The Stalker Club (Review)

The Stalker Club

The Stalker Club Lifetime
Written by Barbara Kymlicka
Directed by Doug Campbell

The Stalker Club Lifetime
Lifetime does slashers! Throw in a dash of The Internet Will Murder You, toss in a pile of stalking, and pour in a bunch of actual person in a mask killing teens with a knife, then blend it together and top it with a “Lifetime” cherry, and you got The Stalker Club, which proves that Lifetime movies can be any genre they want. For those of you thinking an actual slasher movie would be out of place on Lifetime, this network consistently puts out films with high body counts and crazed obsessives following around innocent teens, this is the natural progression!
The Stalker Club Lifetime
The Stalker Club opens with a riff on the opening of Scream except the masked stalker doesn’t speak and the 80s girl dies by falling down the stairs while hinting she sort of knows whats going on. But it’s too late for her and too late for us because the rest of the film takes place 30 years later! Modern day opens with a montage of the five main teen characters doing a slow-motion cool walk complete with a name title cards for each one, a handy thing to do to get you up to speed with the characters quickly so the stalking and the clubbing can begin. We got Ashley (Kelcie Stranahan), our heroine; Darren (JT Neal), Ashley’s handsome boyfriend; Chloe (Alex Frnka), the bad girl who channels Denise Richards; Mark (Paul Karmiryan), the jock who likes to joke; and Sadie (Lora McHugh), the sensitive goth. The clique is sort of weird because Chloe and Mark are the popular kids, while Darren is new to school and befriended Mark, while Sadie is presented as Chloe’s best friend but doesn’t seem to fit at all. Ashley is the newest one of the group, Chloe doesn’t seem to like her and Ashley has basically abandoned all her former friends to hang out with this cool crowd. Ashley also is mad at her mom (Maeve Quinlan) for daring to have a boyfriend when it’s only been two years since her dad died in a car accident. Seriously, Ashley takes some warming up to before we don’t wish she gets stalked to death.
The Stalker Club Lifetime
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Stalked by My Doctor: Patient’s Revenge (Review)

Stalked by My Doctor: Patient’s Revenge

Stalked by my Doctor Patient's Revenge
Written and directed by Doug Campbell

Stalked by my Doctor Patient's Revenge

When you are stalked by yourself but yourself is also a doctor

After waiting far too long, Dr. Albert Beck is back again as the doctor who just loved love so much he would kill anyone who got in the way of his demented fantasies. Stalked by My Doctor: Patient’s Revenge not only brings back Dr. Beck, it also brings back the Green family from the first movie. Sophie Green (Brianna Joy Chomer) and her mother Adrienne (Deborah Zoe) are back, along with the ever-useless father, Jim (Jon Briddell). Sophie has returned in Goth Form, dark hair, full of nightmares about her time with Beck. But Beck is a free man (thanks to seducing a juror!) and has even gotten a teaching job at a university in Arizona. Sophie decides that it is time to be proactive and enrolls in the school as well with the express goal of forcing Beck out.
Stalked by my Doctor Patient's Revenge

Driving while goth

It’s a revenge movie, but this time the victim is someone who is actually bad. But in Lifetime fashion, Beck has some tricks of his own for getting revenge on the revenger. And he may have just found the young lady love of his life! Lifetime really went all out here, hats off to Eric Roberts and Doug Campbell for this amazing gift of a movie. Not only is Dr. Beck still having his obsessions and fantasies, but the fantasies have spilled into his reality. Beck spends part of the film arguing with a more sensible version of himself, who in true Dr. Beck style is always drinking and dressed like he’s on a tropical vacation. The fun in the film is so much is fantasy mixed with reality it’s often a guessing game as to whether things are real or going off the rails in Beck’s fantasy mind. Not knowing makes it so much more fun and more crazy as they can get away with goofy stuff, you’ll just think it’s fantasy until it isn’t, or isn’t until it is. Patient’s Revenge is not above trying to quadruple mindfreak you.
Stalked by my Doctor Patient's Revenge

Perfectly sane, this happens all the time

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Stalked by My Doctor: The Return (Review)

Stalked by My Doctor: The Return

Stalked by my Doctor The Return
Written and directed by Doug Campbell
Stalked by my Doctor The Return
When last we left Dr. Beck, he was fleeing from unjust prosecution just because he kidnapped and faked the death of a teenager in order to rape her as part of an obsessed stalking spree. A simple misunderstanding, for sure, but for now he’s hiding out in Acapulco, Mexico under the name Dr. Victor Slauson and getting rejected by the visiting ladies his own age, as his lame pickup lines don’t work on them. Fate intervenes again and Dr. Beck is on the beach when an young girl almost drowns, and due to his doctor skills he is able to save her life. He also begins a new obsession, and we’re back on the Lifetime train!

Stalked By My Doctor was great lifetime fun that was full of twists and turns, punctuated by the amazing Eric Roberts bringing to life a character with obvious issues that becomes deadly obsessed with younger women. The fact that Roberts can make such a reprehensible character charismatic to the point where you feel sorry for him is a testament to the man’s acting chops and to the writing and directing from Doug Campbell.
Stalked by my Doctor The Return
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Stalked by My Doctor: Patient’s Revenge is a triple dose of Eric Roberts Lifetime awesomeness!

Stalked by my Doctor patient's revenge lifetime

The gross doctor who loves his patients just a little (okay, a lot!) too much is back again, and this time so is his original victim, Sophie Green! Yep, Eric Roberts returns in one of his most awesome, scenery chewing roles, and Brianna Chomer is back as well, now in goth form! Dr. Beck is now a college teacher and taking full advantage of how screwed up the sexual harassment problems are at our universities. This being Lifetime and the third entry in an amazing franchise, this will be full of the awesome stuff we’ve come to expect! Doug Campbell returns to write and direct. While we’ve been too busy to review the second film, we do have a look at the original Stalked by My Doctor, and be sure to check out Stalked by My Doctor: Patient’s Revenge on Lifetime, June 10th!

After a jury finds him not guilty of the kidnapping and attempted murder of a former patient, the mentally disturbed Dr. Albert Beck vows to rehabilitate himself. When he lands a teaching job at a prestigious Arizona medical school, he immediately develops a crush on a new student, Melissa, and struggles to keep his growing obsession from taking control of his life. Meanwhile, Dr. Beck’s former patient and victim, Sophie Green is still furious at losing her court case against him and decides to enroll in the medical school where he is teaching — so she can mete out her own form of personal justice. Eric Roberts, Anna Marie Dobbins, Rico Simonini, and Brianna Chomer star.

via Lifetime

Double Mommy quadruples down on Lifetime!

Double Mommy lifetime

I searched #18rapist on Twitter and it had no hits as of time of this posting, but…

A small while ago, Lifetime hit us with the hilariously titled Double Daddy, about a guy who knocked up two girls, one of which was troubled but also the character you started cheering for even when she became a murderer. In that spirit they are back with Double Mommy, but, no, it’s not about a girl who knocks up two other girls, it’s about a girl who is pregnant with twins, except they each have a different dad. Also one of the dads raped her! Wait, what??? Also the clear his name of being a rapist, he’s going to kill the pregnant girl? This is ridiculous, this is crazy, this is Lifetime!

After taking a break for the summer before their senior year, Ryan and Jess rekindle their relationship, and find out that Jess is pregnant with twins. When Ryan’s mother demands a paternity test, they find out that Ryan is only the father of one baby… The other father is Ryan’s best friend Bryce, who Ryan discovers date raped Jess at a party over the summer. With college recruiters and an overbearing father looming over Bryce’s head, he will stop at nothing to make sure that he clears his name–even if it means getting rid of Jess and her babies!

Double Mommy stars Morgan Obenreder (Mormon for a Month), Mark Grossman (Break-Up Nightmare), Griffin Freeman (Sugar Daddies), David Starzyk (Bring It On: Fight to the Finish), Bruce Boxleitner (Snakehead Terror) It’s written by veteran double drama writer Barbara Kymlicka (Double Daddy!) and directed by Doug Campbell (Stalked by My Doctor)

Double Mommy premieres Saturday, March 18th on Lifetime!

via Lifetime

Stalked By My Doctor (Review)

Stalked By My Doctor

Stalked by my Doctor Lifetime
Written and directed by Doug Campbell
Stalked by my Doctor Lifetime
The last Lifetime Original Movie of 2015 turned out to be one of the best! Stalked By My Doctor takes the standard creepy stalker narrative and gives us Eric Roberts as the stalk doc, and he knocks it out of the freaking park! Sometimes Roberts is wasted by directors who don’t know what to do with him, but the man loves to work and he is fantastic at playing unhinged characters, and delivers a performance to remember as Dr. Albert Beck. Dr. Beck is one of the most talented and famous heart surgeons in the world, but he can’t get women to give him a second date. Or even finish the first date, as he usually creeps them out by demanding marriage and them quitting their jobs so they can raise his kids in a foreign country. Dr. Beck doesn’t take rejection lightly, throwing fits of various degrees that usually result in damage to trash in alleyways, but occasionally cause huge scenes in restaurants where dozens of people witness him screaming at his latest date as she tries to escape.

The breakdown scenes with Dr. Beck unleashing his frustration as to why no one will love him are amazing. He’s convinced he’s a doctor, he’s a catch, he’s worthy of love, but is unable to see how he presents himself to the women, so he blames them for his struggles. He’s delusional, and the fantasies begin to creep into his reality, causing him to lose track of time. Despite this, he’s very good at keeping his cover of being an eminent heart surgeon and a respectable doctor. Things change when his latest obsession appears, brought into the ER one fateful night…
Stalked by my Doctor Lifetime
Sophie Green (Brianna Chomer is your typical high school senior, complete with a jock boyfriend, ethnic best friend, and admission to her number one college choice. But her idiot boyfriend, Ryan (Carson Boatman), has a hobby of texting while driving. This has already lead to a fender bender, and now it leads to a serious auto accident where both of them are ambulanced to the hospital. Ryan has a broken leg (and goodbye football scholarship!), while Sophie has a rip jamming her heart and needs surgery, fast. Dr. Beck is there to save the day, and to become enamored with Sophie. Bloody women with major medical problems are such a turn on for creepsters!
Stalked by my Doctor Lifetime
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