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Zu Warriors From Magic Mountain

Neill Blomkamp to bring us Chappie

Robot Fortune Teller

This robot fortune teller image has nothing to do with Chappie. But it should…

Fresh of Elysium‘s okay but not spectacular number one debut at $30 million, Neill Blomkamp has announced his next project, and it’s not the long-rumored District 10 (though there is a short treatment that exists!) Chappie will be a story of a robot that has AI, and is stolen by criminals who want to use him for bad things. Blomkamp wrote the script with his wife, Terri Tatchell, and describes the film as “RoboCop, but hilarious. If you mixed Robocop with E.T. and it was… funny, that’s what it is.” Blomkamp also says there isn’t any socio-politcal messages, but that the film deals with sentience. (Which could have socio-political messages…)

Chappie will be lower-budgeted and also sees the return of Blomkamp to South Africa. Sharlto Copley will voice Chappie, and the two criminals will be played by Ninja and Yolandi Visser, the two members of the South African rap-rave duo Die Antwoord.

Via LA Times
Robot Fortune Teller image via

Zu Warriors From Magic Mountain

Grizzligator & Arachnaconda join the combo-animal world!

Rhino Rooster

Where’s my SyFy film???

Somehow I missed this January 2012 article about new production company Monster Machine and their promise of some more combo-animal SyFy creature features. It’s mid-2013 and the films have yet to surface, but here is what we know so far:

Founder Stephen Niver and Robert James Roessel of Mexico-based banner Arte Paneo Prods. are working with genre scribes Matthew Chernov and David Rosiak (“Shark Swarm”) to develop and produce a slate of creature-themed projects for video, cable and VOD. “The fact that we had so much public interest in “Sharktopus,” even during production, shows that there’s definitely an untapped market for fun monster movies on this scale,” said Niver.

Stephen Niver helped produce such SyFy hits as Shark Swarm and Sharktopus, and Monster Machine looks like his baby. Four films are promised so far – Arachnaconda, Grizzligator, Sea Scorpions, and Maneater Mountain.

Niver is credited as writer/directer of Arachnaconda, and Maria Conchita Alonso, Héctor Jiménez, and Brett Wagner are attached. Lou Diamond Phillips was also attached at one point (to star AND direct!), but he doesn’t seem to be listed via IMDB any more. All other information is hidden behind IMDBPro walls.

With how long it can take new companies to get concepts launched, it isn’t a surprise we haven’t seen much yet. But if the films don’t show up in 2014 at the various film markets, then we might just have to close the book on these. Which is a shame, as the creature feature viral marketing is only getting stronger thanks to Sharknado, Roger Corman returning with Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda and Sharktopus vs. Mermantula, and Asylum reclaiming their throne with Sharknado 2 and Mega Shark vs. Mecha Shark.

Speaking of Mega Shark vs. Mecha Shark, they have a contest you might be interested in.

Monster Machine Twitter

Penguin Shark

Someone from SyFy please return my calls!

Zu Warriors From Magic Mountain

Beware the Zombeavers!


The beaver shot takes on new dimensions in the 21st Century…

Zombeavers is one of those titles you throw out when dropping potential SyFy channel puns, but now it’s going to be a real film. Comedian turned writer/director Jordan Rubin made a concept trailer edited out of other horror films and nature documentaries, which proved effective enough to score up some funding of his own for Zombeavers. The under $2 million budget allows for flexibility on how to distribute, but don’t fret, first they’re going to try the traditional market with Sundance and SXSW screening attempts to shore up interest. Even if that doesn’t pan out, the budget is low enough they could probably make most of it back via the traditional markets for films like SyFy and international distribution.

Zombeavers has what it suggest, zombie beavers that got a knack for devouring a bunch of teens and teen-like humans. Bill Burr and Cortney Palm are listed on the IMDB as some of the stars, though no idea how big their roles are.

Tagline? “Next summer, you will all be dammed.”

Time via DreadCentral

golem Sleepy Hollow

Goon Blogs from Cinema Discusso

Cookie Monster eating movie reel

Goons have blogs, and Something Awful’s Cinema Discusso goons have movie blogs! Here is a list of known sites, any additions feel free to bug me and I’ll get around to adding them whenever. Thanks to CloseFriend for compiling the alpha version of this list.

Turban Decay (CloseFriend)
TarsTarkas.NET (Tars Tarkas)
Pre-Code.com (Sheldrake)
ShotContext (penismightier)
Matthew Clark (echoplex)
Alcohollywood (Hewlett)
The Professor Clumsy Variety Hour (ProfessorClumsy)
A Visual Medium (Vargo)
—automaticcinematic (Jeff Wiiver)
Wag The Movie (BigBudgetSequel)
Club Parnassus (Maxwell Lord)
Martin Teller’s Movie Reviews (FitFortDanga)
Comics Chat (Dickeye)
NickRob.Tumblr.com (NeuroticErotica)
the film ghost (BOAT SHOWBOAT)
Umney’s Alley (ClydeUmney)
chewable newt (wyoming)
Ryan Swartz (Bugblatter)
Old Glory On Film (Jay Dub)
Turn Off The Limelight (TrixRabbi)
Movie Musings (Criminal Minded)
Ghost Hack Uplink (Twisted Ladder)
matt mcdaniel (Aorist)
thereptilereviewer (Benny the Snake)
Game and Watch Reviews (axleblaze)
How did I get here? I am not good with blogs (Adrianics)
10 Reasons Not To Kill Yourself (Geekboy)
Nerd Kryptonite (Geekboy)
Political Theater (Vargo)
LondonCityNights (Mr. Flunchy)
Arm Flailing Techniques (Uncle Boogeyman/Lt. Ken Frankenstein)
Secret of the Sailor Madness (unknown but goon guests)

Here are the links in a format that will let you easily copy/paste onto a forums post
[url=http://turbandecay.blogspot.com/]Turban Decay [/url] (CloseFriend)
[url=http://tarstarkas.net/]TarsTarkas.NET[/url] (Tars Tarkas)
[url=http://pre-code.com/]Pre-Code.com[/url] (Sheldrake)
[url=http://shotcontext.blogspot.com/]ShotContext[/url] (penismightier)
[url=http://clarksworth.tumblr.com/]Matthew Clark[/url] (echoplex)
[url=http://www.alcohollywood.com/]Alcohollywood[/url] (Hewlett)
[url=http://professorclumsy.wordpress.com/]The Professor Clumsy Variety Hour[/url] (ProfessorClumsy)
[url=http://avisualmedium.blogspot.com/]A Visual Medium[/url] (Vargo)
[url=http://automaticcinematic.wordpress.com/]—automaticcinematic[/url] (Jeff Wiiver)
[url=http://wagthemovie.net/]Wag The Movie[/url] (BigBudgetSequel)
[url=http://evanwaters.blogspot.com/]Club Parnassus[/url] (Maxwell Lord)
[url=http://martinteller.wordpress.com/]Martin Teller’s Movie Reviews[/url] (FitFortDanga)
[url=http://comicschat.tumblr.com/]Comics Chat[/url] (Dickeye)
[url=http://nickrob.tumblr.com/]NickRob.Tumblr.com[/url] (NeuroticErotica)
[url=http://thefilmghost.tumblr.com/]the film ghost[/url] (BOAT SHOWBOAT)
[url=http://gonetostrangecountry.blogspot.com/]GONE TO STRANGE COUNTRY[/url] (timeandtide)
[url=http://www.clydeumney.net/]Umney’s Alley[/url] (ClydeUmney)
[url=http://chewablenewt.blogspot.com/]chewable newt[/url] (wyoming)
[url=http://www.ryanswartz.com/blog]Ryan Swartz[/url] (Bugblatter)
[url=http://oldgloryonfilm.tumblr.com/]Old Glory On Film[/url] (Jay Dub)
[url=http://turnoffthelimelight.blogspot.com/]Turn Off The Limelight[/url] (TrixRabbi)
[url=http://mymoviemusings.wordpress.com/]Movie Musings[/url] (Criminal Minded)
[url=http://clumsyghosthack.tumblr.com/]Ghost Hack Uplink[/url] (Twisted Ladder)
[url=http://film.thatmattguy.com/]matt mcdaniel[/url] (Aorist)
[url=http://thereptilereviewer.wordpress.com/]thereptilereviewer[/url] (Benny the Snake)
[url=http://gameandwatchreviews.blogspot.com/]Game and Watch Reviews[/url] (axleblaze)
[url=http://adrianbwilson.tumblr.com/]How did I get here? I am not good with blogs[/url] (Adrianics)
[url=http://northofaverage.tumblr.com/]10 Reasons Not To Kill Yourself[/url] (Geekboy)
[url=http://nerdkryptonite.tumblr.com/”]Nerd Kryptonite[/url] (Geekboy)
[url=http://politicaltheater.tumblr.com/”]Political Theater[/url] (Vargo)
[url=http://www.londoncitynights.com/]LondonCityNights[/url] (Mr. Flunchy)
[url=http://armflailingtechniques.wordpress.com/”]Arm Flailing Techniques[/url] (Uncle Boogeyman/Lt. Ken Frankenstein)
[url=http://secretofthesailormadness.blogspot.ie/]Secret of the Sailor Madness[/url] (unknown but goon guests)

And if you can’t get enough CineD goons (and who can’t?!), then here is the CineD Twitter list!

golem Sleepy Hollow

Sharknado 2: The Second One – Official Sequel Name!

Yep, the second Sharknado will be called Sharknado 2: The Second One! What will the tagline be? “Enough said….AGAIN!” is my vote, but who knows. The title was crowdsourced via twitter from over 5000 entries and revealed on EW.

No further information at this time, so enjoy this fan poster I got from Tumblr:

Towers of Terror has many smart things to say about the War on Terror

Towers of Terror

I’m seeing double…four Krustys!

I’m kidding, of course, Towers of Terror looks terrible and has only succeeded to get my attention because of the gimmick poster. But don’t fret, this movie involves the planes hitting the towers and the heroic firefighters who then have to fight the zombified terrorists because why the fuck not, right?

Two groups decide to race to the top of each of the World Trade Center buildings on September 11, 2001. The towers are hit by terrorist attacks, but the terrorists don’t die in the plane crash; they resurrect as zombies hell-bent on their mission to destroy America. As these undead jihadists continue on their path of destruction armed with box-cutters and nail-clippers, the Americans must learn to stand united in their patriotism or else face gruesome death in twin 110 story bloodbaths!

Cool, a film that will make Osombie seem dignified and nuanced. I’m sure the producers are proud of their film being so offensive that they get articles like this one complaining about the film. I thought about not bothering to get them press, but, it’s not like this site is a major player or anything! And often, it’s more fun to make fun of dumb stuff like this, because it’s not going to go anywhere, it’s going to be stupid and fall into obscurity. Not because it’s “offensive”, but because the quality looks terrible. Just look at this trailer:

I couldn’t watch the full movie if I tried, and I’ve seen Foodfight. America will be united, in not bothering to watch this movie. So enjoy going nowhere fast, Towers of Terror, your flight is arriving!