Dragonquest from Asylum hits trailer

Dragon Quest

The Asylum has put up the trailer for Dragonquest. It doesn’t look like a mockbuster, but might be coincidentally titled to cash in on the Dragonball Z film.

When an ancient warlord summons a mythological beast, a young hero must complete a series of quests to awaken the dragon that will defeat the monster.

Info page with trailer

The Asylum is also remaking The Land That Time Forgot, based on the Edgar Rice Burroughs novel. Directed by C. Thomas Howell.

Thanks to Avery for the reminder!

Repo Chick coming soon

Alex Cox has shot a sequel to Repo Man called Repo Chick that no information is available on the internet. So, yeah. Expect the next sequel, Repo Baby, to come out in 2025.
Alex Cox’s blog

The REPO CHICK shoot is done. We wrapped half a day behind – actually half a day ahead, since, having lost a day due to our robbery we made up half a day. We never managed a 13-page day, but there were at least a couple of eleven pagers.

Repo Chick

Edison Chen plays a sex pervert in Coweb!

Edison Chen, he of the sex scandal, reportedly shot a five-minute cameo in the upcoming girl fighter flick Coweb, where he plays a sex pervert! The scene was shot before he was involved in the scandal, and it is unknown if he will be cut out. This is the perfect thing to guarantee them a good box office weekend, so they should totally keep Edison in. Coweb comes out May 1st. Edison Chen’s part in the film Sniper was rumored to be reshot with another actor, but he has ended up in the final cut.

source – sina via HKMDB news

The Phantom miniseries from SciFi Channel (SyFy)

The Phantom (seen here and here in Turkish form) is getting a miniseries on SciFi Channel. All we know at this time is it will be produced by entertainment company RHI, who is also producing Riverworld and Alice3 in Wonderland miniseries for SciFi Channel (I am sure that Alice in Wonderland miniseries isn’t meant to cash in on Burton’s version…) No word on on the Phantom series will show the Phantom’s love for spanking!

Scifi Pulse

Karen Mok for no reason

Reasons are for losers
Karen Mok
Karen Mok
Karen Mok
Karen Mok
Karen Mok