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Nerd Rage at its finest! Digg goes crazy

Digg, the social site where you”digg” user-submitted stories, banned an article mentioning a certain hexadecimal key:

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

This key supposedly unlocks HDDVDs for use on Linux or something. The original artical is still here.

This guy posted the original article to digg, which got over 15,000 diggs before it vanished and he was banned.

The people on Digg went nutso, and suddenly were posting the number all over comments, and every story on the front page was just the numbers again:


People posting the comments were getting IP banned left and right, and comments deleted. However, the people far outnumber the few admins on digg, and they are still being overrun 7 hours later.

What is weird was I thought the code had something to do with Lost at first…

But it is fun to see Internet Rage in action! What will happen tomorrow, when no one cares anymore because of a new YouTube video? Only time will tell.

(also, the digg story about being banned wasn’t banned by digg, for some odd reason…)

Special bonus: Digg took money from HDDVD!

The founders of Digg.com – which has been rocked by an unprecedented user revolt over the release of an HD-DVD decryption code – accepted sponsorship from the organization behind HD-DVD last year.

Episodes of the DiggNation video show were sponsored by the HD DVD Promotion Group. DiggNation is produced by Revision3, a company run by Digg founders, Jay Adelson and Kevin Rose. Rose is also a co-host of the DiggNation show. The image below shows the HD DVD logo displayed at the beginning of one such episode.

During the past 24 hours, Digg administrators have apparently deleted dozens of stories which included references to the HD DVD decryption code. These included one story which appeared poised to become the most popular ever seen on Digg, with almost 16000 votes within 20 hours. Administrators have also apparently begun deleting stories criticizing their actions, and also banned numerous members – according to angry statements posted by Digg users on the site and elsewhere.

Runs this joint!

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