Well start off with FreeRepublic.com and how they handled the smears…
Why ask why? Try Bud Dry!
Ha, Sean Penn! That LIEberal! He’s the Jane Fonda of the 21st century
Blacks are the real racists
The original picture is animated, FYI
Barack Obama Doesn’t Care About White Southerners By Caleb Howe was a ridiculous hackjob written by someone who works for AOL. AOL is known for insightful comments:
Robert knows that New York and California are the worst places to live in the world:
When will Democrats have a black guy in a leadership role?
Robert isn’t fooling me, Mr. E. Lee!
Lulu knows that time zones make it impossible for people overseas to troll your posts
E.A.U.M. is a patriotic New Yorker who is patriotic about the CSA!

Finally, let’s see how our friends at Resistnet.com are handling this situation:
Our friend RC continues to amuse us with his style:
patriot knows that the Middle East has taken over the Jews who control all our media, even Rush!
Well, that’s enough crazy for now. So if you haven’t frozen to death in White Katrina: Ice Apocalypse, tune in for the next Wingnut Web. Because the crazy doesn’t stop!