Woman Knight of Mirror Lake is an upcoming film (September 1st release) starring Huang Yi as Qui Jin, the real life feminist, poet, and revolutionary now considered a hero in China and known as The Woman Knight of Mirror Lake. Her life story is amazing, she became an anti-Qing revolutionary, traveling overseas, wearing men’s clothes, joining the Triads, joining all sorts of anti-Qing organizations, and publishing magazines advocating women gain independence through finances and education. She spoke out sharply against bound feet and forced marriages. She was linked to a failed anti-Qing coup in 1907 and summarily executed, but almost immediately was recognized as a martyr and heroine. Qui Jin is like a real life version of all those awesome female kung fu heroines. From the array of pictures below, it looks like they will be chronicling much of Huang Yi’s life story, and hopefully it’s pretty good.
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