Cleopatra Wong is back

Because you can’t keep a good Cleopatra down. At the Paris Cinéma Festival in France, Doris Young (who is recieving an honorary award) announced that Cleopatra Wong is going to get revamped, with movies, tv shows, games, all that jazz. Doris Young Siew Keen was going by the stage name Marrie Lee when she starred as Interpol agent Cleopatra Wong in 1978’s They Call Her…Cleopatra Wong. She reprised the role in two sequels (Dynamite Johnson – which was also a sequel to Bionic Boy – and The Devil’s Three) Cult film legend Bobby A. Suarez directed the original installment. Hopefully this results in Cleopatra Wong showing up again in at least one new media.

filmbiz via HKMDB
Cleopatra Wong