Wingnut Web – Resisting Makes One Crazy Edition

It looks like those fine posters at have started to lose their marbles! Despite the crazed racism and insanity of the previous Wingnut Web, they have continued to stick around and get even more insane! By the end of next month they will probably be living in buried school buses. I’d feel sorry for them, but they are a bunch of racist douchebags, so screw them!

Let’s start out with an insane rant by one of our newest favorite people in the world, RC. This is my new favorite post in the history of the internet:

My favorite magazine is Reader’s Predigest. But it got too racest because of handouts.

Only three reasons why anyone would go to Pakinstan! BTW, do you think it would blow Sybil A. Sullins’s tiny mind if she knew the CIA trained bin Laden when he was our ally?

Peggy Gilliam knows if she rattles trees she will get buried in ACORNS

Peggy Gilliam has also had things taken from her internet!

Ben Franklin was the greatest president ever, better than Hamilton

RC returns to give Obama another nickname he created while banging his head on the keyboard:

The Media spends all day protecting us from the truth of Islam Hitler worship

Defend yourself from economic collapse by collecting pennies!

If Hitler’s ghost is in Obama, won’t the Middle Eastern guys all have to change the pictures hanging in their rooms?

Black people are the real racists!

That darn Democratic Governor of Hawaii (who is really a Republican!) Also, 6%?

Trust Marianna to end us with something so racist the very fact they aren’t riding her off condemns this site to sit in the cesspools of crap forever:

That’s enough for now, I shall make sure to kiss my wife (of a different race) just to piss Marianna off. Tune in next time for Wingnut Web, because the hate just won’t stop!


One of my goat-troopers captured in Nigeria

Some of you may have noticed the news reported (laughingly) that Nigerian authorities declared a suspect transformed into a goat. What they don’t suspect is that this actually happened! I have engineered several goat-troopers over the years to infiltrate areas and just cause general mayhem when I was bored. But Dr. Mobusu is a kind creator, and I let my creations choose freedom if they so desire after their first two year term of service. One such creation, a goat-trooper named Martin, choose to leave for greener pastures, ending up in Nigeria doing unlawful things. I take no responsibility for his actions, as I keep my creations well cared for. Eventually, Martin was captured by the local authorities. He will now probably be eaten, and I would suggest slow roasting him because that makes the meat the most tender. MuHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Newspaper claims suspect transformed into a goat
Fri Jan 23, 6:07 pm ET

LAGOS, Nigeria – One of Nigeria’s biggest daily newspapers reported that police implicated a goat in an attempted automobile theft. In a front-page article on Friday, the Vanguard newspaper said that two men tried to steal a Mazda car two days earlier in Kwara State, with one suspect transforming himself into a goat as vigilantes cornered him.

The paper quoted police spokesman Tunde Mohammed as saying that while one suspect escaped, the other transformed into a goat as he was about to be apprehended.

The newspaper reported that police paraded the goat before journalists, and published a picture of the animal.

Police in the state couldn’t immediately be reached for comment.

Belief in black magic is widespread in Nigeria, particularly in far-flung rural areas.

Erotic Ghost Story

Erotic Ghost Story (Review)

Erotic Ghost Story

aka Liao zhai yan tan

Directed by Ngai Kai Lam
Written by Chang Kwan

Erotic Ghost Story is a classic Hong Kong Cat III film, it is the second most popular with only Sex and Zen being a greater influence to Cat III erotic films. Part of what made Sex and Zen so classic was previewed here, including one of the stars.

The film has its origins as a tale from Liaozhai Zhiyi aka Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio aka Strange Tales of Liaozhai, written by Pu Songling (1640-1715) during the early Qing Dynasty. This is a collection of 431 stories written in classical Chinese (not the usual form for the time.) The earliest existing printed version dates to 1766, but it may have been published earlier. Pu Songling was a former scholar himself, which may explain why a scholar becomes the central figure of some many of his tales. Stories from Liao zhai Zhiyi have inspired countless Chinese films and television shows. Painted Skin, Tsui Hark’s A Chinese Ghost Story, and several TV shows with fox spirits. You can read many of the translated tales here. Many stories are short, as what was important was the emotional response, not the details.

The three main characters are fox spirits who are trying to become human. This can be accomplished by meditation and prayer, but takes hundreds of years. If they deviate from their path, they will revert back into animals.

Erotic Ghost Story‘s Chinese title is Liao zhai yan tan, which betrays its origin as coming from the Liao Zhai stories. It is a highly eroticized version of the tales, and many other movies and shows reference the work by having Liao zhai or liu chai or liu jai in their Chinese titles. The Witches of Eastwick is largely listed as another inspiration of Erotic Ghost Story, and it got another lucky strike as A Chinese Ghost Story was released the same year. A Chinese Ghost Story had made ghost lover stories incredibly popular. Add that to the fact that Erotic Ghost Story is very well made despite its role as an exploitation film, and you have a recipe for success that made Erotic Ghost Story a classic film that has several sequels and imitators. Maybe we will get to a few of them someday.

Another important factor in the success of Erotic Ghost Story was the presence of Amy Yip Ji-Mei. Amy Yip (aka The Yipster) was at one point the most popular sex symbol in Hong Kong cinema, and pretty much any book you read on Hong Kong cinema written from the mid-1980s to the late 1990s will have at least one chapter dedicated to her. Some authors were disturbingly obsessed with her, but creepy movie books is a subject for another article. She was propelled to stardom with this film, and to super-stardom after Sex and Zen. Amy Yip’s claim to fame was her gigantic rack, and her ability to keep from showing the essential elements of said rack. This was called her “Yip tease”. She revealed things only once, in Sex and Zen, and this was rumored to be because one of the producers was a triad gangster who threatened her. Like most Chinese actresses, she retired and dropped off the face of the Earth after a few years. So let’s meet her and the rest of the cast:

Hua-Hua (Amy Yip Ji-Mei) – Her name is Hua-Hua in subtitles, but Fa-Fa is what is spoken in the Cantonese version. I will be using the subtitle names for everyone, which I believe is derived from the Mandarin names. Oh, well. Played by Amy Yip, Hua-Hua is the middle sister, and her color of choice is purple.
Pai So-So (Man Siu) – So-So is the average one. Okay, now we go the obvious joke out of the way, let’s then reveal that So-So is the oldest sister. She helps guide her two younger sisters in their quest to evolve from fox spirits to human beings. At age 50, foxes can choose to become human or spirits. I bet you didn’t know that. Well, Chinese mythology knows it, so you better buy the Cliff Notes! Her color of choice is pink.
Fei-Fei (Kudo Hitomi) – The youngest of the three sisters and the most easily given to temptation. Sister number three is also the most exposed of the three. Kudo Hitomi seemed to vanish after this role, but I suspect she was a Japanese AV star that I just can’t find any information on because everything focuses on newer actresses. Her color of choice is Lime Green.
Scholar Wu Ming (Tan Lap-Man) – A shy scholar who is also a ladies man and lothario. He gets chased by bandits at one point, and has a terrible, terrible secret….
Wutung (Tan Lap-Man) – This demon is the true form of Wu Ming. Let that be a less to you: All scholars are secretly demonic monsters. The next time you see a scholar beat him upside the head with his books. Wutung is the God of Carnal Desire. He has no clan as far as I know.
Hsuan Kuei (Lam Chung) – A taoist priest who recognize the girls for what they are, and helps them defeat wutung. Lam Chung usually plays sleazy characters in films, so this turn as a Taoist priest is a departure. He will fill the role of Lam Ching Ying for this film.

Predator to be rebooted!

NOOOOO!!! It looks like they are going to reboot Predator, a franchise that doesn’t need rebooting because you can just set up the Predator hunting just about anyone. They at least have Robert Rodriguez producing it, who is hot off of not getting any of his projects approved (Red Sonja, Sin City 2) because he keeps trying to put his girlfriend Rose McGowan in the lead roles. Hopefully she doesn’t show up as a commando, but you never know. How many governors will we get out of this new movie?
Bloodydisgusting has the news:

“In the reboot a team of commandoes face down a mysterious race of vicious monsters.

Dragonball Z will have fistcams!

This movie will be terrible! If you want any more proof (other than these pictures or the trailer) then check out this interview where the director talks about how they have fistcams for Goku!


VFX supervisor Velasco Shaw employed what Wong calls “fist-cams” – from the noted company Iconix – that are so small they could be attached to an actor’s fist, allowing a character’s punch to come right into the audience. “It’s a kind of ‘fist POV’,” Wong elaborates. McLachlan contributed the suggestion of using new high-speed digital Phantom cameras to create super-slow motion for key action sequences. “We did a lot of research and development with the Phantom cameras,” says McLachlan, who had discovered the-then experimental photography on YouTube. In the YouTube video, a balloon filled with water was popped, with the “action” caught at 1000 frames per second. McLachlan and Wong were impressed with the results. “The most spectacular thing about it was that the water retained the shape of the balloon before it fell,” Wong remembers.

Here are some bonus pictures of Jamie Chung, who plays Chi Chi: