On the internet, there was small mention of it. First it showed up here. Then a blog showed up archiving even more of Ms. Pulido’s ramblings: Rosanna Pulido is a Freeper. Still, nothing. Finally, a local Chicago paper stumbled across the story after being emailed, and soon got to the bottom of it. Which involved speaking to us! And thus, TarsTarkas.NET was quoted by ChitownDailyNews in the Media Watchdog column written by “Lou Grant”
This lead to a thread on FreeRepublic.com ( http://freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2214476/posts ) where they quote the ChitownDailyNews article, and the quoted part includes TarsTarkas.NET, thus TarsTarkas.NET is now in Freep-land! Then the fun begins as the FreeRepublic posters begin to insult everyone, including TarsTarkas.NET!
So here comes the fun!
pissant is all about namecalling
La Lydia seems to not understand how public funding works (Soros is not the only person with money)
denydenydeny doesn’t know there is a difference between being an active participant in hate like chicagolady vs. being on a board with some guy who did bad things when you were in shortpants.
wac3rd is an amateur poet and amateur racist
Cletus D. Yokel is all about the lawyers
GOPJ’s houseguest story causes the next 15 posts or wo to argue about what is the best example
chicagolady then makes an appearance to try to smooth things over, claiming she was only posting bad things in 2003! Of course, any cursory glance at Rosanna Pulido is a Freeper will find all sorts of naughty posts written after 2003. The girl can’t tell the truth!
Here is a 2004 post where she calls Obama “Osama” How about a 2008 entry calling Mexicans the new KKK?
She has been posting regularly despite running for election. And she’ll still post there after she loses. Ain’t life sweet?
March 30, 2009 at 9:11 pmAwesome! Tars Tarkas, investigative journalist!
Tars Tarkas
March 31, 2009 at 10:01 amJust wait, one day this site will uncover a giant government scandal in between reviewing films with giant monsters or girls who dress like cats and beat people up!