I am sure we will have reasoned responses here by our wingnuts!
I saw Wicked on Broadway and it totally didn’t rule:
Yeah, Brandy Jones! Don’t you know all True Christians have precognitive powers to know the character of a person by sight?
I am not promoting hate and Christians love others, but MUSLIMS ARE THE DEVIL!!!!
Why that Right Wing Daily Show never took off I’ll never know…
Is it a coincidence we weren’t attacked in 7 years? Yes.
My husband told me this stuff it is totally true.

Tears are being shed because no one knows how to use the Shift button!
When will White People ever get out from under the shoe of the Black Man?
Mister Carmen F would be outsmarted by Curious George:
World War 11 was the last good war, not like that World War 12…
The Anti-Christ is SNOWBALLing us! (in the Clerks reference way!)
Americans only appreciate American blood.
maritza gets off on writing terrible abortion sex fantasies:
Finally, a reasonable guess:
That’s enough for now, my vomit meter can only puke so much an evening! Tune in next time, because this horror will never stop!
eris is goddess
January 25, 2009 at 10:41 pm“…IT’S A COOK BOOK….”
March 12, 2009 at 12:02 pmYou people are as simple as Sean Hannity. He is the silliest person I have seen since elementary school. Preschoolers are better than you all. I mean this from the bottom of my heart. It is so sad that the people of this country are so hateful. I am a die hard Dem, but I did not hate Bush. I allowed him to be President as he was elected by the people who has just elected PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, WHO I LOVE SO MUCH. I do have a slobbering love affair with him. He is a lot like myself. He cares. We just don’t understand his drive and how he is going to get us out of a jam. I believe he is smart enough to get the job done. So instead of Sean Hannity dedicating his entire show to PRESIDENT OBAMA, which sometimes I think is good, but is still sad should devote this time to handle himself like an adult american and not like a terrorist full of hate and deceit.I miss Alan. He was the reason I liked the show. Since he has been gone when I watch the show; my acid juices boil in my stomach. He will probably die a slow painful death and while it is happening he will lay on his back thinking of all the terrible things he has said and done.
Tars Tarkas
March 12, 2009 at 1:41 pmThanks for commenting. Perhaps you should get some Tums.