Amateur Porn Star Killer 3: The Final Chapter

This isn’t really my cup of tea, but they bothered to send me press releases and I usually don’t get those, plus it is free articles for the blog. If you think you might be interested in this type of stuff, head on over and check it out! I linked to the links Alter Ego Cinema gave me.

While they may not be gore galore, check out some new images from “Amateur Porn Star Killer 3D Inside the Head”, featuring, get this, blood! The parody on the APSK trilogy is offering something the entire trilogy did not. Not only is the trilogy known for being the cheapest 3 films ever made in history to receive distribution, but it’s also known for being the only horror trilogy to feature not one drop of blood, which many critics claimed actually made the films that much more disturbing and realistic. The parody of the trilogy, however, in fact makes fun of the no blood concept the dark and disturbing APSK films took seriously, by adding pointless blood scenes and violence, not to mention girls with guns, daggers and swords, opposed to female victims of the trilogy.

Release Date Changed

The release date for “Amateur Porn Star Killer 3: The Final Chapter” has been changed from December 9 to January 13, 2009. The last installment of the APSK hit series is available for pre-order, with posters, pictures, trailers and more over at the official page:

The series stars real-life porn star Regan Reese ( this time around (not an “amateur”), and director Shane Ryan confirms this is definitely the last, as far as the serious mockumentary goes. The APSK films already have a parody due out early next year, and Ryan says there are possible plans to make a film about the lead serial killer character, “Brandon”, in a more traditional narrative form. “But I’m glad to be done with the actual trilogy”, admits Ryan, who was never even a big fan of the horror genre to begin with.

For info on the upcoming parody and how to get an “executive producer” credit check out:

Chain Letter Trailer

If you don’t forward your Chain Letters, this dude will kill you! Except the movie looks terrible. Watch the trailer and judge for yourself why it vanished from the 2008 releasing calender.

New Review – Lethal Angels

New Review is up, Lethal Angels, another Hong Kong Girls with Guns entry, except this one is modern and pretty bad. Pretty much a failure in all counts, much like much of Hong Kong cinema at this time! Irony of ironies. Complete with two clips of girls doing ridiculous stunts you have to see to disbelieve. Read it today!

kung fu cyborg

Cast announced for Chinese film Robot (Chinese Transformers)

kung fu cyborg

Kaiju Shakedown has the goods on the cast for the Chinese giant robot movie Robot, which we reported on when it was first announced.

“Jeff Lau says that ROBOT succeeds the slapstick comedy and narrative style he employed in A CHINESE ODYSSEY, but the major difference being various factors change with times. ROBOT is set against science-fiction backdrop, and robots in the film will not be restricted to just one or two. While the film will carry comical elements, romantic elements, and Jeff Lau elements, it will be very different from his earlier works, giving the audience an exciting novelty.”

The cast includes star Hu Jun, Wu Jing, Sun Li, Eric Tsang, Alex Fong and Ronald Cheng

The story tells the tale of a heroic cop who gets turned into a Robocop-like cyborg transformer and is then sent to live in an isolated village in order to get used to human emotions. The robot falls in love with a girl (Sun Li) and tries to reprogram himself to be more human, but his creators find out and send four killer robots after him. The flick’s budgeted at about US$10 million, has gigantic action scenes with Wu Jing (playing a bad robot who turns good) and, well, I’ll give Ronald Cheng the last word on the matter:

“I’m not a robot, but a robot wannabe, so I make myself very odd, even wearing a commode.”

Hmmm…as Jeff Lau says, “The audience won’t even recognise Ronald Cheng when they first see him.” I’ll bet.

Shaping up to be another weird film, but it can’t be worse than Transformers. But will it be better than Transmorphers? Only time will tell!