More protesters, more snark, more fun for everyone. Except angry protesters, but frak those guys
Colonials worried about Somali pirates? Suck it, Tripoli!
Grandma was mistranslated, learn to Google image search.
This guy owns, because he’s just this guy
I’m loosing my mind at all these spelling errors!
A pro-war college Republican shows up to the protest!
An Inconvenient Truth: His spellcheck was broken
Looks like someone needs to not follow this sign’s advice…
Why is this little girl so obsessed with who is getting into her daddy’s pocket?
I am proud that landwhales like this person can scooter around America without using their legs and run over everyone’s toes! (Bonus points if the scooter was bought by medicare or SSI!)
Obama is a pirate abortionist
That’s COMRADical!
I think this guy is related to the “No Sex” guy in San Francisco
That’s great about your menopause and all, but this is a teabagging event!
The Pirate Party is going to pay for it at the polls this year!
The Statue of Liberty, the D&D Club president, and a Dalek attend a teabag party
Building lots of nukes will result in less power grabs, sure thing
Obama’s new “Steal Money From Piggy Banks” Bill ran into trouble in the Senate Committee this week…
Minority spotted! Shilling
Saudi busters!
Drawn by Billy Winters, aged 43
Ronnie would say “Help! Help! Get me out of this casket!” Ha! I love that joke
That attendance number of 2000 is totally accurate, Sam, just look at all these people!
Wait, is Obama a snake or the devil? Or a Devil Snake? Or a Snake Devil? Or a Snake Devil Pirate Vampire Zombie Communist Socialist Marxist Kenyan Illegal?