally used the Confederate Flag to show how we are true Patriots for the USA!

Ann knows the horrible truth about the digital transition!

The government is totally interested in what Lorene Hopkins says about American Idol…

Does this mean if I keep my old TV I can watch RFID programming?

Ann knows this is all true because she wrote a script once

Democracy just doesn’t work

Black people should shut up because stuff happened to Indians, and this is all related to the stimulus bill somehow due to wizard magic:

You see, Obama is Saruman the Black, and Sarah Palin is Frodo…

Gary has said racism is over, so I guess it is.

Justa Whiteman begs to differ!

Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans MEXICANS!!!!!

Counting people=Joseph Stalin. These people couldn’t possibly make a stupider analogy.

I was wrong…

Anyone who has ever had a temper is Hitler!

Craig Frank loses his temper and becomes Hitler…

Now, although I was on welfare, I was different and everybody else on Welfare are lazy sponges who just steal my money!

And with that reject Joe the Plumber comment at the end we are out of here until the next edition of Wingnut Web. People will get more crazy, foil hats will be worn, the Census will continue to destroy America, Obama will continue to look for the One Ring, and only internet shut-ins will be able to save America. It will be glorious! You have my sword, Wingnuts!

Wingnut Web – Ice storm is the new Katrina edition

There was an ice storm in the midwest this past week, perhaps you heard of it. Kentucky was hard hit, with massive power outages. This also provided an opportunity for michevious nitwits to start comparing the whole situation to Katrina and declare that Barack Obama doesn’t care about white people! Of couse, this is complete garbage, response was swift, and despite the lies FEMA has been there the whole time! The government in Kentucky has even complemented them on their swift action. But that doesn’t stop wingnuts who live in a world outside of facts and reality. A world of deranged horror. The world of the Wingnut Web!

Well start off with FreeRepublic.com and how they handled the smears…

Why ask why? Try Bud Dry!

Ha, Sean Penn! That LIEberal! He’s the Jane Fonda of the 21st century

Blacks are the real racists

The original picture is animated, FYI

Barack Obama Doesn’t Care About White Southerners By Caleb Howe was a ridiculous hackjob written by someone who works for AOL. AOL is known for insightful comments:

Robert knows that New York and California are the worst places to live in the world:

When will Democrats have a black guy in a leadership role?

Robert isn’t fooling me, Mr. E. Lee!

Lulu knows that time zones make it impossible for people overseas to troll your posts


E.A.U.M. is a patriotic New Yorker who is patriotic about the CSA!

Finally, let’s see how our friends at Resistnet.com are handling this situation:

Our friend RC continues to amuse us with his style:

patriot knows that the Middle East has taken over the Jews who control all our media, even Rush!

Well, that’s enough crazy for now. So if you haven’t frozen to death in White Katrina: Ice Apocalypse, tune in for the next Wingnut Web. Because the crazy doesn’t stop!

Wingnut Web – Resisting Makes One Crazy Edition

It looks like those fine posters at Resistnet.com have started to lose their marbles! Despite the crazed racism and insanity of the previous Wingnut Web, they have continued to stick around and get even more insane! By the end of next month they will probably be living in buried school buses. I’d feel sorry for them, but they are a bunch of racist douchebags, so screw them!

Let’s start out with an insane rant by one of our newest favorite people in the world, RC. This is my new favorite post in the history of the internet:

My favorite magazine is Reader’s Predigest. But it got too racest because of handouts.

Only three reasons why anyone would go to Pakinstan! BTW, do you think it would blow Sybil A. Sullins’s tiny mind if she knew the CIA trained bin Laden when he was our ally?

Peggy Gilliam knows if she rattles trees she will get buried in ACORNS

Peggy Gilliam has also had things taken from her internet!

Ben Franklin was the greatest president ever, better than Hamilton

RC returns to give Obama another nickname he created while banging his head on the keyboard:

The Media spends all day protecting us from the truth of Islam Hitler worship

Defend yourself from economic collapse by collecting pennies!

If Hitler’s ghost is in Obama, won’t the Middle Eastern guys all have to change the pictures hanging in their rooms?

Black people are the real racists!

That darn Democratic Governor of Hawaii (who is really a Republican!) Also, 6%?

Trust Marianna to end us with something so racist the very fact they aren’t riding her off condemns this site to sit in the cesspools of crap forever:

That’s enough for now, I shall make sure to kiss my wife (of a different race) just to piss Marianna off. Tune in next time for Wingnut Web, because the hate just won’t stop!