Did IMDB just screw over smaller movie blogs?

[adrotate banner=”1″]I know, I know….”Again???” you ask? Well, this time your traffic is probably affected, so listen up. Like many bloggers, one of the things I do when I finish a review is add it to the External Reviews section of IMDB. Long ago, this was located on the left side column, but it got moved to the bottom of the page like a year or two ago during one of IMDB’s regular awful redesigns. That layout was awful because not only was the External Reviews link moved below, but most of the other links were as well. So finally, IMDB made a change, and moved all the links to the right column as Quick Links. And this is what it looks like:
IMDB quick links

Notice anything missing? That’s right, the External Reviews! Where are they? Well, you have to click that section marked Explore More. Then scroll down. And down. And down.
IMDB quick links

There it is! Yes, the External Reviews are behind an extra click! And a scroll way down. Combine that with the unfamiliar layout and this spells less visits to your site from IMDB click-throughs. Now, I get maybe 1% of my traffic from IMDB, and that percentage has dropped by 2/3rds at least in the past week since this change has been implemented. I don’t even want to think about what it has done to smaller blogs that get a lot of their traffic via IMDB referrals. Of course, it all makes sense to the IMDB, promoting their own User Reviews over things that will make you leave the site. Too bad 99% of those user reviews are terrible! I can’t even begin to count the number of cool sites I found only due to the External Reviews (and conversely, the number of awful awful movie blogs!), and it is the place I go to find out what people thought of random movie from years ago. I hope this doesn’t discourage people from still posting their own reviews to the IMDB External Review section, because you never now whn they will redesign the site all over again.

4 thoughts on “Did IMDB just screw over smaller movie blogs?

  1. This is kind of a shame. But I have to admit, I didn’t even know this external review thing was even in IMDB. Granted, I’ve only been doing my blog for a couple of months or so. If I may ask, how does one go about getting your review on there in the first place?

    • It’s rather easy, you sign up for a free IMDB account, then on the page for External Reviews, click the Edit Page button, then select Add 1 Item. Put your link and site name/author and click through until it says the update is submitted. The link will appear in a few days whenever the editor (or the automated bot!) approves the addition.

  2. I hate to say it, but I think you’ve gotten a bit mixed up. Look at the page again. The external reviews didn’t get hidden away in the past change or this one. They got moved front and foremost to help external sites. They’re now called ‘critics reviews’ and are right at the top next to the main info and rating. They’ve been there since the previous big update. I think that’s a much better position and name personally.

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