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Piranha Sharks

Piranha Sharks bite back with new trailer!

Upcoming flick Piranha Sharks has released a new trailer and a hauntingly familiar promo poster, as well as taking a few potshots at director Leigh Scott’s former employers, Asylum. The trailer is above and features Kevin Sorbo running around as the mayor while genetically modified piranha sharks infest the water supply. It looks like Jose Canseco took a break from sending sentence fragments as tweets to turn on his webcam and record a short segment as well.

PIRANHA SHARKS is a horror comedy that follows the disaster caused when a genetically engineered bio-weapons, mini-piranha/shark hybrids, are sold as children’s toys in big-box retailers and then unleashed upon Manhattan.

Starring Kevin Sorbo, Jose Canseco, Al Snow, Collin Galyean, Ramona Mallory, Josh Hammond, John Wells, Frederic Doss, Amy Blackman, Ashe Parker, Brandon Stacy, Benjamin Kanes, Barry Ratcliffe, Noel Thurman and Gina Marie Zimmerman.

Piranha Sharks will be released Friday via Vimeo, with a rental at $1.49 and $5.99 to buy. That’s pretty cheap, and if you are the kind of person who is into that kind of film (Hint: If you are on TarsTarkas.NET, you probably are!), now you got some cheap entertainment options!

Official site

Piranha Sharks

Piranha Sharks

Piranha Sharks teaser trailer!

Piranha Sharks, which we reported on a bit ago, has dropped a trailer where things look like a fun old time! Piranha Sharks (a bioweapon) are instead sold as novelty pets, but soon the novelty wears off and the chomping of bodies begins. Luckily there are some slackers to rise up to the occasion. Because that’s how it works now.

Great white sharks, bio-engineered to be the size of piranhas, are mass marketed and end up terrorizing the city of New York when they get into the water supply and do what great white sharks do best.

Piranha Sharks is directed by Leigh Scott and stars Collin Galyean, Josh Hammond, John Wells, and Noel Thurman. Its being released through Red Sea Media. Will Piranha Sharks make it to SyFy, with the network drastically cutting back it creature feature movies? It will remain to be seen, but I would start saving your pennies for buying Piranha Sharks on VOD.

Via Fans of SyFy Facebook Page

Piranha Sharks

Piranha Sharks

Piranha Sharks

Piranha Sharks swarm in 2014!

Operation post news articles about films that are on the production company websites I found while writing other articles continues with what might be the best score from Red Sea Media! Piranha Sharks! Directed by Leigh Scott! Yes, that guy who did all those Asylum films before he struck out on his own. Now he’s back with some Piranha Sharks, because tiny sharks are better than normal sharks. It’s a fact, Jack! Go look it up in the factionary! Piranha Sharks stars Collin Galyean, Josh Hammond, John Wells, and Noel Thurman, and is probably destined for SyFy if everyone is smart.

Great white sharks bio-engineered to be the size of piranhas with the purpose of living in rich peoples exotic aquariums, terrorize New York City when they get into the water supply and do what great white sharks do best.

What great white sharks do best is applied calculus, strangely enough. But I’m sure it will be exciting!

You can see an FX test at this link. Click it, you know you want to!

Via RedSeaMedia

Piranha Sharks

Invasion of the Pod People

Invasion of the Pod People

Story by Ron Magid and Jay Marks
Written by Leigh Scott
Directed by Justin Jones

Invasion of the Pod People
I seriously have to be scared of this root?

Invasion of the Pod People asks the question: “What if the Bodysnatcher movies made everyone lesbians?” Well, buckle up, because we got lesbians and plant duplicates out the yin-yang! Another mockbuster from The Asylum, and one of the last efforts by Leigh Scott as writer before he cut and run. Leigh Scott’s Asylum films Dragon and Transmorphers have been reviewed before, and feature a bunch of the cast also in Invasion of the Pod People. Director Justin Jones has done a lot of assistant director work (and possibly was basically the real director on a few of those flicks!)

Invasion of the Pod People
All the asteroids from all those movies have teamed up to destroy Earth once and for all!

Invasion of the Pod People was to be a mockbuster for The Invasion, a film so bad it got delayed for months, forcing Pod People to go it alone on the video store shelves. Some would say that was a blessing in disguise for Invasion of the Pod People

Invasion of the Pod People
The guy the pod people never bothered to replace!

Melissa (Erica Roby) – Our heroine, an up and coming talent agent who will spend part of the film depressed or uninterested in anything, and the other half freaking out because space plant people!
Samantha (Jessica Bork) – Boss of Melissa and Billie, under Vickland, who becomes a lot more close to her coworkers after getting podded. Jessica Bork was also in Dragon and Transmorphers, because she’s awesome like that.
Taylor Michaels (Shaley Scott) – Bitchy almost client model for Blackthorne who suddenly becomes a super nice lesbian after being podded.
Billie (Danae Nason) – Coworker of Melissa who manages to not get podded long enough to become a main character. I’m sure you will shocked to know she was in Transmorphers!
Detective Pete Alexander (Marat Glazer) – Detective who is one of the few people who figures out something creepy is going on. Marat Glazer played Veers in Transmorphers.
David Vickland (Michael Tower) – The head of Blackthorne Agency and a very intense dude. Michael Tower was in Transmorphers.
Space Ginger Root (Itself) – The alien invading plant is ginger root in a pot. Seriously. That’s the threat to America. Ginger root. I had some of this last night! I guess I’m doomed to become a lesbian pod person. Oh, well…
Invasion of the Pod People
I’m in an Asylum film!

Attack of the Public Domain Source Movies!

Since Harry Potter is winding down, Twilight has hit the last book as well, and recent franchise attempts have produced a string of failures (I’m looking at you, Percy Jackson & the Olympians!), Hollywood is instead looking to the public domain to find the next big thing! Just think about it: no one to pay author royalties to. A familiar brand. Other, classic films that you can leech off of. Little creative risk. More money from Satan. It’s a wonder we haven been flooded with 50 Snow White movies a year for the past two decades!

Let’s start with the biggest offender, the Wizard of Oz, who will be giving us an impressive 9 films (so far) in the next 2 years.

Oz, the Great and Powerful
This is a prequel of sorts from Disney, with James Franco signed on to play the Wizard in his pre-Oz days in a traveling circus and subsequent entrance to Oz. Sam Raimi is directing and Joe Roth (whose name will show up here a lot) is producing. Mila Kunis, Rachel Weisz, Michelle Williams, and Zach Braff also star.

The Witches of Oz
Leigh Scott (of Transmorphers fame!) directs this modern day version where famous children’s author Dorothy Gale finds out her books were based on repressed childhood memories. Sean Astin, Christopher Lloyd, Billy Boyd, and Lance Henriksen star, hopefully none of them play Dorothy! We’re in luck, because it’s this chick, Paulie Rojas
Preview here
The Witches of Oz

Tom and Jerry and the Wizard of Oz
An animated Direct-to-Blu-Ray film featuring the cat and mouse team getting their Oz on.

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
This is John Boorman’s CGI version that was supposed to come out a year ago.

Dark Oz
Based on the Calibre Comics series, where Dorothy returns to Oz to find Scarecrow, Tin Man and Cowardly Lion have all gone evil. Pearry Teo directs, the budget is $40 million, Marjorie Jean plays someone named Scraps, and they’ve promised to yank concepts from the 1939 film (like black and white vs color) and Return to Oz.

Surrender Dorothy
Drew Barrymore is fresh off the success of Whip It (ha!) to direct this sequel where Dorothy’s great-great-granddaughter uses the ruby slippers (not in the original book, btw) to fight the Wicked Witch, who is somehow not dead. Zach Helm writes.

Dorothy of Oz
Another animated film supposed to drop in 2012.

L. Frank Baum’s the Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Another damn adaptation of the original novel (there’s 40 Oz books to choose from, people!) directed by Clayton Spinney and written by Sean Gates. The CGI and live action mix reminds me of a low-budget fan film. I can’t get the preview video to play, so here are two creepy promo images:

Wicked is a book that is a reinterpretation of the Oz series that became a hit musical that has been in talks to become a film forever. But before that happens, we’ll get a tv miniseries based solely on the novel from Salma Hayek’s production company!

There are currently 3 Snow White films worming their way through production:

The Brothers Grimm: Snow White
Directed by Tarsem Singh (The Cell, the upcoming Immortals), this entry is a “dark twist on the classic fairy tale, in which Snow White and the seven dwarfs look to reclaim their destroyed kingdom. ” Featuring Julia Roberts as the Evil Queen and Lily Collins as Snow White. Nathan Lane is also in it, and dwarf names include: Half-Pint, Teach, Renbock, Grub, and Stench.

Snow White and the Huntsman
Universal has their own Snow White, and it has Kristen Stewart fresh off of birthing a vampire baby! Besides Stewart as Snow White, Chris Hemsworth is the Huntsman, and Charlize Theron is the Evil Queen. As for the dwarfs, it’s like a whole pack of awesome with Ian McShane, Eddie Izzard, Bob Hoskins, Toby Jones, Eddie Marsan, Stephen Graham, and Ray Winstone. Joe Roth produces this as well. The dwarf names are: Caesar, Claudius, Tiberius, Constantine, Nero, Trajan, and Hadrian. Rupert Sanders will direct (his debut)

Snow and the Seven
You’ll have to wait until 2013 for the long-awaited Disney’s Snow and the Seven, the Kung Fu version of Snow White where she goes to 1800s China for some reason and 7 warriors take the place of the dwarfs. Michael Arndt (Toy Story 3) is writing the newest draft, and the director attached is Francis Lawrence (I Am Legend)

Wash down your three Snow Whites with four Peter Pan films and one miniseries:

The.Never.Land has the dumbest name of the four films, and predictably they’re trying to make it a Twilight version of Peter Pan as Peter acts all creepy and Wendy sleepwalks her way through her role… John Swetnam wrote the script.

Untitled Peter Pan Project
This yet to be titled version is a “family adventure” from the producers of Wedding Crashers and some guy named Jeff Rake.

For some reason, Pan is the hottest commodity of them all, where Peter Pan and Captain Hook are brothers. Channing Tatum will play the most believable boy who never grew up you ever did see! Joe Roth makes his third appearance on this page as producer, and the writer Billy Ray.

This time Peter Pan is evil and kidnapping boys, and Captain Hook must stop him. Aaron Henry and Kirk Kjeldsen were the writers who realized there was little else to do but flip the script.

Yes, another Neverland, this one a SyFy prequel miniseries with Keira Knightley as Tinker Bell

And here are some one-shots:

Great Expectations
Mike Newell will be directing this straight adaptation, with Jeremy Irvine and Helena Bonham Carter in negotiations. Producers are Stephen Woolley and Elizabeth Karlsen.

Mr. Pip
Sort of related is the adaptation of the novel Mr. Pip by Lloyd Jones. The novel’s plot involves reading Great Expectations and mirrors part of the story. Hugh Laurie stars and Andrew Adamson (director of Shrek 1&2 and Chronicles of Narnia 1&2) directs.

Dark Little Mermaid
This “dark” Little Mermaid version is also based on Mermaid: A Twist on the Classic Tale by Carolyn Turgeon, where there is a love triangle or something. Expect this to get Twilighted the frak up like that Red Riding Hood movie did. Shana Feste will write and direct, and Tobey Maguire and Jenno Topping produce.

Chrome Angels

Chrome Angels trailer

A Leigh Scott film, yes the director of Transmorphers, Dragon, and countless other Asylum productions has fled that company and is now making the kinds of films he wants. These include biker chicks and rednecks vs. robots lead by a madman Paul Le Mat. Luckily, Stacey Dash’s biker gang is adept at kicking robot butt. And Stacey Dash is hot, so we got that going on as well.

Starring Stacey Dash, Paul Le Mat, Richard Lynch

Chrome Angels Trailer from Leigh Scott on Vimeo.