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  • Godziban Episode 12 – 「あの崖に向かって飛べ!の巻」 Go!Go!ゴジラくん#7【ゴジばん】(Review)
Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban Episode 12 – 「あの崖に向かって飛べ!の巻」 Go!Go!ゴジラくん#7【ゴジばん】(Review)

March of Godzilla 2019

Godziban Episode 12 – 「あの崖に向かって飛べ!の巻」 Go!Go!ゴジラくん#7【ゴジばん】

aka ゴジばん
Godziban ゴジばん
October 25, 2019
Written and directed by Hideyuki Kobayashi
Godziban ゴジばん
No English subtitles in this one…but don’t worry, they will return! Until then, you got to put up with me describing the plot again. This is the bread and butter of why people read TarsTarkas.NET. Or they just come to look at all the cool pictures and ignore the text. Either way, it’s all good here! And there are a bit of English subtitles in a way, so not all is lost…

Go Go Godzilla-kun
The three Godzilla brothers are going to do more practice in monster skills. They are interrupted when suddenly Anguirus runs up to declare he found a mysterious egg! (at this point the speech bubbles he and Godzilla-kun use to communicate are now in English!) Also Anguirus now has a Japanese speaking voice! It’s actually pretty charming! The three brothers decide to go see the egg and have Anguirus guide them. In addition, the three brothers announce their adventure as an “Adventure of the three Godzilla brothers” before they depart. And Anguirus adds “and Anguirus!” to the end right before they leave. This is already awesome beyond belief and we haven’t even gotten to the actual adventure yet.

The egg is at the top of a huge sheer cliff. Godzilla-kun tells Anguirus to go reconnaissance. Anguirus climbs…and climbs…and climbs…and climbs! But near the top he falls off! And curls into a ball, rolling down the hill…right towards the Godzilla brothers, who quickly start running away. But they run with Anguirus directly behind them, which sort of quells the critics of this scene in Prometheus but I digress. Anguirus rolls into a tree which bounces him back in front of Godzilla-kun. “I’m back!” he says!
Godziban ゴジばん
Now all four of them will climb! And all four of them will slide down. And keep climbing. And keep sliding. Anguirus falls off again and rolls away, like off into the horizon never to be seen again until next week’s episode away. Goodbye, Anguirus and your handsome new voice! Godzilla-kun gets within grabbing distance of the egg but slides away before he call, all three tumble down. This clearly isn’t working.

It’s idea time! Inspired by Anguirus, they try to launch themselves at the egg using the tree from earlier as a catapult. Little is catapulted right into the nest next to the egg. Minya is catapulted right next to him. They examine the egg, but then the mountain starts to rumble! Minya grabs the egg for safe keeping, but he falls out of the nest! Minya rolls down the side but somehow doesn’t break the egg as he falls to the bottom.

The three brothers then build a nest out of straw for the egg, obviously deciding that catapulting the egg back onto the cliff would probably be a disaster for the egg. Minya think.s it is a kaiju egg. He puts his ear up to it and hears a voice inside the egg. Minya stays behind to keep the egg warm by hugging it as the other two leave.

TO BE CONTINUED! (with King Ghidorah images in the background! Is that a clue? Or a three-headed red herring?)
Godziban ゴジばん
Hedochi asks if the egg is born of what everyone thinks. Hedoji says to be sure with your own eyes. Hedochi says “A so!”

After the end title… What looks like Rodan’s shadow flies over the Hedojis!

A great episode beginning a new story line, monsters on an adventure and Minya proving he is the best kaiju because he’s willing to protect a random egg he doesn’t even know. And of course we got foreshadowing and an possible new kaiju popping out of this egg. The only problem is we have to wait a few weeks for the conclusion, because next week is a prior episode dubbed into English! And then there is a special live performance episode. Eventually we will return to the world of the egg, but be patient.
Godziban ゴジばん

Rated 9/10

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Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban ゴジばん

Runs this joint!

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