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  • Godziban Episode 06 – “Secret recipe! roll of drop kick” Go! Go! Godzilla-kun #4/ Kamatte-Godzilla # 3 (Review)
Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban Episode 06 – “Secret recipe! roll of drop kick” Go! Go! Godzilla-kun #4/ Kamatte-Godzilla # 3 (Review)

March of Godzilla 2019

Godziban Episode 06 – “Secret recipe! roll of drop kick” Go! Go! Godzilla-kun #4/ Kamatte-Godzilla # 3

aka ゴジばん
Godziban ゴジばん
September 13, 2019
Written and directed by Hideyuki Kobayashi
Godziban ゴジばん
The sixth episode of Godziban is packed with skits, not only having the Godzilla brothers do Godzilla things, but there is a Kamatte Godzilla skit thrown in and TWO Hedojiis! Bigger, better, and banging, that the Godzi way!

Go! Go! Godzilla-kun
Godzilla-Kun is still having the monster practice for his two brothers near the Sonic the Hedgehog ramp. This time they are to kick a giant rock off a cliff onto the ramp. Godzilla-kun demonstrates this using the horizontal flying we saw in Godzilla vs Megalon and kicks the rock. Little tries next, he masters the horizontal flight, but when he hits the rock it is far too massive and instead he is the one who goes flying. At least Little manages to land on his feet.

Minya tries next, but he can’t do the horizontal kick straight and keeps somersaulting around until he hits the rock head-first. Needless to say, that does not work. Minya tries again and gets a straight horizontal kick, but the rock is again too big and he bounces on top of it. That’s enough to dislodge the rock, it falls over the edge and begins rolling with Minya grabbing on for dear life. It rolls back to the top of the cliff where Little then tries to grab Minya, but fails and instead is now clinging to the rock as well as it rolls back and forth. It reaches the top of the cliff again and this time Godzilla-kun is now grabbing onto it as well as it heads back down. This is like reverse Sisyphus or something!
Godziban ゴジばん
Baby Mothra comes by and they call for help. Mothra helps…by rolling alongside the rock as it rolls back and forth!!!! This goes on for quite a while, Anguirus spies them rolling around and a big question mark appears above his head.

I appreciate that one of the lessons of this episode showed that doing a horizontal kick is easy, but doing it with enough force to dislodge a rock is what is hard. I would have never guessed. It’s now canon that Little Godzilla and Minya can do horizontal kicks now.

Hedoji and Hedochi have finally reached a new place to wander, instead of a desert wasteland it is now a rocky wasteland. This is progress, but is just exposes the entire show as taking place in an endless runner where the background changes only slightly over time. It’s the same format as usual, but it’s obvious that Hedochi asks about the Godziban show in his question even if this still isn’t subtitled.

Kamatte Godzilla
A lady named Yuko works at a dead end office job where her boss yells at her. By the time she gets home she’s too tired to feed her Kamatte Godzilla pet or even acknowledge it as he makes noise and slides on its glass cage. She’s already passed out on bed.

But not too passed out to remember to love her pet and pick it up for hugs and now things are a-ok! Love conquers all, even love of strange ugly lizards.

Huh, they wandered back to the old wasteland. Beyond that it is still the same format of question/pronouncement/zinger. Hedochi!

The rock encounter with the Godzilla brothers was so awesome I’m just granting this episode a perfect score. Please continue to be silly and dumb fun while continuing to give a nice mix of skits, Godziban!
Godziban ゴジばん

Rated 10/10

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Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban ゴジばん

Runs this joint!

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