John Carter of Teaser Trailer

Yes, John Carter (formerly of Mars) is trailerized! We get our first look at John Carter, Dejah Thoris, Mars/Barsoom, Tharks, the airships, and glimpses of the Red Martians. Taylor Kitsch is John Carter and Lynn Collins is Dejah Thoris. The trailer is not overwhelming, but it doesn’t look terrible.

Here is some stills I ganked from io9 because the direct downloads on Apple’s page are not working atm. Click for huge!
John Carter Dejah Thoris
John Carter Tars Tarkas Thark
Dejah Thoris

Kuky Returns will be awesome

Yes, Kuky Returns, a film you have never heard of unless you follow news on cult movie sites that have suddenly taken an interest in it, will be awesome. A stop-motion-ish children’s film about a stuffed bear and his return to his child owner who was forced to lose the bear due to asthma. Thus, Kuky the bear gets involved in a magical adventure with all sorts of crazy stuff. I haven’t bothered to pay attention to Czech film much due me already having too many countries that I pay attention to. But I’ll pay attention to this film. And you should too.

English trailer:

Other trailers: