The NeverEnding Story reboots, argues that isn't an ending…

Hollywood has gone “Let’s reboot everything!” and is now setting sights on The NeverEnding Story. The original series (based on a novel) ended up with three movies, but we are starting over. With a “modern twist”! Great. What will the twist be? Is the book now a DVD? The Internet? Will they try to make it all gritty? Is the twist that Bastian was dead the whole time? Twists suck, and this future CGI fest doesn’t sound like fun for me. But then I am a bitter old dude and not an 8 year old.

The NeverEnding Story continues in cinemas

If you’re a child of the ’80s, listen up: the classic kids’ film The NeverEnding Story is reportedly heading back to cinemas.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Warner Bros is planning a reboot of the movie with a “modern twist”. Leonardo DiCaprio’s production company Appian Way is also on board, as well as The Kennedy/Marshall Company (which produced flicks including The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and the Bourne trilogy).

Released in 1984, The NeverEnding Story tells the story of a young boy tasked with saving the fantasy land of Fantasia from a mysterious evil. The film is based on a German-language novel by Michael Ende.

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