September Morn is the 9-11 Truther film your tin foil hat asked for!

September Morn

From the Loose Change Dept.

If you are one of those people who questions how steel could possibly melt because it’s mad of metal and see massive conspiracies in the marshmallows of Lucky Charms, then September Morn is the film for you! As the official press says:

We the people demand that the government revisit and initiates a thorough and independent investigation to the tragic events of 911. In the vein of “Twelve Angry Men” this dramatic piece is set with a stellar and award winning cast.

I’ve never seen a drama that made demands before it was even made, but here you go.

The attached stars to September Morn so far are Woody Harrelson, Martin Sheen, Judd Nelson, Esai Morales, Daniel Sunjata, Ed Asner, John Heard, Valerie Harper, Michelle Phillips, Nick Mancuso, and Dick Gregory. Which one of them is going to uncover the conspiracy, I don’t know. I’m putting my money on Valerie Harper. BJ Davis directs and Howard Cohen is writing the script. If BJ Davis sounds familiar, perhaps you remember a little movie called Laser Mission???

September Morn missed out on naming itself 9-11 Angry Men. It also missed out on getting Matt Damon and becoming September Bourne. At least they can still do a Star Trek crossover. Remember, Sisko did 9-11.

via Guardian

Morn DS9

I did 9-11. I did ALLLLL the 9-11s!